Scared! Advice please!

Over the last few weeks I've been monitoring my intake and gradually losing some weight. I've never been bothered by my size until a doctor pointed out that actually, it is pretty unhealthy. I've never said no to seconds and never said yes to exercise unless it's been forced upon me and I can't avoid it.
I have impulsively contacted a local sports group that does classes and I'm immediately struck with 'the fear!' The fear that I'm not good enough, fit enough, worthy enough to even contact them. Let alone walk through the door and join a class. What if I pass out because my body isn't used to it?! How do I get over my crippling self esteem, I can't go out for runs in the evening in case someone sees me. Logical me says no one cares, but she's got a tiny tiny voice and I'm worrying now that I've signed up for something I won't be any good at!!
Anyone else ever feel like this??


  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,270 Member
    Arrive early and talk to the instructor. Let him or her know about your anxiety. If that person is worth anything as an instructor, you'll get the reassurance you need. I've NEVER been in a class where people are humiliated. And for the few classes I did take, people often said, "We were all the new person once." ;)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    So...don't start there.

    Start with walking. Increase your speed and duration. Try some solo activities like swimming. Do a little jogging with C25K.

    I am a former athlete, but when I started exercising again after a long illness, I did not jump in whole hog and try to join an intensive class. It took me about a year to build up to being able to do that. I'm another one who has never seen anybody humiliated in a class--it is unlikely to happen when you do, eventually, try one.

    Stop setting yourself up to fail.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I remember feeling the same way about signing up for an adult swiming for fitness class several years ago. Add on top of the "I'm-not-good-enough" anxiety, I worked myself up pretty well with the "people-will-judge-my-body-in-a-swimsuit" anxiety, too.

    But, I went, and (as @girlswithcurls2 suggets above) made a point of going early with a very loose fitting swim coverup thingy on over my swimsuit to talk to the instructor. She was very encouraging, and said something to the effect of "hey, we're all here because we've got some work to do, right? You'll fit right in!"

    I was never the fastest or the best one in the group, but I wasn't always the slowest or the worst one, either. My classmates were all very encouraging, and I was SO glad I didn't let my own body image and head games keep me from participating--because ultimately that class got me back in the water and focusing on my own goals and progress rather than on what other people might think of me.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Honestly, no one cares...
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    OP - excited for you to try the class. And most instructors offer information on what you can do to make particular things more or less intense so you can probably work your way up to awesome! And remember that many of the other people in the room, even the ones that look thin or really fit, have the same insecurities that you do. *Hugs* Go kick some *kitten*!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Honestly, no one cares...

    As long as you stand in the back and do not interfere with the people who are in shape and serious about the class.
  • EmmaMcwhinnie
    EmmaMcwhinnie Posts: 52 Member
    Honestly, no one cares...

    As long as you stand in the back and do not interfere with the people who are in shape and serious about the class.

    I can do that no problem! :) it's a beginners class so presumably there won't be any super fit people there, fingers crossed
  • EmmaMcwhinnie
    EmmaMcwhinnie Posts: 52 Member
    Tonight's the night! Feeling pretty nervous still but walking there, not turning around now! Fingers crossed I don't die!
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    I am so glad for you!
  • Charis50
    Charis50 Posts: 181 Member
    Well done, Emma! Keep us posted on how it goes!
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    UPDATE - it was great!! I did feel like I was gonna throw up/pass out/fall over at various points but I worked hard and completed the whole session :)
    Thank you to everyone for encouraging me :)

    Outstanding! That feeling that you were gonna throw up or pass out is a good thing. It means you were pushing yourself and that is how you get better. Way to go!