What's YOUR weakness when it comes to the opposite gender?



  • meghanelise8
    meghanelise8 Posts: 65 Member
    Long hair always gets me.
  • LBgetsfit
    LBgetsfit Posts: 769 Member
    Eyes. Smile. Facial hair doesn't hurt either. But overall the "vibe".
  • Sfurze76
    Sfurze76 Posts: 7 Member
  • JimmyJay01
    JimmyJay01 Posts: 4 Member
    Freakles hair down to shoulder blades and a super awkward personality get me
  • ridebikes_drinkbeer
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My weaknesses. Well, if they successfully knee me in the groin, that's one. A strong spear hand to the solar plexus works as well.
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    Squat booty :-)
  • kwph
    kwph Posts: 7,375 Member
    Oh boy ..eyes,smile ...I'm just weak in general
  • AnnyisOK
    AnnyisOK Posts: 121 Member
    Great smile and dimples. Personality wise - a sense of humor.
  • 2_FitNFab
    2_FitNFab Posts: 163 Member
    Shirt on- Pretty teeth, nice smile :)
    Shirt off- Chest & Man V.. :* drools
  • Mayhew85
    Mayhew85 Posts: 77 Member
    Great personality, good banter and a nice smile is top
    And a good booty is a bonus
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Abs.. that tells me that they can at least count to 5..
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Physically. Tall. Beard. Tattoos. Thighs.
    Personality. Makes me laugh. Great work ethic. Doesn't take life too seriously.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    edited November 2016
    penis B)

    @MereBear stole my thunder...I was going to say the vagina!

    I remember sitting parked on a busy street in NYC with one of my coworkers, and just hangin' and watchin' the girls go by. He said to me, "I'm trying to pick up on what you like, what you comment on, when you look at a woman...Are you a leg man?"
    "Are you an *kitten* man?
    "A breast man??"
    "Well then...what??"
    "I'm a vagina man."

    But seriously folks...I tend to look at the whole package. First of all, everyone brings something to the table. So when a woman has made the effort to get her hair just right, her make-up done well, and her outfit coordinated and hung on her body well, so it accentuates her curves well, it's always a turn on. 99 out of 100 women I look at, I'm not even really looking at her body, per se, but the whole picture...the way her hair frames her face, the way her make up sets off her eyes or lips, the way her top hugs the curve of her breast, or the way her skirt swirls when she walks, the click of her heels...

    The vagina is the present under the wrapping...
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    I think the Viking was trying to suggest that attraction is more than the sum of individual parts... I agree... after being a girl watcher for many decades... I ask myself this question: "What is it about a woman that would make me stop turn and talk to her? the answer... the attention she pays to her details...everyday I see beautiful women, so what... big deal... the extraordinary ones, are those that present themselves with care and attention, it's more than make up, it's more than clothes, shoes, bone structure, boobs, butt... hips, hair...

    it's the Starbucks Barista not because of her physical beauty, it's her single lock of hair that she always needs to sweep aside as she rushes to help customer after customer and knowing that, that lock of hair is there because that morning she did her hair up in the pony or the braid, then pulled it out and smiled into the mirror... and whispered... perfect but not too perfect.. and because she wears those awful platform sketchers that are supposed to tone your butt. but because they are functional and she is practical.

    so for me... what makes me weak? everything wrapped around practicality.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I do have a things for redheads
  • musclesandmusic866
    musclesandmusic866 Posts: 1,396 Member
    Muscular Legs in a short skirt with heels
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