SAHM 7/1-7/31



  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Nicole - I'm still mourning yesterday's loss at penalties - what *is* it with England and the penalties?? Both men and women just can't seem to hold their nerve. Honestly though the French played way better and deserved to win. Humph.

    Barb - good luck with your 2 new challenges. I'm so glad you enjoyed your holiday weekend and your ILs left you alone for once, it makes a big difference and you really needed that break!

    I think I need some focus, I'm really struggling now my loss is so slow. I was thinking if I lose just 1 lb this week I will be on to my final goal to lose another 7lbs to take me to my original target. Hate to say it, but I increasingly think I probably need to lose another 10 lbs after that and its just a bit diheartening as I've been working hard for so long and still feel I have so far to go. Just sometimes I lose track of how far I've come, y'know??
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!
    I am getting the feeling that I can only commit to posting once a week this summer--I am just getting too caught up throughout the week and then I get disappointed that I haven't checked in so then I don't log or post at all.....This way I think it will help me to log my food and exercise at least.
    Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Last week was an on-the-go week for me as we moved into our new building at work (I work about 25 hours/week at my church) so we are still in limbo. I tried to make healthy on-the-go choices, but that is a challenge. Felt super run down this weekend (probably from stress of moving) so didn't eat much at all. If I lose this week, I won't count it as a loss because it is probably not going to stay.
    Shoppie--I understand how you feel. You have come such a long way, you can do anything you set your mind to! Keep it up and you will eventually see the exact results you work hard for!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Shoppie-You are doing really, really well! I do know what you mean about forgetting how far you've come because I do that too. I'm currently sitting at the weight I was at when DD was conceived (I gained 40 lbs that pregnancy and 60 for DS!!), but I was dieting then too. LOL! Somedays are better than others, but I read somewhere online a couple of days ago that one should make fitness goals for themselves as well to help take the focus off of the weight loss part. Perhaps you could try that? Also, it is a shame for the English women!! I thought we were out too and turned off the match. I even told DH we had been eliminated and then saw the news later. I was shocked! It's a shame we aren't playing eachother tomorrow. :)

    KC-Summertime is busy. I'm sure we'll all be back here come November. :)

    I'm finding it difficult to log everyday, so I'm just doing it as I can and trying not to feel too stressed out about it. We've joined a local meetup group so we get together at a park with them on Fridays, and then I joined a walking group of Moms who meet on Tuesdays. I'd like to get my bike to the bike path to ride with the kids, but I don't have a rack for the car so I'll have to wait on that. We had to put our a/c in yesterday so I may do some BFBM in a bit.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Awesome, why am I just finding this NOW? Anyway - I've been using the site for just under a year now. I have a gym membership (with daycare) and I think I go to the gym just for a break. lol. My profile 'about me' on here is pretty detailed, just a few months out dated I suppose. After I had my 3rd daughter I lost a bunch of weight and then just kind of SAT at 150, sometimes 155 sometimes 149.. 160 the week we spent at Disney... but I can't really seem to break the 150 mark. The lowest I've gotten was 147 and then right back to where I am now. I've changed my diet a hundred times, a hundred different ways, changed my workouts, increased/decreased.. I've played with the numbers so much so that I have exhausted every combination. Last week I went upstairs in the gym to the wellness center and met with a doctor. I explained my frustration and that I'm just looking to break my plateau and lose the last of this weight. Which is mostly in my lower stomach and inner thighs. I started the HCG Diet on Saturday. So far, so good. I wasn't crazy about injecting myself - but I did LOADS of research and ultimately decided I could give it a shot and try it out. Its only 23 days and I've done everything else humanly possible. I figured it was a better alternative to surgery. So that's where I am with the whole weight loss. As for the kids, I have 3 girls. 4yrs, 3yrs and 1yr. I stay home with all of them and they will be homeschooled. I live in South Florida. Look forward to getting to knmow the rest of you!!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome Jayde! Funny you mention that you get a break when you go to the gym. I was just talking to a mom that is super fit (and just had twin girls 6 months ago) and she said the same thing. The gym is her time to unwind and refuel.

    I have sone so well the past few days and I checked my weight today and I finally got two of my four vacation pounds off. LOL, it took me long enough to get back in gear but, I finally feel focused again. Yippee!!

    Nicole - That's what I was doing and then I just stopped logging all together for a while, just be sure to stick to it when you can. Maybe if it's a day that you can't log everything you can at least put in a guess on your daily calories. BTW, I love meetup, they have some great groups. Sounds like you are doing a great job staying active!!

    KC - Hope things get settled at work soon, moving at home or work is always a lot of work.

    Shoppie - You are doing an awesome job with your weight loss!! You should be so proud of how far you've come in such a short time. Love seeing your loss, it motivates me!!

    Off to pick up the yard and then off to weed the garden. Don't normally count gardening as exercise but I have been sweating up a storm out there and I feel exhausted when I'm done. Lots of weeds and lots of shovel and hoe action so I'm gonna count it this week. Have a great day!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks for the motivation boost guys :drinker:

    Amy - huge well done for getting back on track post hols - that took me nearly a month! :grumble: I totally count gardening as exercise sometimes - we have 140 foot garden so sometimes I work my butt off out there!

    Jayde - welcome! Isn't HCG a pregnancy hormone? Or is it something else :blushing: I'm 5'9 and there is no way on God's green earth I could EVER get down to 125. I can sort of conecpualise 140, maybe even 133 but honestly I think I'd have to chop off a leg to get any lower :laugh: You've done an amazing job to get back in such good shape with a 1 year old, :drinker:

    I had a fab NSV today that really made me feel amazing. I've been struggling (still!!!) to complete Jillian Michael's banish fat boost metabolism without stopping anywhere at all. I ordered 30DS as I'm doing a challenge on another thread of 30 day slimdown which is basically a variety of JM's workouts. Today was meant to be level 1 of 30 DS and honestly, it was so easy I did it straight twice. That made me feel AWESOME! :bigsmile: Now I just need to break this current weight plateau :angry:
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Wowwie, where have I been lol. I've been on MFP to log and all, but haven't been by my posts to check in, shame on me :blushing: lol.

    Welcome all newcomers!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sounds like everyone has been keeping pretty busy this summer!

    Ok, well, the newest thing with me, today did A LOT of walking. My friend and I and our kids, walked the river walk this morning, then we split for lunch, then met back up at the zoo and walked around for about 2 1/2 hours, and boy am I tired!!! Um, I know the last time I wrote I had said I was doing 2 challenges, but looking back, I'm up to 4, and by the looks of it, one of my challenges, I'm not going to make my goal :grumble: I was hoping to lose 10 lbs and we're already 1/2 way over with the month, and I think I've only lost 1 lb, grr! :mad: Um, let's see what else......last weekend, we went to a Monster truck show and that was fun, it was my 7 year old's first time seeing some really BIG trucks. I can't wait til the end of the month, I will have my ab circle pro out of law mom has one and I love it!!! Other than that, just been trying to eat better, drink more water, be less stressed, and keep on exercising.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I got to say sometimes I really hate my brain. I read all the posts since the last time I posted BUT I have completely forgotten who I wanted to respond to. :tongue: So I apologize if it was your post and I don't respond to it. :flowerforyou:

    Barb~I know it has been a long time since you posted this but I am glad that the inlaws left you guys alone to have a good holiday.

    Shoppie~Way to go on the NSV! Those always feel good don't they. Keep your chin up you are doing a good job!

    Amy~Way to go on the 2 lbs and being able to get back into it!

    Welcome Jayde!

    Nicole~How about just going for a bike ride around town? Is that possible? For me it would never happen if I had to go somewhere to bike. :laugh:

    So it has been a while since I last posted and I have a few things I want to tell you ladies. First last weekend my cousin was having a baby shower and since she is one of my two best cousins in the family I had to go. Well as I was there one of the other cousins commented on me looking good. Well then my best cousin later says to me "Katie you look really good. You look like you have lost some weight." What went through my mind is SWEET!!!! It had been a while since I had seen any of them so it felt awesome to have someone that has not seen me in a while notice and say something. Second although I had gained 10 lbs I have now lost 5 of those 10 gained. YAY!!! I guess all my hard work is paying off. I have been getting in at least 3-4 days of exercise plus doing heavy yard work. We rented one of those huge dumpsters to clean up our yard and get rid of some crap trees. They are Chinese elms. Which are no fun they have thorns on them and with children are no fun at all. On the plus side of all of it my yard is looking so good now and we got such a good deal on it that we are going to be able to get all of the stuff that we want to hauled off and out of our yard. Well got to go I am going to go visit with a friend. "Chat" later!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I was weighing in on Friday's but my challenges want me to weigh in on Sunday/Monday, so I weigh in on Sunday and this week I gained, 1.6 lbs :grumble: But I'm tellin myself it was muscle gained, not weight. :wink: :laugh:

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! Mine was great, 2 weekends in a row where the inlaws did not bug us (FINALLY!!!)

    I'm loving my Ab circle, definitely feelin the burn in those abs! :smile:
  • zanmarie
    zanmarie Posts: 61 Member
    Hi! I'm a SAHM mom of two. I don't get on the boards much (since I mostly use the iPod app), but I'd love to have more motivated buddies. I'd like to lose about 30-40 pounds - and if/when that happens, I'll re-evaluate!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Shoppie-WTG! I feel like BFBM may be her most difficult workout. LOL!

    Katie-That's awesome!! I love it when hard work is noticed!

    Barb-I bet it is muscle. Glad you're enjoying the ab circle!


    I'm holding steady at my current weight, but I have only been walking for exercise. Our a/c will be on all week so I'm planning to do my BFBM video before lunch today. We're going walking on the bike path this morning. I have about two months until we go to visit DH's family in England and i don't want to be wedged into the airplane seat. LOL! I hope everyone has a good day/week!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Barb - it almost certainly is muscle weight, I have really struggled to lose weight since starting to seriously do a lot of JM DVDs, but I have lost a lot in inches.

    Nicole - funny to think you'll be in the same country as me in a few months!

    zannster - welcome!

    Katie - well done on shifting those 5 pounds and on all your hard gardening! I have been slaving away outside too, the weather has been very up and down here with lots of rain (shocking, I know..) and that has meant stuff is growing like, well, weeds, but few chances to get out there and clear it!

    I lost 2 pounds today bring my total to 2 stone! I know, I know you don't really do stones (its 14 lbs to the stone by the way) but a stone is a very signifcant amount to lose and I have now lost TWO! My original goal is only 6 lbs away. i actually think I have another stone/ maybe 20 lbs to go still, but I will allow myself to hit goal first before adjusting it - so here's to my final furlong that I set myself back in March! :drinker:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome Zannster!

    Barb~I am glad that the in laws are leaving you alone. Hope that it continues.

    Nicole~Thank you! I do to. Holding steady can be a good thing. :smile: At least there is no gaining right? I know that you want to lose and it will come. I hope that your trip to England is a good one.

    Shoppie~Thank you! The weather has been a bit off here too. I got out and weeded my garden last night. Well at least one of them. Still have my other one that needs weeding and my flower gardens but I will get to it. I hear you on things growing my big vegetable garden was being taken over by weeds. :tongue: Way to go on the 2 lbs and the 2 stones! That is awesome. Also thank you on explaining the whole stone vs pounds. I always got confused on how it converted. You can make it.

    Well I am going to go relax I have TOM and a stupid headache + at least an hour before I can send kids to bed. It has just been one of those days.
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Hi everyone I'm a SAHM of 2 wonderful little girls 5 1/2 and 3( 4 in 3 weeks or so). would love to have some more support for others SAHM. A little about myself. I am 32( 33 in about 2 weeks) and I just got my license in Dec. My girls started public preschool last year and have been out for the summer since the end of June. I have found that the gym has become my friend with free kid care for 2 1/2 hours and I get a workout in. I also finally got my hubby to workout with me a couple of days a week.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey Ladies! Sorry I have fallen off the face of the earth. I've been logging, but not really venturing into the message boards. I'm such a lurker lately!

    Katie ~ No AC?! How the heck do you do it? With the humidity and 90 degree temps this past week, I think I'd die. My neighbors across the street don't use it and I'm so amazed. I keep our thermostat at 78, it's just enough to keep it from getting to stuffy. Congrats on being noticed!! love it!

    KC ~ You're doing better than me, lol I should make myself post once a week! haha

    Nicole ~ how is the walking group?

    Welcome to the new girls, the thread is quite slow during the summer, but feel free to post when you can!

    Shoppie ~ Congrats on losing!!

    Babbe ~ Welcome! I go to the gym with childcare too, I would never workout if I didn't have that LOL

    I have lost a whole pound in the past 2 weeks!! So excited since I've been stuck for a few months and getting frustrated. Upping your calories just a bit works! I was at 1350, but for the month of July I brought it up to 1600. I don't always net 1600, but it's always at least 1400. I like to see I have calories left at the end of the day, so it's been nice to not have to stress about it. At 1350 I felt the same way about having calories left, and most of the time I think I ate too little (netting at 1200).

    Half marathon training is going well, we have a 7 mile run Saturday and I mapped out a course with hills :) My running posse is going to hate me LOL Also, I signed up for a 10k on Aug 6th, only women! I am excited :)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    So, I think I have a NSV, this past weekend, I went shopping for some new spaghetti strap shirts (and most of mine are XL), well I tried on XL and it was too big, went to a Large and it was too big, ended up going and getting 3 MEDIUM spaghetti straps!!! (But all my other shirts I bought today were XL, go figure?) Also, I bought a new pair of jean shorts and I was in a size 18, and was able to fit comfortably into a size 14!!!!! So I guess that's 2 NSVs!!!!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Shoppie-I know! We're excited. We haven't been back to England in six years, and this is the first trip for the kids. I'm just going to need to try to avoid all that good food in Devon!!

    KatieM-Holding steady is good!


    Katie-We're going every week for about 45 minutes (slow pace with the kids), but my walking buddy is moving away. :( I'm going to have to see if I can find someone else to walk with because I won't walk the path alone. Oh, and it was supposed to be a group of us, but only the two of us keep showing up. LOL!

    Barb-That's awesome!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    ETA: Whoops! Forgot my update. I'm going to go do BFBM in a few minutes, but will be staying inside today since it's already hot and humid outside.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    So, I think I have a NSV, this past weekend, I went shopping for some new spaghetti strap shirts (and most of mine are XL), well I tried on XL and it was too big, went to a Large and it was too big, ended up going and getting 3 MEDIUM spaghetti straps!!! (But all my other shirts I bought today were XL, go figure?) Also, I bought a new pair of jean shorts and I was in a size 18, and was able to fit comfortably into a size 14!!!!! So I guess that's 2 NSVs!!!!

    So I tried those 14s on again this morning and they fell off. :blushing: Took them back, tried a few on and a 12 stayed up and was a lot better then those 14s :bigsmile:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Barb - so chuffed on your behalf re: the shorts! How tall are you by the way? Just always interested!

    Nicole - fattening food in Devon not easy to avoid I've probably said this before but my friend lives there and the cream teas are lethal mmmmmmm clotted cream with jam and scones :love: I hope the weather has improved by the time you get here, it was lovely back in April/ May but it is tipping it down and 16 degrees (16! WTF?? i don't know what that is in celsius but its ridiculously cold for July! just checked and its just over 60. I mean, seriously??) Sorry, rant over! :laugh:

    katie - nice to see that lb gone! Well done on runnig in the heat humidity you have, I read on your status it was 100% the other day, I cannot even imagine running in that - yuck! I am the same re: liking to come in a hundred or so under 'target' so I had to do the same and up my target so I ensured I always netted at least 1200 - I've noticed I'm eating around 1600 most days.

    katiem7 - hope today has been a better day!

    Welcome babbe! :flowerforyou: well done on getting your DH on side. My DH has been working to shift some weight with me (he has lost around 15 lbs too - yay him! :love: ) and he has never done that beore, I've found cutting back far easier when there isn't someone sat next to me eating yummy unhealthy foods.

    Other news my end - I am enjoying my Jillian Michaels challenge (30 day slimdown - basically a schedule using the 30 DS, No more trouble zones and banish fat boost metabolism), but I am finding my knees and ankles are beginning to give me grief. I'm not at all the warm up in the 30DS in particular is adequate to prevent injury. I am desperately looking for a really good exercise DVD to move onto once I'm done, so any suggestions would be very welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    Hi! I'm a SAHM to two boys! My youngest is 15 months and oldest is 4.