Getting back into it

Hello everyone here, my name is Alan I'm trying to get into shape and start being healthy. My whole life I've pretty much been obese and never had a good diet. I also had a rather interesting childhood so food is a bad comfort habit for me. My biggest struggle has always been will power, routine, and eating healthy.
I have a gym membership and getting into that habit is easy for me I actually have lots of fun working out. My biggest issue is finding a diet that works for me and controlling my binge eating. I have a habit of skipping meals and getting so hungry that I binge eat terrible things for me.
I'd love to hear what you guys do to create a routine and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Another thing about me is I am 21 years old weigh 315 pounds 5 feet 9 inches height.


  • LizIsBack86
    LizIsBack86 Posts: 61 Member
    Motivation is the key, my babygirl and my health drive/push me each and everyday to do better and be better. I try my best to log every and everything i eat , and I don't deprive myself on foods I love. Right now i try my best to get in 10,000 steps a day(i have a fitbit watch and pacer a walking/steps app). Just remember it's a lifestyle change, have fun:) You will fall but get back up and never give up:) I have some amazing friends on here who help big time!! Your more than welcome to send a friend request my way:) WISHING YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST OF LUCK ALONG YOUR JOURNEY:)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited November 2016
    The best thing you can do to avoid skipping meals is planning.

    I "pack" my breakfast & lunch the night before work. This means I have no excuses to stop off and get fast food. I batch cook a little bit during the weekend. Grill a bunch of chicken breast and portion out into freezable zip-lock bags. That way packing a Caesar, chicken taco, or Asian salad is quick and easy. I batch cook my favorite chili & freeze that too.

    I work at incorporating "regular" foods into my diet. Cooking it myself allows me to tweak recipes; cut back on fat, add more veggies, etc. Skinny Taste & Cooking Light will give you ideas.

    I have fresh & frozen veggies on hand, fruit too. I allow myself a treat every day; usually chocolate or ice cream. Not having an aggressive weekly weight loss goal allows me to eat somewhat normally. This is important to keep me from a binge. If I ban a food....I want it more. All things in moderation.

    Exercise is great for your health. Keeping active will help you keep future weight in check.
  • LizIsBack86
    LizIsBack86 Posts: 61 Member
    What help me with my binge stages is eating 3 small meals a day and 2 snacks. It helps me control my eating and get it into check. Yet we are all different and you will learn what works for just have to try things out and see. I love carrying snacks on me and pre- make my meals!!! That way I know this is what I will be eating, these are my choices and nothing else. Hope this helped!!!
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    The best thing you can do to avoid skipping meals is planning.

    This is everything and what has worked best for me. The weeks I take the time to plan my meals and do the bulk of my cooking on the weekends are the weeks that I lose the most weight.