Burning Madd Calories!!



  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    I've heard that a lot, that it's more accurate on the heart rate monitor, and I've also heard that we're probably really burning more then MFP says....I'm curious to find out if this is true as well, cause I'm about to go buy me one if this is true!! =D


    Most MFPers actually burn considerably less than MFP suggest (25-50% less in most cases)

    I think it depends on how hard you are actually working out. I think alot of people probably think they are working harder than they are and are logging their exercise according to how hard they feel they worked out. I would log 18 minutes of vigourous calisthenics and it counted as 144 calories burned on MFP. I got my HRM about a week ago and doing the same exact exercise for the same amount of time it was actually 366 calories burned one day, 391 calories burned the next, it adjusts according to how hard I pushed myself during the workout.

    Yea, I'm definitly getting curious as to What my HRM would say, I hope their not pricey, I want one now! lol Thanks guys! :bigsmile:
  • Camilla00
    Camilla00 Posts: 16
    It is a timex. It is the chest strap/watch combo. All my information is input. weight, age..etc. I was just so surprised at the excessive amount of calories i was burning!!

    I was telling a few of my coworkers that workout pretty regularly..they were looking @ me like yeah right:huh: ...u can't burn 700 calories in 30 minutes!! So I was becoming a bit skeptical myself. I figured that i would turn to my fitness pals for some insight:wink:

    When im working out, I burn from 600-800+ calories in a 30 minute session depending on the intensity. My max bpm is set to 185. However, my average bpm's are usually around 160. I hit my max periodically, but its only for a few minutes..lol
  • Camilla00
    Camilla00 Posts: 16
    Can anyone post the HRM that they use. I'm looking for one also. Just rather buy one that I know is from a real person review.

    The HRM i have is a Times. It includes the chest strap and the watch. I believe it is fairly reasonable as far as price is concerned also...ill assume btwn $30 and $40.
  • MeganJo
    MeganJo Posts: 69
    As long as you have a good HRM I would go off of that. The machines are highly inaccurate as they have no idea as to how much muscle you have on you (1 lb of muscle can burn an extra 30-100 cal a day depending on the person), or any of the other contributing factors to calorie burning. As long as you have one that is actually tracking your HR and you have entered all your info into it, you should be able to trust it.

    Good luck! If you ever have any questions feel free to ask me.
  • LtAngela
    LtAngela Posts: 35
    a friend of mine recently purchased a heart rate monitor for me. when using, i noticed that the caloreis I burn are twice as much as the cardio machines say i burned. im just curious as to how accurate these haert rate monitors actually are. does anyone else use a personal heart rate monitor/calorie counter??

    Here is RESULT!
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