Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Hello people! I just started doing this program and just finished day 3. I don't have time to go back and read the entire thread but from what I saw on this page most of you have been doing this for a while. Please don't get frustrated if I ask questions that may have been asked repeatedly already! I really like it so far, but got really frustrated when I did the ab burner last night. Am I the only one who just couldn't do some of those things? A couple of them I couldn't even do the modified versions. I'm still trying though!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Hello people! I just started doing this program and just finished day 3. I don't have time to go back and read the entire thread but from what I saw on this page most of you have been doing this for a while. Please don't get frustrated if I ask questions that may have been asked repeatedly already! I really like it so far, but got really frustrated when I did the ab burner last night. Am I the only one who just couldn't do some of those things? A couple of them I couldn't even do the modified versions. I'm still trying though!

    Welcome....!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Yeah, everyone is at different stages... but there are some who have recently joined our group who are still in the Burn phase.

    As k away.... that's why we're all here.... to share our experiences and learn from others.

    Ab Burner.... I bloody hate it....!!!!! I must admit.... I haven't done it in weeks.... but my tummy really needs the work, so I better start doing it.

    Don't feel bad about not being able to do some of the exercises, you will get better as time goes on....
  • hinksa
    hinksa Posts: 8 Member
    I have been doing CLX for almost 6 months, and havnt started doing any of the 'AB' workouts.. A trainer told me to get my body fat % to under 30 and then start with them. Otherwise it can be useless as your just building muscle on top of fat... in the LEAN phase I found that my abs got stronger because of the way you are lifting.. Im working on my cardio quite a bit and once I get my BF under 30 (almost there!! - gone from 48 to 34..) I will start the AB workouts...
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    This is my last week of Burn - did 25s on the Bench Press last night and I honestly think that I could have done 30s! Made a note of it for the next round. Looking forward to moving on to Lean next week - having to back off two weeks from that back injury made the Burn Phase go way too long and I have to admit, I was getting bored!! Subbing in some Insanity Cardio today just to shake things up a bit.

    Ab Burner never did anything for me, so I stuck to the Extreme Abs routine. Recently, I've discovered a website: and have been doing the daily routine from that site on my lifting days for variety and they've been pretty challenging! Remember, your abs are like any other muscle on your body and need a day off in between for rest and recovery too! I always do abs on lifting days and I do them first before lifting, otherwise I'm likely to slack off and not do as good a job :embarassed: so, I hit 'em first and hit 'em hard!

    dglasi- welcome!! Your ChaLEAN kit comes with a calendar that tells you what days to do which videos. You never do two lifting days in a row because your muscles need the day off in-between to recover and repair, which helps your muscles to strengthen and helps to increase your metabolism!

    FabOma - Glad to have you here! There are a lot of us on here who are at different points in the program, so no worries! I am on my fourth (or is it fifth?) round of ChaLEAN - it is my 'go to' strength training routine and I love it!! Hang in there and keep going on the difficult exercises - you will get them eventually! Tricep pushups are my nemesis - even after four rounds, I still can't do the dang things on my toes - but I keep trying 'cause some day, I'm gonna get it! :laugh:

    Have a great "HumpDay" everyone - and keep pushing PLAY!
  • lildebi1
    lildebi1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for the tips! Now I understand, just been so busy, hadn't had time to go through allt he books, etc. & just wanted to get started. :-) This is a great group for support & motivation!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Oh, I miss this group so much!
    I've been keeping up with the workouts--did Lean 1 this morning. Aghhhh--my calves feel it the most. Crawling up the stairs from the basement was torture. I loved it though. If you can love something like that.....
    I've been eating WAY too much and 99% of it isn't good food...I can tell from my energy level, the clothes that are starting to be tight around the middle and my complexion (break outs when you're 45 aren't cool!).
    In the weirdest way, I can't wait for fall to start so my family is back on it's regular schedule. But as I say this, I'm looking forward to going kayaking tonight--and of course I'm going to wear my HRM!
    Back to the To-Do list which never seems to get any shorter.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member

    Bev - LOL, I was dripping sweat at the end of 45EZ, I know what you mean!

    Lacubana - yay for TF! How did you like it?

    Welcome dglasl and FabOma!

    Hinksa - that's awesome for your BF%. 48 to 34 is a major accomplishment! =D

    mmtier - 25s... that is AWESOME!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Hi everyone....

    I did Turbo Fire 55EZ yesterday (for the 2nd time).... I'm getting the hang of it.... and completed LEAN Circuit 1 today... wow.....!
    What a workout.....!
    The Plank exercise..... I felt it in my abs/core straight away.... and I never felt that before when I used to do them...

    My Ki Fit (UK BodyMedia Fit) strap broke yesterday, so I had to use a HRM to calculate my burn.... it said 423....!
    Hmmm..... huh.......??? That just proves that HRMs aren't very accurate on non-cardio exercises....

    So.... I lost 4.8 lbs but only lost 2 inches in the Push phase - 1 inch hips & 1 from my bust
    I was expecting more inches..... well, let's see what happens in the Lean phase....
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Had a great burn from Burn Intervals and Ab burner. I like ab Burner, but I really like Extreme Abs. I have Burn 3 tomorrow and then tow more days of cardio and I am done with Burn phase. I have gained two pounds over the last couple of weeks so I am sure that my measurements aren't going to be as good as I had hoped. I am drinking lots of water and hoping I am just retaining from the weekend...

    Welcome to the new peeps! Let us know if we can help... That is why we are here..

    Have a good one everyone!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Did Push1+Fire30+Stretch10 this morning, followed by a long day at clinical.

    Hope everyone else is having a good one!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Thanks for the welcome! I've really been trying to stay on schedule but something tends to come up often! Can't exactly say no to helping my grandkids! I've still been doing each day just have had to have a couple of gaps in between. Pretty sure next week, things will start balancing out, so now I'm left to make a decision. I'm only 4 days into it. Should I go ahead and start over fresh or just keep going from there? It's taken me 8 days to get those 4 days in. What do you think?
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Did Burn 3 today and will add biggest loser cardio blast this afternoon.

    So frustrated with my CLX dvds. They are skipping. Got them from rather than Lesson learned. Any suggestions?

    Welcome aboard newbies. Here is to the weekend!:drinker: (water!)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I've really been trying to stay on schedule but something tends to come up often! Can't exactly say no to helping my grandkids! I've still been doing each day just have had to have a couple of gaps in between. Pretty sure next week, things will start balancing out, so now I'm left to make a decision. I'm only 4 days into it. Should I go ahead and start over fresh or just keep going from there? It's taken me 8 days to get those 4 days in. What do you think?

    If you haven't had more than a 2 day break between lifting, then I say continue.

    I remember being told by a fitness trainer, that a gap of more than 2 days in a training schedule causes the muscle to lose the training progress.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member

    So frustrated with my CLX dvds. They are skipping. Got them from rather than Lesson learned. Any suggestions?

    I'm afraid that you may just have to bite the bullet and buy them from Beachbody. If you get them there, they will replace them for you if they are bad, but if you bought from someone else, you get what you get (if you know what I mean!). On the "up" side, I think they are still on sale at Beachbody for $30 off, which makes the set about $90 instead of the $120 that I paid for them! :grumble: You could also check Craig's list and see if anyone has a used set for sale - but watch out for pirated copies!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Checking in: 160 today. PMS is looming. I will take it!

    Burn It Up and Recharge for me today....:) Love it!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Push2+Fat Burn Challenge. Make it a great one y'all!
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi everyone! I know that I have never posted in this group before, but I just finished my first round of CX today and figured it might help give you ladies some motivation. After 90 days of CX and TF for cardio I have lost a total of 23.6 pounds 25 total inches (8 in my waist alone) and 16% body fat. I will definately be starting round 2 on Monday!!:love:
  • :smile: Hello all. I am my last week of the push Circuit....I am new to this site tho. I was wondering how do you log your workouts form the CLX? I didn't know if there was a quick way to do this? Thanks and keep it going! GET YOUR 2ND WIND!!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Tracylee - FANTASTIC job!! That is some very impressive results!! You are truly an inspiration!

    Angelica - I think most log CLX as "Circuit Training". I use a HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) to keep track of my calories burned.

    Burn 2 last night, plus the ab routine from and man, I am feeling it today!! Going to do Pure Cardio from Insanity! with my daughter today, one more Burn routine tomorrow, then moving on to PUSH!!!

    Have a great Saturday everyone and keep pushing PLAY!!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hi everyone! I know that I have never posted in this group before, but I just finished my first round of CX today and figured it might help give you ladies some motivation. After 90 days of CX and TF for cardio I have lost a total of 23.6 pounds 25 total inches (8 in my waist alone) and 16% body fat. I will definately be starting round 2 on Monday!!:love:

    Tracy: Congrats on those results! So amazing! Here's to round 2. :flowerforyou:
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