How long do you exercise



  • edena001
    edena001 Posts: 137 Member
    Usually an hour and a half / two hours including the walk to and from the gym and getting ready.
    Usually stick to treadmill, bike and cross trainer, depending on the day the amount on each changes.
    I try to go to the gym every day, but sometimes it's simply to make me walk to the gym to get my steps up. As I always try and hit that 10,000 goal separately each day.
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    when I started it was 20 minutes 3 times per week. Now its increased yet again as my goals have changed.
    I've been running 4 miles twice a week at a 10 minute mile pace. Over the next couple weeks I'm transitioning that to 6 mile runs and one very longish run of 9+ miles on the weekends. Then comes the strength program that used to take 30 minutes but is stretching ever closer to an hour every other day.
  • cjdecz
    cjdecz Posts: 30 Member
    My cutting workout routine starts on Saturdays.

    Sat: Upper Body - 1 1/2hr + 20min HIIT cardio (Barbell Complex)
    Sun: Abs + Active Rest Day (walking or easy hike)
    Mon: Lower Body - 1 1/2hr + 30min cardio keeping HR at 70% Max.
    Tues: Active Rest Day (1hr ballroom dance lesson w/ my wife. More of a workout than you'd think)
    Wed: Upper Body - 1 1/2hr + 30min cardio keeping HR at 70% Max.
    Thurs: Abs + 20min HIIT cardio (Barbell Complex)
    Fri: Abs + Active Rest Day

    This routine (plus smart nutrition and an intelligent calorie deficit) has taken me from 210lbs in April to 164lbs @10% BF in Sept.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    However long it takes. Somedays I'm in and out in about an hour, but three hour bench days are not unheard of. Total for the week can range from about 6 hours to 15+ when I'm peaking and the weights are heavy and the rests long.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    30-60 minutes every day depending on how much time I have. I do treadmill walk/run intervals and free weights mostly. Started adding in a couple of days of other cardio/strength mixed circuits.
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    Depends. M-F 30 minutes morning walks, M-Th 1-3 hour afternoon ride, Sat 2-8 hour ride (three is typical), Sun 2-3 hour ride. Don't have my walk stats, but for cycling I'm at 354 hours, 179 rides covering 5,982 miles for the year. Not much variance in my walk routine, 2.3 miles at 14.25 minute per mile pace. Occasionally I would extend that to 3-4 miles, with one really long walk this year at 10.5 miles (average pace of 14.52 min/mi).

    For cycling is more varied. Mid October is end of my season so much of the riding is base mileage at endurance pace. Starting December toward end of January, it's mixed between endurance and tempo rides. February, I move on to threshold and by April, VO2Max intervals. End of June is tapering for my A event in July. August is back to threshold and VO2Max work for my B event in October. Tuesday and Thursdays are my key workouts with anchor workout on Saturdays (typically hammerfest group rides punctuated by monthly century rides). Mondays, Wednesdays, and most Sundays are recovery rides. Fridays I'm mostly off the bike. Since I didn't make the cut this July, first outing, I'm planning to do more longer rides starting January (starting with 4 hours with goal of being comfortable at 10+ by June and doubling my yearly elevation gain). Not racing anymore but need to "finish" that darn ride in July. 15 hours per week is my upper limit, typical is around 11 hours.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    How long do you exercise
    56 years and counting! :)

    More serious answer, average weekly routine:
    3 x strength/weights sessions, typically 60 - 80 minutes each.
    2 x gym cardio (on average), typically 60 mins
    2 x cycle rides, one to nine hours range but typically one short'ish and one multi hour ride.

    Cycling mileage and duration does vary greatly depending on the season and weather. April to October outdoors as much as possible, 400 - 600 miles a month.

  • Misssynth
    Misssynth Posts: 179 Member
    I do two 5k runs (I use the term run loosely) which take 45 minutes including warm up and cool down, a short weights session in the week at the gym for around 30 minutes and then an hour long session in the gym on Saturday mornings.
  • Cifucanguess
    Cifucanguess Posts: 175 Member
    I have a desk job so I'm not very active. The best time for me to workout is at lunch and I work out for 45 mins. I do strength training M-F.

    Mon: Upper body
    Tues: core
    Wed: Lower body
    Thurs: Upper
    Fri.: Core
  • drivennightrunner87
    30-60 min. 7 times a week... i mostly do cardio tho
  • maeggggan
    maeggggan Posts: 71 Member
    6 days a week for around an hour, sometimes more.
  • michael_hatten
    michael_hatten Posts: 34 Member
    edited November 2016
    5 days a week -- 40 minutes cardio at 85 - 90% MaxVO2
    3 days a week -- full body weight circuit - about 10 minutes
    2 days a week -- recovery

    I am 68 and my principles are to do cardio to save my life and weights to save my mobility. So far I'm satisfied with how it's going.