If your starting weight was over 200lbs....



  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Great job so far! You are inspiring. :-)

    I started at 220, and really started noticing about 22 pounds in, or when I got to my first 10% goal (198). YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • BeautyCrys
    BeautyCrys Posts: 209 Member
    My starting weight was 263 now I'm 210. I went from a size 20/22 to a 16/14 since Jan 1st 2011. I noticed in clothes when I was about 40 pounds down...The best thing is to go to the store and get a sack of potatos, when see how heavy they are you will than know that you're body is losing. I loose all over...Good Luck and Congrats on you're weight loss!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    My starting weight was 210. It only took 20 pds. for me to notice I'd lost weight. August 1st. will be one year since I started this weight loss. I am now 118 lbs. I am constantly watching and keeping track of everything that goes in my mouth as I DO NOT want to gain even a lb. back. I feel so much better :)

    Wow do you have any pointers for us? Do you eat your exercise calories? Do you eat only 1200 calories a day? Did you take diet pills? etc.... Sorry to overload you with questions, just would love hearing how you got to where you are.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I've been on this roller coaster for a lot of years. I'm just getting back to it, after gaining back my weight over several years. I fell back into bad habits.

    Sadly, weight loss is so much in your head. How we think of ourselves, talk about ourselves, really impacts how successful we can be. It's so important to celebrate those victories, practice positive self talk and catch yourself immediately when you're starting to be negative. I struggle with this daily. Ugh. But alas....it's a journey worth taking.

    Think about a 25 pound bag of dog food! That's a lot of weight you were carrying around! And it's gone now. Look at how your clothes are fitting and take photos to compare before and after. You are doing great and will be successful at reaching your goal! Keep on plugging. You'll start to feel it eventually, in a big "ah ha" moment. :)
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    I have lost a little over 20 and dont really see much of a difference yet. I do think it takes longer, but dont let that get you down! Any weight loss is momentum in the right direction!

    Please add me as a friend, as the friend motivation is great, have a great, healthy, day!!
  • gfatty
    gfatty Posts: 3 Member
    A lot of times it's psychological. We don't notice things that others notice because it's a part of us. You are doing great. Be careful though, you don't want to go into a depression because, in your mind, you haven't done enough. There is such a thing as going to extremes.

  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I started at 335 and some times still have a really hard time with realizing it.
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    I started out at 298, last January. I am now 194. When I look back at my old pictures from OCT, NOV of last year when I lost about 50 or 60 pounds I still look really big, clothes were loose felt great but still looked and felt big. Over the past 2 months or so after I saw a picture of myself with my 8 year neice is when I REALLY notice that I was actually skinny. So i def understand how you feel. keep at it and take pictures so you can see for yourself.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Started at 220, and it was at about 190 that people started to notice.

    Now at 160, I often have to talk to those I haven't seen in awhile before they do a double take and realize who I am.

    My poor three year old niece was so confused, she didn't believe my mom when told I was Aunty. And I had seen her during the process.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I started right around 200 - not really sure because I avoided the scale at all costs (The highest I ever actually saw was 208)

    It took about a 30 pound loss before anyone else noticed - I still feel exactly the same now as I did when I started, It's been almost 5 years since I met my original goal of 150.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I still feel I look the same and wear some of the same clothes. Yeah some are way to big and some were really small on me before and fit better now, but I can still wear them. I have lost 36 pounds so far, I am about half way to my goal. Personally, I will always see myself as fat until the rolls are gone.
  • mommachef
    mommachef Posts: 52
    People started noticing around 20 lbs. I started noticing sooner. I had that nice fat overhang that you get after having a c-section I noticed it shrinking. :)
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    This is soooo common. Typically most people will not start to comment until they become attracted to you or jealous. So, be thankful that you are healthy right now and that you have some more time to prepare yourself for the drama that is about to ensue. By the way, I am proud of you:)
  • jocember
    jocember Posts: 31 Member
    I was about 290 in December when I got serious. Since then, I've lost between 15-20 lb., give or take and while I still don't notice any changes looking in the mirror, I can *feel* changes - such as clothes that definitely used to be tight or just form-fitting are looser (gonna need to restock my entire collection of tank tops from Old Navy soon as the XXL is WAY too huge on me now). And my fiance says he feels a difference when he holds me, and since he's the one person that comes into contact with me most often I trust him.

    I'm gonna take some pictures when I get to 250ish to compare because then I know I'll be seeing a lot of difference. Also, take your measurements if you aren't already -- that's where I'm seeing the most difference so far; I've lost 3.5 inches on my waist already.
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    I started at 223 pounds, wearing a very tight size 14 (for reference, I'm 5'11). I feel like I didn't notice much of a difference until I'd lost about 20 pounds, and I didn't drop a full size until I'd lost about 30 pounds or so. I'm now 173 and wearing a size 10.

    How quickly your weight loss shows absolutely depends on your height, frame size, and how much you have to lose to begin with. And as some others have said, how we see ourselves does not always accurately reflect reality. I've lost just over 50 pounds, and some days I think I look awesome, and some days I barely see a difference. It's absolutely a mind game, and it takes time to truly accept and appreciate that there has been a positive change in how you look.
  • dcbella
    dcbella Posts: 45
    Hi ! My starting weight was 217 and now i am down to 213 (4lbs) I've noticed that i'm losing more inches than lbs. Which i've heard its better to loose inches. I have a workout regimen of 6 days a week which includes cycling, swimming, strength training, zumba and kick boxing, plus i'm in HARRA organization training to run or walk my first 5k in January 2012. I try to maintain my 1400 calorie intake however have been under my calorie intake. I am loving every minute of this and keep telling myself that i can do this...MFP has helped alot with all the inspiring stories of success it's been a great motivation. Here's wishing everyone the best of luck in their endeavor. Add me if you like. Thanks!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I was so heavy that last year I lost 38 pounds and not one person mentioned noticing anything. I only lost one dress size in my pants (24 to 22), not my tops (although they were no longer tight). Sadly, I gained 30 of it back over the holidays.

    This year I am back with a new determination, confidence, and a sense of purpose. I am down 25 from last year's high and I feel like my real starting point will be when I get back to the 38 (hopefully around the end of summer).
    ABARNHART Posts: 25
    It took me 30 pounds before I started noticing and I didn't start noticing until my friends commented. This was during the beginning of my journey last year. To help with that what you need to do is go to a store and pick up a 25lb bag of dog food. Walk up and down the isle with it. Remind yourself of how that felt on your knees. Another thing I did was to take tiny pictures of butter and covered a picture of myself with them. Each 1/4 pound of lost weight got a new stick of butter. It helped my mind keep trying when I had small losses. Good luck to you and keep it up. You will see it soon.:drinker:
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I started at 213 pounds and noticed it at about 10pounds lost but my first 10-15 came off really fact I think it was in part to the fast that I drank a 12pack of pepsie or more a day then switched to Nothing but water when I started out plus added in exercise which before I had just kinda sat around the house all day with the kids. Now that I`m down over 20pounds I can really tell the difference all of my clothing fits loose or I`ve had to switch sizes and I have energy to actualy play with my girls I will never go back I LOVE my new found energy its fabulous
    ABARNHART Posts: 25
    In case you are confused by my 7 lb loss...I just restarted after having a gain of 6 lbs over my winter. I'm back working at it again.