Depression, anxiety and weightloss



  • drivennightrunner87
    drivennightrunner87 Posts: 302 Member
    edited November 2016
    jlscherme wrote: »
    I gained 70 lbs 4 years ago due to depression and the meds I was taking to combat it. I've managed to lose about 55 lbs of that. Some of that weight loss was due to more depression and not eating enough. I've subsequently lost a lot of muscle mass because of the rapid weight loss. Now I'm getting my meds straightened out and am working out more regularly. Starting to feel a bit alike my old self again. It is a vicious cycle but the first step is often the hardest. Once you get out there and start doing things that are healthy you will feel so much better.

    Have you tried Wellbutrin--it's an atypical anti-d that helps lift mood, motivation and doesn't increase appetite. It has kind of a stimulatory it's not the best choice for anxiety/taken later in the day. I thought it was OK overall.

    honestly, it really depends what's causing your mood imbalance. For me, it was being overweight in itself (and factors tied to it--lack of self-control, prone to more acne breakouts, low confidence, social issues). So while taking meds made the day somewhat easier (in my case, it was Vyvanse which is fda-approved for BED), the root of the problem would never be fixed until i actually lost the weight/establish a better relationship with food and able to maintain a normal/healthy bmi range.
  • edena001
    edena001 Posts: 137 Member
    Nakita369 wrote: »
    @edena001 thank you very much for the reply maybe we can motivate each other? I have recently joined a 24 hour gym to and once I'm there I really love it it's just the getting there.... I have found it useful to go in thr evening. But sometimes I find the classes better because the extra pressure of being around other exercising helps. How often do you go to the gym?

    WHat me and my friend do (she lives in a different city) is we say we're going to go to our different gyms at the same time which helps motivate me, without someone expecting me to go I probably wouldn't go.
    I try go to the gym daily. But it ends up being going to the gym for 10 days straight then 4 off because I'm out of town or away, so it probably evens out to 5 times a week.

    I think going on a weekend is a good idea, the gym is usually dead even at peak times and it also gets you up and out on a weekend ! Then have your days off on your busy work or uni days ?
  • ladywishingstar
    ladywishingstar Posts: 64 Member
    I recently gained about 30 pounds from depression and binge eating.. I used to suffer from anorexia and was okay for a long while till then. I started Low carb and lost almost all of it, but recently Ive just lost motivation, and at this point food doesnt even sound good to me, I just eat because im hungry, thinking about eating certain foods in general makes me nauseous idk why, its just not an okay feeling for me. I fell off low carb and want to get back on but idk
  • Nakita369
    Nakita369 Posts: 18 Member
    @hope516 thank you do my for thr reply. I would definitely love the motivation and support and have added you so thank you very much. Yes I would say I feel shame about it. I think because it such a private things for me and I have it episode then i always try and wait the episode out. So in the back of my mind im like just wait it out and don't talk about it. Your completely right someone who you can see as being physically ill i would be so hard on. That's why I really wanted to talk about it acceptance is a really big thing in movong forward
  • Nakita369
    Nakita369 Posts: 18 Member
    @sarahmchugh07 thank you for writing to me and being supportive. I great to see that people are responding about me speaking out and that just makes me feel 10 timed better. It's give me that little bit of movitation to move forward and helping wih accepting it. Would definitely love the ongoing support thank you
  • Nakita369
    Nakita369 Posts: 18 Member
    @fitover40mom hiya I have started seeing a therapist recently and it has been really helpful. We started to tackle the aspect of PTSD first by focusing on reliving and now we are using CBT to focus on the depression and self esteem. Before going to the sessions I never identified by self as having low self esteem but it is really connected to my core belief about myself. I have lost of rules and assumptions i live my life by. I should, I ort to i must. I working on trying to not see things in black and white. In my session this week and we are about 5 in finally admitted i was depressed. I broke down in tears it was such a bit moment for me. Not only does my mental health affect my weight but it affects my ability to be efficient in my job which ultimately made me feel worse and was keeping me in a cycle
  • Nakita369
    Nakita369 Posts: 18 Member
    Having an argument with my partner aways leads to wanting to ear my emotions..... Any tips on how to be productive when managing emotional situations right in the moment?
  • Nakita369
    Nakita369 Posts: 18 Member
    @allmannerofthings i find i know exercise is so good for me but I really struggle. I have recently joined and new gym and i really like the spin class especially when I do it before work as it sets me up for the day. However it starts 6:30 and im find I'm soo zing my alarm :/ but I want to go and the feel rubbish thay i don't go
  • Nakita369
    Nakita369 Posts: 18 Member
    @jlscherme thank you for sharing you story with me and we'll done for losing 55lbs! I think one thing that I'm going to take away id that you can also gain weight from not eating enough. I was looking into how it put your body in to starvation mode. I was taking medication but I felt it didn't agree with me. Maybe it was hat specific one but it made me like a zombie. I working thing out through therapy at the moment and it seems to be helping. But I'm glad to hear that your sort your medication out and that it works for you. I guess differnt things work for different people just have to find your groove.
  • Nakita369
    Nakita369 Posts: 18 Member
    @akillia112010 thank you for sharing with me. I hope that we can motivate and inspire one another. I feel you that yes losing a bit of weight would impact on mood. I feel use to be more confident and comfortably when I was smaller. I can empathise the shock of moving up categories in terms of weight. I've always had BMI of 19-21 and have been in the healthy range however when I checked it recently I was mortified. I was classified as overweight. I know it mat not seem big to other and yes obese would be very difficult to but I was so hurt by it. I had alway been so sporty and had 4 pack and really looked after myself. I don't think I realised till I did my bmi and got on the scale at how bad things have got. I feel like I don't look like i have put on weight but I have. I was comparing picture then and now and it making me feel motivated. Definately trying to take a postive outlook on thinks as postivity type is key.
  • Nakita369
    Nakita369 Posts: 18 Member
    @Okohme thank you for taking the time to respond. I feel that starting small is a good idea. What normally happens is i set my self up to fail because I say I'm going to do x y and z and don't end up doing anything. Maybe I will let myself a goal of attending at least one class a week at the gym and build up that way! Losing weight whilst suffering mental health feels 10 times hard everything feels and effort and everything feel slow. I'm struggling as i wanr to see result quickly as I know that will help improve my mood
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    First, there is no such thing as "starvation mode" that causes you to gain weight. Google "Siege of Leningrad". Google "Minnesota starvation experiment". When you eat too little, you can damage your metabolism by yanking your NEAT down. When you eat too much, you can likewise yank your NEAT up. If you want to lose weight, set your mfp weight loss goal to lose 0.5 or 1.0 lb per week and use the food diary to plan your meals precisely to reach the calorie goal mfp sets for you. Be advised that a prolonged calorie deficit greater than 500 calories per day will damage your metabolism. The longer and deeper you maintain a calorie deficit, the more damage you do to your metabolism.
  • Nakita369
    Nakita369 Posts: 18 Member
    hrush1889 wrote: »
    Hi! First of all let me say you are very brave to acknowledge your struggle with mental health problems on here. As someone who has similar problems, I've found it hard to tell most people about it. I definitely think depression and anxiety can add to weight gain. After i was out of college and moved away I struggled with depression and anxiety more than ever and also put on about 25lb and had no motivation to do anything about it. I couldn't control myself even tho I hated who I saw in the mirror. But you are so strong in taking this step! I've been logging daily for about 4 months now and it has helped a lot. For me watching my diet and exercise has given me control back of at least part of my life and it feels great. My advice is to not stress about it too much as far as weight loss in the beginning, small steps like incorporating some healthy food items (doesn't have to be all healthy just a couple snacks you may like). And figuring out when exercise works for you. For me I can't find motivation or energy in the morning to make it to the gym, I usually go after work (at like midnight) or even just taking walks when you have time in your day will help. Being outside and having time to relax is key. Hope that helps!

    This has definately helped thank you.I really appreciate how postive you were about me speaking out. That really means a lot. thanks to everyone I really can't say thank you enough. To be so well revived about something so private to me. It's a really big thing x I definately struggle with firstly being open and secondly being motivated. I have used play fitness pal before and have found it useful but this time around im struggling with not only losing weight but the depression and anxiety too. It really zaps my motivation and then i start comparing myself to a time where I really loved working out and healthy eating. I tend to get in lot of vicious cycle and then ruminate instead of taking action. I'm really trying to act instead of over thinking and this has been helpful at times.

    I think im going to take your advice and try not to stress too much about weight. I gues just that I'm talking about it and making steps is a proactive thing and I just need to have faith that the rest will follow. Also I think I need to find out what works for me in terms of working our. I would love to attend morning spin classes but love the snooze button more!
  • Okohme
    Okohme Posts: 152 Member
    Nakita369 wrote: »
    @Okohme thank you for taking the time to respond. I feel that starting small is a good idea. What normally happens is i set my self up to fail because I say I'm going to do x y and z and don't end up doing anything. Maybe I will let myself a goal of attending at least one class a week at the gym and build up that way! Losing weight whilst suffering mental health feels 10 times hard everything feels and effort and everything feel slow. I'm struggling as i wanr to see result quickly as I know that will help improve my mood

    I started really slow by trying to get 5,000 steps in a day, then 7,000 then 10,000. These days I walk/jog 4-6 miles a day, but it took me 8 months to get here. For a while I paced in my house a lot because I didn't want to go outside. I know how hard it is, I am sorry for your struggle. :( But wanting to make a change is a big step, and there are lots of people here who are in your corner. Do yourself a favor and take some measurements beforehand, and some pictures, it will be great for looking back and seeing how far you've come.
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hi. I have bipolar disorder (type 1).

    I avoided medication for many, many year but finally had to give in to them 3 yrs ago (psychotic mania; there were robots).

    Medications turned me from super fit and muscular to being overweight for the first time life. That has been an added complication to my mental health.

    I am finally starting to lose some of the weight but am still a long way from my goal.

    Feel free to add me (anyone here).
    I post a bit about my mental health vs physical health battle and trying to align the two, as well as general everyday things.

  • SarahKay716
    SarahKay716 Posts: 13 Member
    Please friend me, in the same boat with bipolar/depression/anxiety. The weather change can intensify it, which is why the last few weeks have been awful for me, regardless of how much I try to motivate myself. You just need people in your corner.
  • gwenster89
    gwenster89 Posts: 48 Member
    "Any tips on getting started and getting into a exercise routine?"

    thank you so much for posting this. the constant mental health battle makes trying to be healthy and lose weight SO MUCH HARDER. for me, on a bad mental health day, there's no way i'm getting off the couch or out of bed to exercise even though i know it'll make me feel a lot better. instead i eat and be lazy, which makes me feel worse. it's a total vicious cycle.

    here's what's helped me so far:
    1) get an exercise app. i've been using runtastic results... i paid 10 bucks for a month just to see if i like it. the workouts are 20 minutes... really not that bad. i do them in the morning to get it over with.
    2) with this app, i can work out at home by myself in a sports bra and spandex. not feeling like i have to cover up and monitor my boobs popping out of my sports bra or my spandex riding down is SO nice.
    3) find some way to count your workouts. if you have a calendar, put a huge X on every day that you work out. or make one for yourself with positive quotes or something. just find some way that you can look back after a few days, then a few weeks, then a month, etc so you can look at it and be like "damn i worked out that many times." for me, feeling accomplished is motivating.
    4) start small! start with walks, or doing like 10 push ups, 10 sit ups and 10 squats four days a week. the following week, go up to 15 each. something that doesn't feel super intimidating.

    i'm on here as a bit of a last ditch effort. i'm so tired of hating my body, and i know that my mental health has to come along with physical. so thank you so much for posting that and holler at me if you ever need support. i know i will!

  • mdavis440
    mdavis440 Posts: 35 Member
    I suffer from major depression and anxiety as well. Was diagnosed 2 years ago and since then I have gained 40 lbs due to the meds and binge eating to feel better ( which it doesn't ). Some days are hell for motivation. I call it accomplishment if I manage to shower that day. I do talk a therapist regularly which helps. Weather changes affect me as well.

    I have been finding though, eating healthier, exercising for 30 minutes a day and sleeping at least 7 hrs a night has helped me be more motivated to do things. I try to plan my meals ahead so when I do have a bad day, I don't need to think about food, just heat it up and go.

    Hope this helps. Please add me if you want. I totally understand what your going through
  • mrsvaldez8
    mrsvaldez8 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm swimming in the same canoe! Bipolar 1 diagnosed 2 years ago this December. Just put on lithium and it seems to be doing great (
  • Hi Friends! Simply put- please do some research on what gluten does to the body & mind. Gluten causes inflammation in the brain & body. Studies have shown gluten free diets have a positive effect on mental health. I have worked several years with a dietitian & I worked in infant nutrition. After I gave birth, I had severe postpartum depression. My former supervisor recommended I go on a gluten free diet. OMG- it has been a life changer. It's been 7 months and I can't believe how amazing I am doing. You need to try it for about 3 weeks before u are able to see changes.