Boosting metabolism



  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    baldhahir wrote: »
    Wow a lot of replies here, thanks everyone. Some stats for you. I accurately log in all my food intake. I'm 39, 182cm and currently weigh 91kg. I would say my diet is very low in carbs and 50:50 fats and protein overall.

    Does your logging, include using a food scale?
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited November 2016
    baldhahir wrote: »
    I do lift weights once a week and I do 1.5 hrs of muay thai class once a week. My sleep is good but I just can't shift that last layer of fat off my abs area. Any suggestions?

    Unfortunately we're unable, to spot reduce!
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    How do you know he's inconsistent with logging or anything about his logging habits?

    She doesn't, and neither do you - that's the point. Nobody in here knows these things. So it's not "obvious" what the diagnosis is here.

    These threads would go better if everybody would stick to the facts; when there aren't many facts available, let's not make ones up. :smile:

    He asked for advice on boosting metabolic rate during slow fat loss, I gave it to him, he can take it or leave it. I will bet everything I have that I am correct on what my diagnosis is, it may not be obvious to you, her, or anyone else kissing her a ss. I do not care.

    lol "eat more" is not the way to get rid of stubborn belly fat. :smile:
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    baldhahir wrote: »
    I do lift weights once a week and I do 1.5 hrs of muay thai class once a week. My sleep is good but I just can't shift that last layer of fat off my abs area. Any suggestions?

    Those last few pounds are the hardest to lose. At some point, a lot of people hit a diminishing returns situation where they decide they're at an ideal weight for their health, even if not for their vanity. I have no idea if you're there or not, but (hopefully) you will be some day soon, so it's something to think about.

    The lifting is definitely helping you in this regard.

    @DeficitDuchess is asking about whether you use a food scale because for most people, the metabolism is fine, but the logging can be somewhat sloppy. When I was losing weight, it never occurred to me to account for the half and half I'd put in my coffee. It wasn't much and just never clicked. Stuff like that can add up.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    baldhahir wrote: »
    I do lift weights once a week and I do 1.5 hrs of muay thai class once a week. My sleep is good but I just can't shift that last layer of fat off my abs area. Any suggestions?

    Those last few pounds are the hardest to lose. At some point, a lot of people hit a diminishing returns situation where they decide they're at an ideal weight for their health, even if not for their vanity. I have no idea if you're there or not, but (hopefully) you will be some day soon, so it's something to think about.

    The lifting is definitely helping you in this regard.

    @DeficitDuchess is asking about whether you use a food scale because for most people, the metabolism is fine, but the logging can be somewhat sloppy. When I was losing weight, it never occurred to me to account for the half and half I'd put in my coffee. It wasn't much and just never clicked. Stuff like that can add up.

    I recently had a Hot Pocket, in which the package said; that it was just under 300 calories but when I weighed it, it was just over 500; approximately a 250 calorie difference!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    baldhahir wrote: »
    Wow a lot of replies here, thanks everyone. Some stats for you. I accurately log in all my food intake. I'm 39, 182cm and currently weigh 91kg. I would say my diet is very low in carbs and 50:50 fats and protein overall.

    Thank you for giving us your stats. Could you open your food diary for us please? How long have you been losing weight or trying to lose weight? How much have you lost so far?

    Go here and select public:
  • csumbody1
    csumbody1 Posts: 6 Member
    Do twenty minutes of cardio first, preferably stair climber.
  • SoUl_ReBeL2021
    SoUl_ReBeL2021 Posts: 120 Member
    I know when I was stuck at a certain weight for awhile I bumped my calories up for a few days and finally the scale moved. He's right because your metabolism does slow down the less calorie intake you have, sometimes you need to Shock it!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited November 2016
    Shocking the body.. now this is funny..
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I know when I was stuck at a certain weight for awhile I bumped my calories up for a few days and finally the scale moved. He's right because your metabolism does slow down the less calorie intake you have, sometimes you need to Shock it!

    you dont shock the body,the longer you are in a deficit sure your metabolism will slow down a bit,but it wont stop you from losing weight,well not for a healthy person anyway.when you bumped up your calories your weekly amounts still probably put you in a deficit,so yes you lost weight, some people measure their calories weekly,meaning instead of eating say 1800 a day(1800x7=12600) they may eat say 1400 one day,1200 another,and maybe 500 another(not saying you should do this or go this low,its an example),and then maybe 2000 another,. they are still in a deficit because they are still getting their weekly average and in a deficit.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Shocking the body.. now this is funny..

    Sometimes when I hit a plateau, I pay somebody to dress up like an evil clown and jump out from behind a corner.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Shocking the body.. now this is funny..

    Sometimes when I hit a plateau, I pay somebody to dress up like an evil clown and jump out from behind a corner.

    Did it work?
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Well, it didn't boost my metabolism, but it was shocking!