1 month down, 1 stone down!

Hiya, I started my diet again on the 1st of october after I saw a picture of me from a few weeks earlier, I stepped on the scales and saw a whopping 13 stone.
I was absolutely disgusted with myself, I've never been this big, so i took to that moment to create a shopping list of all the fruit smoothies I could find & veggies that could replace carbs in whatever i could.
Started swimming yesterday and noticed that id burned off breakfast and lunch and that to me was amazing.
To date I've lost a stone, but I've lost 6 pounds in the last week from walking everywhere instead of busses or taxi's, and then the swimming topped me off with 2 pounds lost since yesterday.
I would honestly love to hear of any other activities people have done to help them loose weight, swimming for 45(ish) minutes is already a bit boring.

Also share your tips, meals, anything!! just need to mix everything up again :smile:


  • antirelic123456
    antirelic123456 Posts: 5 Member
    Keep it up. Sounds like your in the early phases. Make your goal about sticking it to it more than losing the weight (because stalls happen).