Flying while fat



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Good Lord, no. My hips were 34" at 117 lbs (I'm 5' 3"). There's no way you need to get your hips that small to fit in the seat.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    My hips at their biggest were that size (though I was a lot lighter) and whilst it was snug and there was some spillage under the armrest I was conscious of I fit just fine with no extender. If you're not sitting with family, aisle seat is a good shout.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I did a good deed last time a flew a few weeks go..and I chose to sit next to an overweight guy. I knew he was dreading the look people give... I smiled at him and happily sat next to him.

    My husband is overweight.. and gets stares and huffs and puffs from people stuck sitting next to him when we fly... It is so uncomfortable for everyone.
    My only suggestion is to not infringe on your neighbors space. My husband crosses his arms over his chest.
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    With 48 hips you are a UK size 20? You will fit in the seat with no problem, the seat belt fitted me at a size 20 - just. I completely understand your fear but please don't panic it won't be the end of the world if you need an extender. My tips would be not to have too many layers on and stick to MFP between then and now so you can enjoy your holiday and not spend it worrying about the return journey!
    With 48 hips you are a UK size 20? You will fit in the seat with no problem, the seat belt fitted me at a size 20 - just. I completely understand your fear but please don't panic it won't be the end of the world if you need an extender. My tips would be not to have too many layers on and stick to MFP between then and now so you can enjoy your holiday and not spend it worrying about the return journey!

    I'm a size 18 as I'm tall, 20s don't fit. Yeah I'm kind of nervous but I will have lost a stone by then so il be abit smaller. Maybe I should wear a waist trainer while I fly! :#
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    35dollars wrote: »
    The typical maximum length of the airline belt is 40", apparently... but bear in mind that this is a lap belt not a waist belt, so it doesn't have to fit all around your waist, just across the top of your thighs.

    EJ flights don't have reclining seats, so there won't be anything coming into your body space from in front.

    Is that 40" just over the top or most of my body? I always thought it came across where your hips are not legs?
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    Your math if off. The only way it would be double the seat width is if you were flat like a piece of paper (front + back). Instead you are butt+side1+belly+side2 when you measure. If you want an idea of your hips/butt width, sit on a piece of paper and draw a line on either side of your hips, then measure across between the lines. Or try measure a padded kitchen chair and sit in it.

    Based on what you are saying about your size I don't believe you will need either a second seat nor a seatbelt extender.Keep tracking and walking to get ready for your trip, and have a great time!

    I'm confused how I'm measuring lol :D so do I measure one side of my hip to the other? When I measured my hips they are 48" and low hip was 45" but it says airline seat widths are 17" so I'm confused
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    Maaike84 wrote: »
    I am sure you will be just fine!! Just remember also that EasyJet is uncomfortable for anyone flying with it - no matter what their size is. Thankfully they usually don't offer very long flights. Enjoy Iceland, it is amazingly beautiful!

    Thankyou I'm looking forward to it :D
  • buffalogal42
    buffalogal42 Posts: 374 Member
    I did a good deed last time a flew a few weeks go..and I chose to sit next to an overweight guy. I knew he was dreading the look people give... I smiled at him and happily sat next to him.

    My husband is overweight.. and gets stares and huffs and puffs from people stuck sitting next to him when we fly... It is so uncomfortable for everyone.
    My only suggestion is to not infringe on your neighbors space. My husband crosses his arms over his chest.

    My hubby and I recently flew Icelandair from the US to London. On our return flight, they had switched the plane and we ended up in a 3-across rather than 2. We were middle and window and the aisle gentleman was extremely overweight. He apologized profusely when he sat down, at which time we said we were pleased to Meet him (having both been pretty overweight at one point in our lives, we understand the challenges).

    He asked the flight attendant for a seat belt extender and she said - very loudly - "You are too fat. Come up front where I have two seats." It wasn't just so awkward for everyone. He was so nice and just said "I understand" and got up. I felt so bad ... no tact at all from the airline.

  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    I did a good deed last time a flew a few weeks go..and I chose to sit next to an overweight guy. I knew he was dreading the look people give... I smiled at him and happily sat next to him.

    My husband is overweight.. and gets stares and huffs and puffs from people stuck sitting next to him when we fly... It is so uncomfortable for everyone.
    My only suggestion is to not infringe on your neighbors space. My husband crosses his arms over his chest.

    My hubby and I recently flew Icelandair from the US to London. On our return flight, they had switched the plane and we ended up in a 3-across rather than 2. We were middle and window and the aisle gentleman was extremely overweight. He apologized profusely when he sat down, at which time we said we were pleased to Meet him (having both been pretty overweight at one point in our lives, we understand the challenges).

    He asked the flight attendant for a seat belt extender and she said - very loudly - "You are too fat. Come up front where I have two seats." It wasn't just so awkward for everyone. He was so nice and just said "I understand" and got up. I felt so bad ... no tact at all from the airline.

    Oh my gosh that's awful, some people have no manners. If someone called me that they would be getting a slapped face :o
  • a45cal
    a45cal Posts: 85 Member

    He asked the flight attendant for a seat belt extender and she said - very loudly - "You are too fat. Come up front where I have two seats." It wasn't just so awkward for everyone. He was so nice and just said "I understand" and got up. I felt so bad ... no tact at all from the airline.

    I took a flight that had a layover in Iceland a few years back, and this was the sort of treatment I got from Icelandair's desk staff at Reykjavik airport as well. Not about my weight, just a general *eyeroll* sort of attitude when I went to ask a question. Everyone I saw working for the airline was very pretty, so my takeaway impression was that looks are their hiring priority.

    But OP, you and I have similar hip measurements and I fit in airplane seats fine. It's been a few years since I've flown EasyJet specifically, but I took a few economy class flights last month and didn't have any issues at all.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    a45cal wrote: »
    Sued0nim wrote: »

    What kind of tact are you looking for? The airline gave him a free seat so that he could sit comfortably and not impinge on other passengers space. They did this for his comfort and safety and for yours. They did this solely because he was morbidly obese ... he was too fat are just allowing yourself to get offended because you have decided fat is perjorative ..should attendant have said obese? This is semantic offence because in your head you are perceiving a simple and factual adjective as an insult. People are fat, people are average sized and people are thin. People are tall, short etc

    But we teach our children that it's rude to call attention to others in a way that causes embarrassment for them. While yelling out "That man has a funny nose!" might be true, it's going to embarrass the man being talked about for no good reason.

    An adult woman working in a position that is nine-tenths customer service should know at least as much as a ten-year-old.

    Call attention to someone who is morbidly obese and requires two flight seats when he perhaps should have booked two to begin with? Im pretty sure that the flight attendant didn't insult/shout out or use a simple adjective as a perjorative because the original post would have been far more clear

    IMO A flight attendant offering two seats up front is hardly bad customer service.

    I teach my children personal responsibility alongside good manners.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    OP my general ennui with PC brigade has absolutely nothing to do with you and your thread. Probably a lot more to do with early morning, inadequate coffee and a nasty virus making me feel like crap and probably act a bit crappy too...sorry.

    As other posters have said you'll be fine and enjoy your holiday, sounds really good fun.
  • a45cal
    a45cal Posts: 85 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    No, you guys are right

    I'm just sick and 'ornery TBH

    Sorry to hear that, Sue. Hope you feel better soon.

    And sorry for hijacking your thread, OP. I still think you're going to be fine and have nothing to worry about. Just enjoy the vacation.
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    OP, hopefully you will fit OK.

    I would definitely get online and see if you can pick your seat ahead of time if that's an option with this particular airline. Even if it costs more to do this, it's probably worth it for peace of mind. Oh, also check if they have any programs where you can book upgrades/extra seats etc. We discovered that Air Asia (who are not a fancy airline!) had an option where you could bid on either an upgrade or three seats for two people. I think it only cost us a little bit (maybe AUD20 each or so) and we ended up with three seats for two and that was great. It isn't guaranteed but was worth a try.

    Aisle seats are going to give you the most elbow room and the most comfortable ride for you and your neighbour if it feels really tight when you are on there. If this is the case, then I would definitely ask the crew if they have any options for you - there was a pretty big bloke on a flight I was on recently and he shifted to a spot where he had two seats and I'm sure that was much better for both him and his neighbour. I'm guessing he would be significantly bigger than you though.

    Be cautious of seats in front exit rows - if they have the traytable (or video screen) in the armrest they seem to usually have a solid seat divider and these seats are slightly narrower as a result.

    You might also like to have a look at SeatGuru for info on seat optoins on your flight. They tell you useful things like whether there are audio boxes under the seat impinging on your leg room or if there is more of less room if the plane narrows to two vs three seats at the back.

    But, at the end of the day it's such a short flight (2 hours, right?), so none of this really matters - you'll be in Iceland before you know it, which sounds fantastic!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited November 2016
    emayc24 wrote: »
    So I've just booked a trip to Iceland for Christmas and I'm freaking out about fitting in the seat, the doctor weighed me 3 weeks ago and I'm 18 stone, hoping to loose another stone by then, I'm already panacking about getting on the plane! I'm flying with EasyJet, I'm worried about not fitting In the seat , it says the seat width is 17" so does that mean I need hips to be 34 inches? Mine are 48 :'(
    Wow. Not that many people have 34 inch hips. Considering that many people share your concerns, one would think airlines could make accomodations gracefully and tactfully . Overly small seats must make it tough for a portion of the population. I guess they want to get as many seats as they can so they can pack as many people in as possible for the $.