Advice please

Hi I'm 31 weigh according to gym scales 98kg but have lost half a kg on today's weigh in. My goal is 11 stone so 4 stone to lose. I have just purchased my protein diet whey and would like to know when's best for me have this. Eg breakfast and lunch and cooked meal at tea? I go the gym 3 x per week doing the following...
5 x mins bike on up and down programme. .. 5 x mins rower as fast as I can 5 x mins cross trainer 5 up and down programme and 5 x mins cpr programme tredmill 6 sets of kettle bell swings (12,14,16 then 16,14,12) and 2 sets of 10 kettle bell squat and raise. Should I be starting to see a difference soon. I'M currently on week 4 next week. I eat breakfast of muller rice pot or toast 50/50 bread.... lunch a sandwich of chicken or poached egg bacon and beans if had toast for breakfast and then tea I have cooked meal usually chicken rice or potatoes.
Thank you in advance.


  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Have you set up MFP to give you a calorie goal for your weight loss? Protein shakes can be helpful for some people to create a calorie deficit however they certainly aren't required! Your workout seems very random and not progressive at all. There is no need to switch between 5 machines in the same workout!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,994 Member
    How many calories are you eating? How did you determine that number as a goal? How are you determining how many calories you are consuming (i.e., are you weighing your food and checking the database entries you use)?

    The answers to those questions are far more important to achieving your weight loss goal than when you have your protein supplement. Even after you answer those questions, you should ask yourself how much protein you need per day, whether you need a protein supplement to achieve that goal, and whether you are meeting other nutritional needs (such as adequate fat and micronutrients) before you start worrying about when to have your protein powder.

    On the diet you describe, I would be more worried about the lack of vegetables and fruit than about taking a protein supplement, but I have no idea how large your chicken, bacon, beans portions are, so maybe you do need more protein. Nobody can tell you that from the information you provide.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You need a calorie deficit to lose weight. If you use your food diary here on MFP and log everything, you will know many calories you are eating. If you hit the calorie goal MFP gave you at setup, you willlose weight.

    You can eat anything you like and whenever you like, as long as you stick to your calorie goal, consistently.

    You can exercise if you like to. Exercise is good for you. It burns calories, but it isn't absolutely necessary for weight loss. You can lose weight by just eating the right amount of calories.
  • applesandtapeline
    applesandtapeline Posts: 58 Member
    If whey protein shake helps you to reach your protein daily levels (according to mfp guidance for your weight loss goals - assuming you are on caloric deficit) then consume it whenever it is comfortable for you.
    As for your workout. Focus more on weight training - do more exercises of 4 sets 12-16 reps depending how difficult it is for you. Leave cardio for the end of workout, do it for about 40 mins continuously, don't jump from machine to machine every 5 minutes, it's unnecessary. (<-- that's what I'd do, take it or leave it)

    And yes, you don't need to exercise to lose weight, but losing muscle is not good either. So, do workout. ;)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I suggest you NOT add the whey to boiling water. It gets gummy and bitter. Stirred in to warm porridge it works well.