Weightloss sizes



  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Is the UK any better than the US for standard sizing? Even when I was thinner, I could be anywhere within 3 sizes dependent on the brand/designer. It also seems to be dependent on the type of material. And I have no real sense of where I will be at my goal weight. Last time I was there I was consistently in a US 12, but who knows now. That was so long ago...

    Nope, UK no different.
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    If it took you 5 months to lose one size, then do you think it's realistic to lose 3 sizes in another 5 months? To me that sounds like a recipe for disappointment. A realistic goal would be 1 size in the next 5 months. Are you making some kind of extreme change to your plan that is going to triple your results?

    Yes but I was bigger then and as I'm getting smaller it's less to loose to get down to the next size not more
  • MaybeLed
    MaybeLed Posts: 250 Member
    Non standardisation is why I shop by my measurements online and take 3 sizes into a fitting room if I can be bothered trying on out and about. Modern sizing also has a smaller variance between waist and hips/bust due to women being larger in the waist on average now.

    My waist is 28", most UK retailers have this around a UK10 (US6) but my backside and thighs can be a 12 or 14.

    Let's not even start a discussion about gymnasts/dancers calves and knee high boots.............

    @VintageFeline may be worth having a look at Ted and Muffy if you're in the UK (yes I did ballet growing up) I own the only pair of boots that have ever fitted from there, they've been resoled twice because I wear them so much.

    I've gone down from a UK 20/22 to a UK 16/18 in tops at 2 stone lost, though I've only gone down like a size in bottoms, unless it fits on the waist (like skirts) when it's gone down 2.

    Basically I don't think you'll have have a perfect answer what with non-standard sizing and how other people lose weight from different areas.

    The only reason I know I've lost 2 sizes is because I've bought the exact same tops in a 20, then 18, now 16 from M&S, alas doesn't mean I'm a 16 anywhere else though.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    Sizes differ so much from brand to brand. At my heaviest (225) I was a size 20, I can still wear them though now I am 206 but I am not budging. I think I can go down to a 18 (have to check my closet) but they will be tight, (i am thick in the mid section) Even when I was young and thin 120 lbs my smallest size ever was a 14. And then again the brand could make me go a size up or down. Oh and I'm 5'6
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited November 2016
    Are you by any chance older? I'm 40 and I wore a 12 or 14 when I was a teenager. But I wasn't fat then (even though I thought I was). It's just that a size 14 was a lot smaller then than it is now. Even the really skinny girls were wearing 6s or 8s back then. 0s didn't even exist.
  • gayletschopp
    gayletschopp Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'3" have a small frame, but dense bones and am 49 years old. My starting weight at 47 was 175 lbs and size was 14. In August I weighed 132 and wore a slightly lose size 6. After 8 weeks of Beach Body's PiYo program and following Chalean Extreme eating plan (all clean eating, very little processed foods), I am in a size 3 and way 122 lbs. I know that sizes has gotten more generous, but at 125 back in the dark ages of high school, I was not even close to the size I am now. I believe that the exercise of choice makes a a big difference. I have much more muscle mass and a lot of people tell me I am too thin.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    What a wide variance. I am 5'3". At my heaviest, 181 I was a very tight 12. Currently, at 157 and I am at a loose 8 for most pant brands that I wear. I have broad shoulders and boobs, so my tops are always large/12 to prevent the button gap.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    These posts are so interesting. I started out at 184 and size 12 jeans-not exactly too small but lots of midsection puff out:(
    Today at 160, I'm in a 10 so for me it's 24 pounds/ one size.

    If the 12s were so tight that you were getting muffin top puff over, then you were probably actually a size 14? In that case it would be likely to be a 2 size drop down.

    While this may be true, keep in mind that low rise jeans cause muffin top in anyone with a hhig iliac crest. My hipbones are a couple inches above most mid rise jeans, and with a flat tush, keeping them up is a challenge.
  • lmew91
    lmew91 Posts: 88 Member
    Clothing can be tricky. Sizes vary so much depending on the style of the clothing and the brand. At my heaviest I was probably about a 10 juniors, but I didn't really buy a lot of clothes. And I could still fit into some size 8 things I owned (whether it was a flattering fit is a different story...) Now I'm mostly a 4/6 in juniors sizes, or a 2 in womens. I went from 160-ish to 130-135 lbs.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Are you by any chance older? I'm 40 and I wore a 12 or 14 when I was a teenager. But I wasn't fat then (even though I thought I was). It's just that a size 14 was a lot smaller then than it is now. Even the really skinny girls were wearing 6s or 8s back then. 0s didn't even exist.

    The sizing is way different now for sure than it used to be!
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    Are you by any chance older? I'm 40 and I wore a 12 or 14 when I was a teenager. But I wasn't fat then (even though I thought I was). It's just that a size 14 was a lot smaller then than it is now. Even the really skinny girls were wearing 6s or 8s back then. 0s didn't even exist.

    No I'm in my early 20s. Sizing is all different now :o
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    At 5'9" and 215lbs I was a very tight size 14 (US). I'm now at 175 and a size 10. For my height and frame, it seems to be about 20 lbs to lose a dress size.
  • bexilashious
    bexilashious Posts: 116 Member
    I lost 2 stone and didn't budge
    But when I hit 3 stone I suddenly went down 2 sizes x
  • Nicole_kayy
    Nicole_kayy Posts: 88 Member
    suzeqnu wrote: »
    I heard somewhere that the standard is about every 20lbs you drop a size. I'm glad this question came up. I've always wonder if it was different for others. My arms always keep me from dropping shirt sizes. :(

    I feel like I have that problem as well. I carry a lot of extra weight in my upper arms.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    For what its worth: Within individual brands I've found sizing relatively constant. I found a pair of jeans in the basement last year that I'd packed away before I had my first kid. To give you an idea: They were light-rinse (not quite acid wash), high waisted, and had PLEATS. They had to be from pre-2000.

    The fit, once you account for the high waist vs. low rise? Was not that different than the fit of the same brand of jeans now.

    But that's Dork Jeans too -- I wear a lot of pants from Lands End, LL Bean, and Eddie Bauer. They've been fairly consistent for years.
  • TanyaHooton
    TanyaHooton Posts: 249 Member
    Women's size is arbitrary and nonsensical. I'm 5'6" and I fit a size 12 on top and 10 on bottom, generally speaking. However, with the loss of a few inches around my waist I've been able to squeeze into a few size 8 dresses if they are stretchy. I know they're not a true 8 because of vanity sizing - I've been shopping for wedding dresses and they are built to older sizing standards, and because 10 years ago when I was down at 135, I was a size 8. I am 155 now, so there's definitely been some size creep since then.

    FWIW, I lost inches before I lost weight (I've been lifting) and my clothes fit differently despite the scale not moving. A lot of it is how we are proportioned and where the fat settles.
  • kellerycelery02
    kellerycelery02 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'4" and was wearing a 20w pant comfortably, 22w if I wanted them loose, at my heaviest of 265. Down 15 pounds and the 22s are practically falling off but the 20s fit the same. I also wore a 16w dress at my heaviest (im very pear-shaped) and now that is big... sizes are weird.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    It takes 20-30lb for me. Im down 15lb from a size 10 and my 8 are not comfortable yet.