Restaurants Will Need to List Cals



  • losingthejunk
    losingthejunk Posts: 8 Member
    I hope so much it will be available in Europe too!!

    At Buffalo Grill (btw I don't know if it's an international brand), some meals have an icon which tells us "under 450cal". That's it already!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Whenever we eat out I am always trying to use the internet browser on my phone or myfitnesspal or other restaurant calorie counting apps to see how many calories things that appear/sound delicious on the menu really are. Having it printed on the menu would be a great benefit.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    These restaurants give you enough food for 3 people and half your daily calories. It is the publics right to know. Esp with items that people think are healthy but are not. Case in point a 1300 cal SALAD.
    We have a right to know what we are eating.
    I am against this. I am all for a restaurant being required to have their nutritional info for their customers upon request, but this requirement is a bit much.
  • flamnfrekelz
    In Cali they already have to! it totally helps out...the other night i went to cheese cake factory (obviously for a cheat meal) and what i thought was a healthy broiled chicken was listed with 2400 calories!. YIKES!!!!! i opted for a healthier plate of chicken tacos...which still came in at 1100.

    As a consumer I understand that we need to take responsibility and if you are going to eat out you are not going to have a low cal meal for the most part but listing the calories will def help out. and i think resturants need to be held accountable in that they throw so much unforseen butter on items to make it taste good the consumer would never know unless they read the calorie content
  • Pucker508
    Pucker508 Posts: 67 Member
    I hope all restaurants will start to do this. I would gladly give my business to a restaurant willing to inform its customers, as opposed to one that does not.