No drinking november

I saw a post on here about not drinking in november as a personal challenge and i think its a great idea. I decided with my mental state and unhappiness i believe this will be a health benefit but also a mental benefit. I hope other people take this challenge just to see if you can do it and what crazy results you will get.


  • sazzlecrowther
    sazzlecrowther Posts: 6 Member
    I'm doing this too! Good luck!!
  • Mayhew85
    Mayhew85 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm on this too and it's not easy, friends going out drinking and inviting you along !! This gonna be tough
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    I did it for the month of September. It really helped to see better weight loss results for me. So many empty calories and the ultimate non-motivator for exercise. I may do it again after the holidays. Good luck. It gets easier each day.
  • nikjerles3415
    nikjerles3415 Posts: 24 Member
    I have a good feeling we are are strong enough to do this . i dont know about everyone else but if i do this im rewarding myself with my favorite bottle of wine lol
  • aroze0928
    aroze0928 Posts: 254 Member
    The little guy in the picture should be enough a reward dont you think
  • tom7586
    tom7586 Posts: 7 Member
    Just do it!
  • deedeebernhard
    deedeebernhard Posts: 6 Member
    No drinking November here I am! Boom! Doing it.
  • nikjerles3415
    nikjerles3415 Posts: 24 Member
    I did very well yesterday but anyone who drinks knows that weekends with friends or loved ones are the hardest. My husband and i love playing pool on saturdays at our favorite bar hearing our fav band play but tonight noooo alcohol this time. Im sure ill be fine but damn will it be diff lol
  • GetnSmallz
    GetnSmallz Posts: 17 Member
    I'd like to try this challenge. I've already had some drinks though. Can I start now?
  • nikjerles3415
    nikjerles3415 Posts: 24 Member
    Of course
  • xDesertxRatx
    xDesertxRatx Posts: 80 Member
    I never do these fads as am looking to maintain weight now. I can see the benefit fopr those needing to lose weight who drink but i only have a few wines or cider at weekends which i think i deserve. So 'no' to November challenge for me. Got to have at least one vice for sanitys sake.
  • kxbrown27
    kxbrown27 Posts: 769 Member
    I pretty much do no drinking Jan-Dec so I oughtta knock this one out of the park.
  • lauradoesmfp
    lauradoesmfp Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck! I gave up drinking for the month of May and felt so good I've kept it up for 6 months now. I used to think drinking helped my anxiety issues but I now realise it just made them worse. No judgement on people who do enjoy alcohol, I've just found I'm much happier without it. It can be hard in situations where you're used to drinking but try to find non-alcoholic drinks you can enjoy instead and keep in mind how much better you'll feel in the morning with a clear head. :smile:
  • GetnSmallz
    GetnSmallz Posts: 17 Member
    I messed up on Sunday. I totally forgot about this challenge and had a Bud Select 55 cal beer before I knew it. Football and beer just go together. #Sorry
  • nikjerles3415
    nikjerles3415 Posts: 24 Member
    @GetnSmallz. I caved to lol i went to my husbands work and bartender brought me my usual vodka tonic before i could tell him i wasnt drinking lol damnit
  • stephanne13
    stephanne13 Posts: 212 Member
    GetnSmallz wrote: »
    I'd like to try this challenge. I've already had some drinks though. Can I start now?

    I did go ahead and start today.
    I only read this post last night, but decided that I wanted to do it as well.
    For the past 2 years, I've basically had drinks daily, so I'm pretty sure my mind and liver will welcome the break.
    I quoted you because your post made me decide to do it since you had already had drinks as well.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    This would be seriously damaging to my mental health, especially around November 24.
  • mdavis440
    mdavis440 Posts: 35 Member
    I haven't had s drink since October 29. Not long I know but I will give it go for the rest of the month. What do I have to lose? Weight. ( sorry lame I know lol)
  • domesticlydiva
    domesticlydiva Posts: 19 Member
    I'm IN!! I had decided to give up alcohol temporarily when I hired a personal trainer at the beginning of the month. I have a wedding to attend on Dec 3 & will imbibe then, but for the month of November my goal is to abstain, so sign me up. I need all the help I can get.
  • GetnSmallz
    GetnSmallz Posts: 17 Member
    @GetnSmallz. I caved to lol i went to my husbands work and bartender brought me my usual vodka tonic before i could tell him i wasnt drinking lol damnit

    And who likes to waste, right? Lol