I'm new here :)

I just want to introduce myself, make some friends and help motivate each other. I think this site is such a great idea!

I have a big weight loss goal in the grand scheme of things, but I have small, 5 weight loss goals to slowly get there. I have been working out faithfully and eating right for five weeks. I haven't lost any pounds, unless you want to count fluctuation, but I have lost 4 inches off of my stomach. I still don't feel like I'm making progress because the pounds aren't going away..But that's where I'm at now.

Anyone can send me a friend request, I would love to meet you and make some friends :)

Have a good day everyone!


  • 50lbsoverwt
    You are making progress! Way to go on the inches off! The scale will melt away with time, but you are getting more toned and healthy! Yay! This site is a great idea, I love the idea of the friends and the news feed. So motivating! Good luck!
  • jolieblossom
    Thank you! I didn't even see your post, do we get notifications or anything? Lol, I am glad I saw your reply though! A friend of mine told me that men lose pounds and women lose inches, haha. I'll hang in there and with this site I'm sure I will do much better! I love it too!! :)
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    I don't see much results on the scale either - I tend to see changes in the way clothes fit/how I feel long before the number on the scale drops. Good luck!