30 day shred, day 1 today - anyone else? Will this work?



  • calebespnsmommie
    calebespnsmommie Posts: 111 Member
    I am starting it back up tonight. I did a couple weeks of it but got really sick and stopped. So we will be doing it together! Good luck!!
  • showme989
    showme989 Posts: 10 Member
    Mine just arrived in today's mail! I'm starting it tonight when I get home. I 'plan' to do it everyday. :) Looking at the back of the dvd, it looks so harmless..... HA!!! I know it's deceiving!!
  • a10horan
    a10horan Posts: 12 Member
    A girlfriend here has it and has gone through it. I heard its a real butt kicker, but a good one. I will check it out at Costco tonight.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I am on L2 D2, and level 2 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay harder than level 1, lol. It is kicking my butt MAJORLY!
  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    I am starting today too! Excited and hoping for GREAT results!!!
  • Fitaddicted
    I've never tried the 30 days shred program but I have combined 2 work outs dvds and dropped 4 pant sizes. I'm about 10 lbs from my goal. How does everyone like the 30 day shred program???
  • chocolatesweat
    I actually purchased the 30 day shed after hearing so much about it... plus I got P90X ab Rip. I don't know if it's wise to do both DVD at the same time or just focus on one. But anyway I am going to start the 30 day shed tonight! Yay~
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    also, if anyone can help out here would be appreciated....anyone noticed that they are putting on weight rather quickly? i have put on 3lbs since starting the shred 3 days ago....what could this be?

    I didn't see this get answered, more then likely it is your body retaining fluid to repair the muscles ;) If you haven't done a whole lot of strength training, then your muscles are "fresh meat" (so to speak) and your body will retain fluid while it repairs them, this will go away as you get stronger =D Hope this helps! (Don't let is discourage you, it mean you are working your body in new ways!)
  • 68sylvia
    68sylvia Posts: 25 Member
    it is a great DVD. I tryed it.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I did this on Monday all excited thinking here I come 30 days and I will be Goddess like.
    I'm still in pain now!
    Be prepared... be very prepared!!!
    But it does work!
  • sd892310
    sd892310 Posts: 151
    hows everyone getting on with this? I did Level 2 Day 3 last night and WOW is it killing me a tad lol!

    what days is everyone else on?

    how we finding it all?
  • uhoh_billy
    uhoh_billy Posts: 94
    I just finished it yesterday! The first few days are painful haha! Drink a lottttt of water, too! But it's worth it. I didn't see a big loss in pounds (I ate awfully the whole month.. oops) but I did see some amazing changes in my body. I lost almost 2" on EACH THIGH! crazy! So good luck to you, you can do it!!!
  • sd892310
    sd892310 Posts: 151
    I just finished it yesterday! The first few days are painful haha! Drink a lottttt of water, too! But it's worth it. I didn't see a big loss in pounds (I ate awfully the whole month.. oops) but I did see some amazing changes in my body. I lost almost 2" on EACH THIGH! crazy! So good luck to you, you can do it!!!

    Well done for fininshing it :drinker: i always drink at least 2 litres of water a day, but have upped it to nearly 3 litres a day now, as well as squashes teas etc.

    Amazing reults 2" on each thigh?! Cant wait to finish this and see my results, have 16 more days to go. When was it you noticed the change in your body and inch loss?
  • fitmomma23
    fitmomma23 Posts: 94 Member
    I am definitely seeing results. I am seeing some toning in my thighs and I have lost an inch in my waist and hips. My arms I think are getting more toned too. I started to see it I think at the end of week 2. So excited to finish this and see the results! yay!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    D8L1 (yesterday) (Natalie! style woohoo, after, gulp, 3 days off!)

    Was still exhausted, so slept through alarm this morning, so not likely to get double dose in today either :(
    So likely D9L1 only today (this afternoon)