Ideas for a healthy dinner



  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    If there's no medical reason to cut carbs, you don't need to - and you'd have a really, really difficult time cutting them out ENTIRELY because carbs are found in so many foods, including non-starchy vegetables.
    Your doctor not allowing you to see a registered dietician is bull *kitten*, especially if you have Celiac's.

    Potatoes, quinoa, corn, beans/pulses, rice . . . usually GF and can be part of a nutritious diet that includes weight reduction. Unless it's something you can stick with long-term or medically necessary, you can definitely enjoy some carb-containing food and lose weight.

    But if you want GF and really low carb:
    Sauteed salmon and veggies
    Stir-fry on cauliflower "rice"
    Buffalo chicken tender lettuce wraps
    Pork chops and red cabbage
    Cottage cheese or yogurt

  • MichelleBelle18
    MichelleBelle18 Posts: 10 Member
    Just to confirm yes the Dr did say to cut out carbs ENTIRELY. And advised me to eat fish, meat, vegetables, fruit instead. This is why I asked on here what to have for dinner that's healthy and no carbs as I was stuck for ideas.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Just to confirm yes the Dr did say to cut out carbs ENTIRELY. And advised me to eat fish, meat, vegetables, fruit instead. This is why I asked on here what to have for dinner that's healthy and no carbs as I was stuck for ideas.

    Then you are confusing "carbs" with something else. Carbohydrates are a macronutrient found in many foods including vegetables, fruits, and dairy.

    Did your doctor mean to cut out grains? Starchy foods? You need to clarify this otherwise it will be difficult to offer helpful advice.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Just to confirm yes the Dr did say to cut out carbs ENTIRELY. And advised me to eat fish, meat, vegetables, fruit instead. This is why I asked on here what to have for dinner that's healthy and no carbs as I was stuck for ideas.

    OK. This right here proves that your doctor has no clue what he's talking about. At your earliest convenience, I'd recommend going to a different doctor.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I would suggest to the OP that if you can't get the kind of guidance you need from your health care provider, go outside the system, and/or do some research on your own. There are plenty of reputable sources of information available online, if you can weed out the salesmen and scam artists. Just pay attention to the sources. And don't forget that good old-fashioned research tool we used to call a "library".

    There are any number of effective "diets" out there. They all work to one extent or another. Pick one. Some are more extreme, while others emphasize a balance and variety of foods to keep us healthy while we lose. They're pretty easy to distinguish. A plan that calls for nothing but grapefruit juice for 10 days is probably not a good idea if you're not being medically supervised, whereas a plan that includes lots of veggies, complex carbs, and lean protein will most likely keep you healthy while you shed pounds.

    The bottom line, in a broad sense, is that you will need to determine your current Total Daily Energy Expenditure, and eat at a caloric deficit to lose weight. The balance of macronutrients (Carbs/Fats/Proteins) will determine how well you lose fat and retain or build muscle, and the balance of micronutrients, from the amount of vegetables and fruits you eat, will determine how healthy you stay overall.

    Good Luck!
  • MichelleBelle18
    MichelleBelle18 Posts: 10 Member
    I just don't understand it myself! When I was diagnosed as a Coeliac 5 years ago I was referred to a dietician (which was great). Roll on years later and I would like to see one regarding my weight and I get a NO! Anyway i'm really considering going back and seeing a different Dr and ask again.
  • Mary_Anastasia
    Mary_Anastasia Posts: 267 Member
    Green beans, rice, black beans, spaghetti squash, and any variety of meats (IDK cuz I'm vegetarian) thrown together with spices shouldn't take too long. I often will cook or microwave something very easy, like a veggie burger, veggie meatballs, seasoned green beans, diced potatos, etc and simply put them on top of a big bed of lettuce with a vinegar or savory sauce -> dinner in 5 minutes.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Green beans, rice, black beans, spaghetti squash, and any variety of meats (IDK cuz I'm vegetarian) thrown together with spices shouldn't take too long. I often will cook or microwave something very easy, like a veggie burger, veggie meatballs, seasoned green beans, diced potatos, etc and simply put them on top of a big bed of lettuce with a vinegar or savory sauce -> dinner in 5 minutes.

    Many of the things you suggested have carbs in them. Not saying they aren't good suggestions, they sound tasty and healthy, but OP's doctor suggested she cut out all carbs.

    OP this is why you need to get clarification from your doctor and a second opinion. Either you misunderstood the doctor or he/she provided confusing (accidentally or intentionally) information and is discouraging you from getting additional guidance from a specialist.

  • mari5466
    mari5466 Posts: 137 Member
    mari5466 wrote: »
    I use spaghetti squash. I cook it with some garlic and a little butter and low fat Parmesan. Typically have it with grilled chicken and some sort of green vegetable (broccoli, asparagus, side salad with lemon juice). Its a non carb side that is still very rich.

    Squash, summer, all varieties, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
    per USDA, 100 g has 4.31 g carbs, only .91 g protein and .31 g fat. How is that a non carb?

    Sorry. Low Carb. I didn't realized it had less than 5 grams.
  • MichelleBelle18
    MichelleBelle18 Posts: 10 Member
    No I did not misunderstand the Dr. I even wrote it all down what she told me to do.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    No I did not misunderstand the Dr. I even wrote it all down what she told me to do.

    But do you understand what we are saying?

    Fruits and vegetables are made of carbs. If your doctor told you to give up all carbs, and then told you to eat fruits and vegetables, then he or she doesn't understand even the most basic principles of nutrition.
  • MichelleBelle18
    MichelleBelle18 Posts: 10 Member
    I know this is why I wanted to see a dietician :(
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    The Dr said to cut them out ENTIRELY! :/ And no there is no medical reason, that is what I was told to do. I did ask if it was possible to see a dietician but the answer was no! :( And I'm Gluten Free because I was diagnosed as a Coeliac 5 years ago. Thank you all for your ideas and replies - much appreciated.

    Seek the advice of a new doctor. With no medical reason that's just not intelligent advice to give a patient in my book. It may be that the doctor simply doesn't have the knowledge to recommend a diet that is both gluten free and would help you lose weight. Maybe a dietician? That just boggles the mind.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    No I did not misunderstand the Dr. I even wrote it all down what she told me to do.

    But do you understand what we are saying?

    Fruits and vegetables are made of carbs. If your doctor told you to give up all carbs, and then told you to eat fruits and vegetables, then he or she doesn't understand even the most basic principles of nutrition.

    Yes, any doctor who told me to give up all carbs, and then told me to eat fruits and vegetables, would have lost all credibility with me and I would never see them again.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Today for a fast lunch I steamed 200g of cauliflower in my microwave for 6 minutes and then ran it through the food processor until it was riced. Then I cooked 100g of shrimp with celery, mushrooms, green onion, ginger, garlic and a tiny touch of soy sauce in a small frying pan, added the cauli rice and then stirred through 3 egg whites and garnished with red chili. Cauliflower shrimp egg fried rice in 10 minutes and 180 calories :)