Any females 5'3 120-30s trying to lose weight?

I need motivation from people my size! It's so different when you aren't overweight, but trying to shed some pounds. I'm ultimately aiming to be about 100-108 pounds but I always seem to yoyo right back to the 120s 130 range :( Any petite girls in their 20s with similar goals maybe we could have a little competition to stay motivated or something I need someone to keep me on track!


  • eouimet
    eouimet Posts: 29
    im 5'4 but in the same boat! i know exactly how you feel ive been working really hard lately so i can get closer to my goal which is anywhere from 110 to 120 im 129 right now
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I am! I am 130 right now and would like to lose a little bit more. Trying to find my abs :smile:
  • I'm 24 yrs old and 5'2" so I always yoyo and I dont overeat relaly its just my size I guess. But ill be at a healthy 118 then up to 126.... that is why Im cracking down now!

    Plus I get married in 45 days!
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I am 5'4'' and weigh
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 132 lbs so I'm right there with you! Stick with it :)
  • Nexxy
    Nexxy Posts: 33
    Hi im 20 and i had a baby a year ago! I am 5.1 and im 125 pounds right now and im trying to get down to 115 :) need to lose some on my legs and belly so im right here with you :D
  • helmii_
    helmii_ Posts: 1
    I am too!
    I'm not looking for competition, just something to keep me coming back. I didn't log in for about two weeks because I was sick and then travelling and immediately gained couple pounds back. This is the first time I've gotten involved in the forums, but this thread was just the thing I've been looking for!
    I'm 21 years old and from Finland. I'm 5'3 and weigh currently something like 119 lbs (I don't have a scale at home). I'm aiming for my dream weight 105 lbs.
    It would be nice to get some support and give some too!
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Medical Recommendation for 5'3 is 107 - 141 lbs (, just one of the sites). You may not want to go too low, build muscles instead.

    I'm 5'3" but no longer in my 20s :-), but I'm currently @ 112, and going to keep it for awhile longer. Eventually my goal is to get down to between 109-111, 14% body fat.

    I suggest that instead of blindly aiming for a low 100 goal weight, get to a comfortable weight (like 107, 108), and try to lower body fat % instead. It'll be much healthier. By building more muscles, it'll help keep burning fat, so you won't be keep bouncing back to 120+.

    Good luck.
  • Shanell802
    Shanell802 Posts: 37
    I'm just a little jealous of all of you :wink: But keep up the good work and reach your goals. I'm 5'6" and I'd just like to be 170, or be in the 100's for that matter :tongue:
  • freebird240
    freebird240 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 5'1 and at 142... would like to be 120-125... So what is everyone doing to help slim down???
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Hey I'm 5'4 and 125 pounds. I have lost 8 pounds. I would love to be 120 but not sure if that will happen. My goal is 122. I have never been overweight but I wasn't loving how I looked in a bathing suit in the 130's. To be honest I'm not thrilled about how I look in a bathing suit at 125. So 120 would be awesome. I think when you are in your weight range it is that much harder to loose weight. I already work out 6 days a week and try not to eat too much junk. Good luck. If you are in the 120's maybe set a goal of 115 and then if you get there then set it to 110. I think small steps will make it more achievable. Also do you notice you loose weight in one area? When I loose weight it comes off my stomach. My thighs never go down much. I hate that. I'm here if you need support.
  • mjboswell
    mjboswell Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5'2" 130lbs. I'm really looking to drop body fat %. I just started eating better and exercising today. I hope to feel comfortable in a bikini before the end of the summer. Good luck.
  • pinksherbert
    pinksherbert Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there,

    I am 5'4'' and in the low 130's, looking to get to the low 120's to start with.

    i will keep an eye on this thread as it looks as though there are lots of us in the same position!

    Good luck everyone!
  • TXPOPE95
    TXPOPE95 Posts: 7
    Hi! I am 5'2" and typically weigh between 117 and 120 but I really want to weigh about 110-113 but I never can get there. Of course, I am 41 but I am trying to get ideas and motivation to stay on track. You look great by the way, but I understand that we all have our own goals. Good luck.
  • TXPOPE95
    TXPOPE95 Posts: 7
    Hi! I am 5'2" and typically weigh between 117 and 120 but I really want to weigh about 110-113 but I never can get there. Of course, I am 41 but I am trying to get ideas and motivation to stay on track. You look great by the way, but I understand that we all have our own goals. Good luck.
  • I'm 5'2ish and I am ready to kick my tush back into shape. I started out this summer exercising consistently, but then when I went on vacation, it all stopped. I am seriously sick of yo yo exercising ( if thats even a real thing) ready to just stay in shape!
  • lexy3587
    lexy3587 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'2", and about 130(ish) lb... aiming for closer to 120ish, but I'm not really all that worried about the weight aspect of things, since a lot of my exercise builds muscle. Since muscle weighs more, overall, and I'm already in a healthy weight range, I'm not expecting much change of weight. I'm aiming more to just be a bit more toned, overall.
    A lot of you seem to be focused on the weight aspect, which is definitely a part of it, but if you're already very close to your ideal weight, chances are, you might be slimming down (due to gym and exercise in general) without actually changing weight. Waist-size is a good indicator of that - you might have plateau-ed in weight, but pay attention to your body size instead, and you might be surprised.
    Also, I've just started doing Cross-fit - I'd definitely consider that a good exercise to burn fat and get toned. And, as a non-gym-goer typically, I can say that it is not something that requires you to already be really into fitness... you improve at it very quickly.
  • glamjess
    glamjess Posts: 1
    5'1 & weigh 122. i have always wieghed 112 to 114, im trying to get back to that range. Only 10 lbs to go... but i am more trying to tone up rather than get skinnier since im already small.
  • fronc
    fronc Posts: 41
    I'm just under 5'4 and currently I've dropped 28 to be around 121ish. I really want to get (well firstly under 120) but ultimately around closer to 116. Mainly I wanna get the body fat down.

    So far focussing on diet has worked really well, but I want to be waaaaaay more toned, espec. in legs. Any advice girls?

    Good luck to everyone - you're all so close to your goals. Keep at it!
  • I’m 24, 5’5” and weigh 127 lbs. A year and a half ago I weighed 148 after an 8 month Poutine addiction (I’m from Canada:P).

    I’m heading to Punta Cana in January and trying to get down to 123!! I’ve been eating healthy,hitting the gym 2-3 times a week and going to Zumba twice, weekly but my weight just doesn’t seem to want to budge.

    I know I need to gain control of my sodium addiction but it is so hard. Food just doesn’t taste the same without it. I wish there was some sort of alternative to Salt like there is for Sugar!!

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