Question for the people with perfect abs...

JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
How the heck did you get them?

I've been doing intense cardio/sculpting and crunches like a maniac and they're just not close to how I want them. I'm a girl and I want a feminine body - think swimsuit model. That's my goal. I don't want to have the chisseled guy abs but if any of you guys have any helpful advice - I WILL listen, this isn't limited to the girls. All advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks !!


  • AdorablePanda
    AdorablePanda Posts: 125 Member
    bump :-) I wanna know too
  • snobuni08
    snobuni08 Posts: 54 Member
    I wish I had the answer to that question. If you figure it out please let me know. :) GOOD LUCK!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    DIET, DIET, DIET!!! Your abs are there already, you just need to peel back a little fat to see them. :-D
  • Bump
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Bump - I so want to know! Haha I know you can't just focus on one spot since fat is all 1 membrane and you have to do cardio and such. But this is soo drivin' me insane in the membrane.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    First thing to do is make sure there is no baby fat covering your tummy. You can do crunches til you're blue in the face but your abs are not gonna show if there's a layer of fat there. So, if there is, increase your cardio to burn it off. I do about 200 crunches a night and 100 leg lifts while laying on my back (both legs lifted about 6 inches off floor then back down without actually touching floor). I also do 50-100 sit ups on an exercise ball. The need to balance strengthens the whole core. I have a well defined tummy with a noticeable 4 pack and defined obliques. Good luck!
  • bump
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    for how long?
    it takes an EXTREME amount of time to get down to a body fat % where you can really see the abs. For women its usually around 16& and under. It's not easy, and everyone carries weight different. My questions are: what does you diet look like? How long have you been at this? How long have you been an "athlete"? What is your body fat %? What are your current body measurements?
  • snmonson
    snmonson Posts: 79
  • My son who does have perfect abs says you just need the right diet and to not do too many exercises that are overly ab intensive. Instead do the ones that use the abs as complementary muscles for things like balance. That is because your abs are actually small muscles and you will tend to overwork them if you concentrate too much on them.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    How the heck did you get them?

    I've been doing intense cardio/sculpting and crunches like a maniac and they're just not close to how I want them. I'm a girl and I want a feminine body - think swimsuit model. That's my goal. I don't want to have the chisseled guy abs but if any of you guys have any helpful advice - I WILL listen, this isn't limited to the girls. All advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks !!

    Check out MFP user damonmath. He has great abs and seems to have this down to a science. I bet he would answer any questions you might have.
  • Work your inner core as well as standard ab exercises, because i'm guessing you want it flat rather than bulging?

    Lie on the floor arms by your side with your legs bent and feet on the floor, really engage your pelvic floor (like you're trying to stop yourself from weeing) and notice how your stomach flattens and hardens, now lift 1 leg just off the floor without your stomach changing, DO NOT let it dome! Then build up to taking both legs off at the same time, the closer they are to the floor the harder it is. Just make sure you concentrate on keeping your stomach flat.

    Mountain climbers are good, as well as all plank variations, and your standard sit ups/crunches
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    You have to add strenght training to your cardio. I'm sure you have heard that muscle burns fat. Well, you can't "spot burn" fat in one certain area of your body. So, do a strength workout every other day. Work on your larger muscle groups first then the smaller groups. Cardio and crunches alone won't do it.

  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    DIET, DIET, DIET!!! Your abs are there already, you just need to peel back a little fat to see them. :-D

    What he said, it's all about diet, you have to lean out to see your abs. Check out sights like for ideas of how to get your body fat % down.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Spot toning is a myth. All the crunches, ab machines, gimmicks and whatnot will not give you 6-pack abs.

    Proper (nutritional) diet, rest and regular total body activity are the keys to lowering your body fat %age.

    That being said...Swimsuit and UNderwear models are well under what is considered "Normal" body fat ranges...and generally are only in that range for a specific photo shoot....not every day.
  • Bany26
    Bany26 Posts: 1
    Bump, I want them too.
  • My abs aren't perfect, but I've gotten a few compliments on them. So I'm pretty sure you know spot reduction doesn't work,, it'll just build muscle (which is what I think you're trying to do), but when you lose weight they muscle will show more. if you carry your weight mostly on your stomach it'll be harder for them to be noticeable, so be aware of how your body's built.

    I run a lot, and I also swim, and a good core is necessary and is used a lot, so maybe try and add some cardio like these, and maybe that'll help.

    For your actual core routine, I would suggest that you vary it and make sure you're getting all parts to build up muscle everywhere, and make sure you do things correctly with precision. Slower makes everything more painful. I wouldn't just to crunches, because they get boring (so go look up some different things for variety?). If I don't know what to do in between exercises for my core workout I'll do plank, and will also do it when I'm just sitting around doing nothing-like watching t.v.

    so hope that helped? I think you're on the right track and they'll start showing up soon though
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Best way to think about his is to use your bed as an metaphore. The mattress is your abdominal muscles. The sheets and blankets are the layer of fat and skin covering it all. It won't matter how firm your mattress is if it's covered with a quilt...
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Spot toning is a myth. All the crunches, ab machines, gimmicks and whatnot will not give you 6-pack abs.

    Proper (nutritional) diet, rest and regular total body activity are the keys to lowering your body fat %age.

    That being said...Swimsuit and UNderwear models are well under what is considered "Normal" body fat ranges...and generally are only in that range for a specific photo shoot....not every day.

    completely agree ! =] !!
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    70% Diet
    30% Gym

    ABS are made in the kitchen.

    I only work Abs once a week!!!!
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