Herniated Disk Help

I have been diagnosed with a herniated disk within the last year and it is the most simple things that bother me to the point of barely being able to stand. Things such as, standing at my bed while folding laundry, doing the dishes, moping, cleaning the bathroom sink, sitting at work for too long.

The doctor would like me to see a specialist about getting injections in my spine, however at 25 years old i'm just not ready for that yet.

My question to anyone willing to answer is:

Have you found anyway to get some temporary relief when everyday things make your back ache? It is an every evening struggle for me and I would just LOVE to get some relief from this.

Thanks everyone!


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have a bulging disc in my L5/S1 area after a fall on the ice last january. Mine is usually aggravated by odd things - like bending over to turn off the water in the shower.

    I've found that ice (not heat -- heat makes the bulging disc swell more!) helps -- also, bouncing gently on an exercise ball 4-5 mins a day will help. It gets the blood flowing to that area of your back (blood flow to the discs is - as a rule - very low - the bouncing helps promote more blood flow) and it will help the swelling too.

    Good Luck. It's very hard to deal with. I know.
  • snobuni08
    snobuni08 Posts: 54 Member
    I have/had 2 herniated disks (L4/L5 & L5/S1) with drop foot (nerve damage) and could barely walk. I did it when I was 16 and they wanted me to get surgery. I convinced them to let me do PT first and they agreed but I had to go back to the neurosurgeon 1/week for weeks to show the drop foot was getting better. I have to admit I had 2 injections and they helped enough to allow me to do small back strengthening and core strengthening exercises. My first recomendation to you is to not over do it as it will only set you back. Also, STRETCHING is key and you need to work SLOWLY on building your core. But ask your doctor before you do any to make sure you will not do more damage. I also find that deep tissue massage and manipulation help me. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Nieforth
    Nieforth Posts: 1
    My back pain turned out not to be caused by the back at all, but a misaligned pelvis pulling the sacrum to the side. I have been seeing an osteopath who has manipulated the joints back into place, and does deep tissue massage to help keep the tight muscles and tendons from pulling them out again. Her treatments have helped a lot. I found a yoga instructor who does yoga therapy who helps me to stretch and strengthen properly, to avoid injuring myself again. I also drink herbal tea. Mullien for realignment , solomons seal for lubrication, and horsetail for strengthening connective tissue. I rub saint johns wort oil into the area to heal nerve damage and reduce pain. I would recommend seeing your local herbalist to see what is most suitable for your back. Herbs can be very powerful, and a much better alternative (I think) to injections.

    The most important thing you have to do is allow yourself to rest. if something hurts it stop doing it or do it differently. do not just get rid of the pain without addressing the injury itself, or the injury will only get worse, if you take a painkiller don't forget your limitations.

    Good luck, and take it easy.
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    Things I've seen done that relieves it...

    *BACK BRACE - Think of it as a girdle, if nothing else. Limiting your range of motion will help.

    *BACK EXERCISES - Tighten the muscles that surround your vertebrae - Although, I'd ask a PT or physician prior to starting that as it may hinder more than it helps.

    *ICE/HEAT - Constricting and dialating the blood vessels promotes good blood flow to painful areas.

    *BIOFREEZE - It's made for muscle pain - Works PHENOMENAL. Maybe Watkins to buy?

    *TAKE BREAKS - Even if it's not hurting, get up and move every 15 minutes if possible.

    *EAT YOUR FIBER/DRINK WATER - Make sure you poop every day. More strain in the lower back makes everything hurt more!

    *MASSAGE - Make it a monthly routine! Teach Dave how to use a tennis ball on your back. It can be a weight loss reward as well!

    *USE A STOOL - Put your foot up on it when you do dishes or fold laundry.

    Just a thought. You never know what may be effective. =)
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    Forgot yoga as well!
  • Cheeks768
    Cheeks768 Posts: 15
    I am also suffering from herniated discs....L4-L5 and L5-S1. I have had 2 injections so far, having my 3rd on Friday because I let myself get out of the habit of stretching and exercising and the pain has flared back up. Stretching is so extremely important!!! I use ice on my low back and heat on my right butt cheek because I suffer from sciatica as well. Yoga has been an amazing way to build some muscle and keep those muscles stretched out. I know I won't be letting myself stop yoga, stretching, and exercise after this next injection....I have learned my lesson!!
