Am I eating enough/too much?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    OP, how did you come up with 1850 for your TDEE? I calculate it at around 2100.

    Sounds right to me.

    Which one?

    Her TDEE. 1850. Same as mine and I'm just a couple pounds heavier and a whole 4 inches taller than her.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016
    I woke up thinking about this, don't ask me why, LOL :) . So I thought about your weekly average. I went back and doubled checked your calorie goal on your diary.. and noted the following:

    Sept 25 goal was 1400
    Sept 26 - 28 was 1600
    Sept 29 was 1630
    Sept 28th till today 1500..

    @ 1500/day Goal was 12000, @1600/day Goal was 12800. Even if on the non logging day you ate approx 1500, that week came out to approx 11700, you were still under weekly goal.. so I needed to change up my thoughts a bit, so I rant your stats (I was tired last night and should have done this, apologies)

    Mifflin - St Jeor

    BMR approx 1324
    TDEE approx 1580 (sedentary)
    TDEE approx 1820 (light active - exercise)

    20% rate of loss = 1450 a day. At slower rate 15% would 1540 per day (about .5 to .6 pounds a week)..

    Since you are starving which is understandable, you might want to stick to the 1500 (or even bump that up 50) calories.

    So why not shoot for the 1500 calories, for a min of 4 weeks. Make notes on your diary how you feel during this time (hunger, mood, energy, how you are performing in exercise, etc).. Determine you rate of loss for these weeks according to your setups. If you are losing comfortably and all is good, keep going.

    The thing that stuck out to me was that you said you have been trying to lose weight for about three years now. Don't know the details, but if you try and stick to one calorie goal, and do that consistently for a min 4 weeks see where you are. Come back and tell us how you are doing. :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited October 2016
    1. You seem to have a lot of generic entries in your diary (e.g., a generic banana daily - all entries tend to be around 90ish calories). I would try to clean stuff like that up. My grocery store carries Dole Bananas and typically they tend to be around 125 to 135 calories. I also see this with stuff like sweet potatoes.

    2. If you are starving, then you should play around with your food combinations to see what fills you up the most. What I was do is aim to get 120g of protein daily and 30g of fiber (switch out sugar and add fiber to your diary -

    3. Replace bananas for lower sugar fruits (berries or something like this). Increases to low sugar/low calories veggies: carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, etc... Or you can replace them with other volume & protein sources of foods: egg whites/eggs (combo if you would like), Greek yogurt, chicken, pork, etc..

    4. Following the TDEE method, I would put you around 1500-1600 calories. I would also potentially decrease your carbs and increase fats. It' s possible you will respond better to fats. @ 1550, macros: Protein - 30%, carbs 30% and fats 40%.

    5. Log daily.

    6. Minimize your effort and maximize your results with following a structured lift program - . Women tend to like strong curves and NROL4W (both are books)
  • laura2137
    laura2137 Posts: 27 Member
    I eat between 1000 to 1200 calories / day. I have lost 8 kg in 3 1/2 months, according to my Fitbit on a very sedentary day I would need between 1760 to 1800 calories, I don't exercise at all except for housework.....I don't have breakfast, only a cup of tea 2 sugars and skim milk, because I'm not hungry in the morning, I find if I have breakfast, I end up eating a lot more through the day and being hungrier as well, I do listen to my body and this way at least for now, it's working...........I have found the perfect formula for "me" having nice crusty stoned baked breadroll (Coles) filled with all sorts of proteins, various vegetables and fat, that really are filling and satisfying.......a light snack ( splice or tea a biscuit) then chicken or prawns, vegs stir fry for dinner with 1/2 cup of boiled rice, or a 1/2 pizza from Aldi with a salad eccetera....the first month was very hard......I was hungry every night, I don't anymore, I eat the things I like and I can go this way for a year or forever if necessary........
    I know about the sugar
  • laura2137
    laura2137 Posts: 27 Member
    Half of my reply seems lost.....I was commenting as we are all different and what works for the majority won't work for everybody, I know about the sugar spike and so forth, and breakfast the most important meal of the day quick starting the metabolism, but doesn't work for me. Thanks to fitness pal Apps and calories counting, eating what suits me best, I'm slowly but surely going towards my goal,
    Age is also a factor in my loosing weight slowly......but never mind, I enjoy what I eat and cook what I like.....
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I sent you a PM.
  • cassieemch
    cassieemch Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I'll give some of the tips a try and see what happens, I guess. :)
  • yeastbeastfromthemiddleeast
    This seems really similar to how I felt back when I did HIIT 5 times a week as well as strength training. I ate a LOT and was constantly hungry, but never counted my calories, just stuck to whole, natural foods that I cooked myself. After 3 months of this I had lost zero weight, but looked a lot slimmer and way more toned. I attribute this to my natural ability to gain muscle. If this seems similar to you, maybe try keeping the exercise regimen but just eating the way that feels natural to you?