questions for outdoor bike riders

how many miles can you cycle in 3 hours on a paved, fairly flat path at a moderate effort? is 17 miles a good estimate? should it be more?


  • spacecat
    spacecat Posts: 5 Member
    On a flat, paved path at a moderate pace (the pace I go if I'm biking somewhere and need to arrive looking somewhat presentable), I average about 10 miles/hour. Of course, things like the weight of your bike (mine is pretty light) and weather conditions (especially wind!!) can make a big difference.

    If you're new to biking outdoors, I'd say 20-25 miles would be a nice, attainable goal.
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    That depends. What kind of bike/tires are you using? How much (time/miles) have you ridden in the last few months? What's the weather like (strong winds, high heat)?

    17 miles in 3 hours is less than 6 miles per hour. That should easily be attainable as long as you are used to the continuos effort - 3 hours is a long time. Do make sure you drink plenty of water during that time and eat as well.

    Are you training for a ride in particular or are you just enjoying the bike?
  • lbudnick
    lbudnick Posts: 6
    As always, it depends...
    You say you walked 13.1 miles in 3.5 hours and most people can bike at least twice as fast as they run/walk, so right there you can expect to ride 20 miles easily in 3 hours. Not sure you should target a 3 hour workout routine though. I like to ride hard for a shorter duration, say for an hour or even less. Anything more than that and I would need to stop and eat something. Since my meals are generally 300 - 350 calories each, I wouldn't routinely burn a lot more than that in one exercise session. Remember to drink a ton of water before, during and after any big ride as well.
    To more accurately answer your question, you might consider getting an inexpensive bike computer. They are sold at Target and Walmart for about $20 and are excellent for tracking ride times and average speed. I plug those two numbers right into my MFP exercise log to get an accurate calorie burn for every ride. Biking is my preferred activity and I ride as often as I can.

    Good luck!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    it's a group bike ride with experienced and inexperienced riders. the time is set, but i need to figure out where the pick-up will be. :)
  • Chiqui74
    Chiqui74 Posts: 72 Member
    Moderate effort is dependent on the individual. On a road surface at easy to moderate effort (for me), I can ride about 45 miles about 55 if I'm with a group. That's on a road bike. If the group you are going to join is on road bikes, even the slowest ones will go much, much faster than 17 miles in 3 hours.
  • trixie5059
    trixie5059 Posts: 45 Member
    I used to cycle alot, and just recently started again. I cycle 9km one way to work in about 20 mins, which is about 5.5 miles, going a moderate speed.
    Just a thought....don't start cycling 17 miles unless you are used to it...start with smaller stretches to work up to it.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    to answer some of the questions, it is a leisure ride for a family reunion. the path is a maintained bike path.

    even if we don't all ride consistently, we are all fit. some cycle indoors regularly; most don't but i am fairly certain everyone will be able to handle it (thanks for all the warning but it will be fine).

    all the bikes will be different, everything from light racer frames to mountain bikes to bmx-style to kids - no speeds, 10 speeds, and 21 speeds.

    the weather will be hot, hot, hot. mid-day in august.

    as i said the time of 3 hours is set, but we may stop for drink breaks and whatnot. our endpoint will include a banana split social. sounds like 27-34 miles might be more realistic.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm on a good road bike but haven't had a lot of miles over the last year. I will average 12-13 miles per hour so in 3 hours around 36-38 miles. When I'm better trained I'm more like 14-15 miles/hour.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I think you are pretty close with your revised estimation of 27-34. That would allow for a few short drink stops and can easily be attained on a flat paved surface, even with a basic mountain bike or kids bike. What an awesome idea for a family reunion instead of the normal overflow of food lacking any exercise or activity.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Do you have an iphone? Mapmyrun has a free app that will track your ride for you (it even goes off road).
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    don't have an iphone, don't have a cell phone actually. i think i am the only remaining holdout. lol. i think we are going to do 30. 10 miles each hour with any extra time to stop and take a break. thanks for the help!