Pain when running, but I don't want to stop :D



  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I was just going to post a question like this! I also have shin splints. I went out and got fitted for really good running shoes. That helped alot! Sometimes when the pain gets to be too much I switch to the stepper. After building up my strength they don't bug me so much anymore :) Good luck .
  • chicagofats
    chicagofats Posts: 34 Member
    I concur on the stretches. They've helped me tremendously. And when I run and I start to feel the slightest tinge of shin splints, I'll stop and do some more stretches.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I got my running shoes when I joined the gym so there only 3 months old.

    When you bought them, did you actually have them professionally fitted where they watch you run, study your gait and make a recommendation ... or did you just buy a pair of running shoes?
    Just bought them & assumed they would be fine.
    Looks like I need to get professionally fitted, when I have the spare cash.

    Even if you can't buy now, most places that specialize in this will help you figure out what you need. When I went in, I discovered that my arches sit about 1/2" farther back on my foot than average, and therefore, the arch in most shoes was not hitting the right spot which put a lot of additional strain on the ligaments in my foot with each step - which I was then over compensating for - causing shin splints. I had never even considered such a thing. Best of luck! You'll be "up and running" (pun intended) in no time! :)
  • froggy77064
    froggy77064 Posts: 49 Member
    having the same issues myself.been trying to get back into shape for the past 3 weeks now. i found some stretching exercises that seemed to help some. what i have found that has helped the most was changing the surface i was on.i started the couch to 5k program this past monday (on concrete)and half way through my workout my shins were on fire(didn't complete the workout,very dissapointing).so today i went for day 2,but on a track that was mainly dirt.WOW!!!! what a difference it made.didn't have any pain until there very end and it was no where close to the pain i had before. hope this helps