3kg (7lbs) loss in July!



  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    You're doing so well, Bree! Definitely on track to get those 3kg off!

    I don't know WHAT the hell my body is doing. I've been exercising 30-60mins a day (walking, exercise bike, 30DS, various other fitness DVDs), eating 1200-1500 calories (all good ones too!) and today the scale was UP a whopping 1.5kg!!! I don't feel any heavier, my clothes are still fitting the same. It must be water retention from my workouts, but it's so damn annoying!

    OMG im the EXACT same!!!!!!
    i worked out sooooooo much the last few days and i have GAINED!!!!! wat the hell!!!????

    im doing boxing, 30day shred, walking and eatring 1300-1450 cals a day and still gained!!! i burned off 1400cals on monday and 850cal yesterday?????
    BOOOOO our bodies!:mad:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Started the 30DS today and spent an hour and a half at the gym. Exactly what I needed to regain my motivation. Forgot how great I feel after a good workout!

    Kaylah- Congrats on losing inches! Personally I would rather use inches than weight shows you're on your way to that fit, tined body :). I measured myself this morning before starting 30DS.

    Bree- I was at home last week for the uni break so was eating out quite a bit catching up with friends and couldn't resist mums baking. I didn't feel guilty about eating bad food or anything at the time because i thought I had done enough exercise to counteract and had the 'ah well I'm on holiday' attitude. I'm going to be very careful with my calories from now on though.

    welldone with your workout hun!!!!
    thats awesome work!!!! :)
    and welldone for starting 30day shred! its really good you'll learnt to love it and its quick and satisfying!!!!
    sooo glad your feeling motivated again!!!! get moving girl!!! :smile:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Did u guys measure aswell?..when i do the shred i lose HEAPS of inches and next to nothing in weight...I havent weighed myself yet, ill do it at the end but i can feel so much difference already...fingers crossed some of it shows on the scales atleast

    nah didnt measure, but i actually think my pooch at the bottom of my tummy is bigger :(
    i feel bigger which is crap cause im been trying soo hard!
    im still under 78kg which is good but i dont like being closer to that end than 76s end! :( being good today, no exercise and hopefully see a result from the last few days!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    I reckon its just your body holding onto water weight after ur big workouts hun...Should definatley come offwithin a wk or so! And u'll have a big drop! :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    :bigsmile: stupid huh!!!!
    i worked out hard i wanna see it come off the next day like it should!!!!
    crapola! haahha

    but rest day today...

    how is everyone else going????

    anyone having good losses???
    keep it up team!!!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    OK, one week in to this and I've gone from 179 lbs to 177 lbs...which means I've got 5 lbs to shed in 19 days. I reckon this is doable :-))

    Well done everyone on your losses and to the people who haven't lost...keep it up, you WILL get there!!

    Laura x
  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    2 days in and 1kg down already! BOOM! Absolutely died in my circuit training but was so worth it and then to do a bit of straight cardio afterwards...feels so good to be able to exercise properly again!
    Keep up the good work guys! Oh and I'm studying exercise and sports science and nutrition and so I can answer your questions about being heavier after intense exercises - so there are 2 reasons; muscle gain (as you know muscle weighs more than fat) and fluid retention. You will minimise your fluid retention if you are well hydrated with water before and after your exercise. Also don't drink carbohydrate drinks (sports drinks, flavoured waters etc) during exercise as they contain a lot of sodium which causes the water retention. Of course if you are doing hard cardio work for more than 1.5 hours straight you should be drinking some carbohydrate drinks just to give your body that little bit of energy though!
    Hope that helps :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Laura- GREAT RESULT!!! well done hun!!! you are going great guns, keep it up!!! its very doable so keep going and get there!! :)

    annie- thanks for the info and what a fantastic result for you too!!!! thats awesome!!!!
    i thoguht though if i drink 2L during the day then do a workout, no drink much, that menas im sweating out the water and therefore not get water rentention??? im not eating too much sodium probs keeping it around the 900mg mark per day!??
    so any other reasons why my weight loss isnt showing up?
  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    Hey Bree,

    So my guess would be that you aren't drinking enough water to maintain what you are losing through sweating at the gym. This makes your blood more concentrated in sodium (and other electrolytes) and causes fluid retention which is why it's so important to be really well hydrated. A bit ironic but the more water you drink - the less water your body holds onto! The 2L a day guideline is for the 'average' person - a 70kg person who does little to no exercise. You should weigh yourself pre and post exercise to see that the weights match up - that's the only way to know that you have drank enough water.

    Otherwise you've just gained muscle and are on your way to being soooo much hotter....yay!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    hahah ok cool thanks!
    ill make sure i chug ALOT more water!!!
    thanks hun!

    see everyone learns a little bit everyday :)
  • amysambora
    amysambora Posts: 219
    Thanks for the advice Annie! My scale has gone from 61kg to 63kg in three days!!! I already feel like I drink a lot of water but I'm just gonna keep chugging it down. I'm doing half hour brisk walks or bike rides then Level 2 of the 30 day shred which is a killer. Plus I work part time on my feet for 15hrs a week. Maybe I need to be drinking more. There's just over two weeks left of July and I really want my scale to go DOWN in that time!!!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I have not been around much, School Holidays arghhh!!! Only 2 days left, only 2 days left :bigsmile:

    Anyway...I have managed to get a few days exercise in, not as much as I would like but its better than nothing. This morning I got on the scales and YAY!!! finally under 66kg - 65.8 :happy: I seem to have been hanging around 66 for ages, going up anywhere to 68 after the weekend :blushing: . I am determined this weekend not to fall into the same pattern of crappy eating and no exercise, am going to be really good and hopefully I will see a better loss next week.

    Hey do you guys take your measurements, sometimes even if the scales don't show the losses, the tapemeasure sure does!! I went to my gym for my 6 week re-measure and had lost almost 10cm from waist, and hips. About 4kg lost on the scales but the centimeters lost were huge!! I have been doing much more weight training with my P/T and I think that has made a big difference.

    Bree I have to thank you for your advise on running. I have been trying to do C25K for so long but just can't seem to do it consistantly. So last weekend I just thought I would go out for a run and see how I went. I was amazed that I managed to run just over 5km and it did'nt even kill me :laugh: It is amazing how much of it is in your mind, I think because I had nothing telling me I had to run for so long it just seemed so much better. Yesterday I ran on the treadmill at the gym for 30mins and then did the hill program for another 30 minutes, Ouchies my legs are a bit sore today :smile:

    Hope you all have a great weekend, keep up the great work eveyone and remember all your hard work WILL pay off!!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Hey everyone! Just checking in. Today I'm headed home from my vacation and very sad about it! But I'm excited to get back into my normal eating routine again. Eating while on vacation is TOUGH! It wasn't even that there were all sorts of "bad" things tempting me... it was that with my limited diet (I'm a pescetarian - a vegetarian that eats fish, but I try not to have fish more than 1-2 times a week) there wasn't a huge variety of things I could eat. The salad options on the island I am at were not great for me as most contained chicken or had heavy blue cheese dressing (that is a BIG thing here). So I had fish a couple of nights, grilled cheese one night, enchiladas another... Too much cheese and sodium! :grumble: But I did get plenty of exercise so hopefully that'll counteract some of the bad stuff!

    Going to not weigh myself for a couple of days so my water retention can go away, and hopefully I will have lost or at least stayed the same!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I have not been around much, School Holidays arghhh!!! Only 2 days left, only 2 days left :bigsmile:

    Anyway...I have managed to get a few days exercise in, not as much as I would like but its better than nothing. This morning I got on the scales and YAY!!! finally under 66kg - 65.8 :happy: I seem to have been hanging around 66 for ages, going up anywhere to 68 after the weekend :blushing: . I am determined this weekend not to fall into the same pattern of crappy eating and no exercise, am going to be really good and hopefully I will see a better loss next week.

    Hey do you guys take your measurements, sometimes even if the scales don't show the losses, the tapemeasure sure does!! I went to my gym for my 6 week re-measure and had lost almost 10cm from waist, and hips. About 4kg lost on the scales but the centimeters lost were huge!! I have been doing much more weight training with my P/T and I think that has made a big difference.

    Bree I have to thank you for your advise on running. I have been trying to do C25K for so long but just can't seem to do it consistantly. So last weekend I just thought I would go out for a run and see how I went. I was amazed that I managed to run just over 5km and it did'nt even kill me :laugh: It is amazing how much of it is in your mind, I think because I had nothing telling me I had to run for so long it just seemed so much better. Yesterday I ran on the treadmill at the gym for 30mins and then did the hill program for another 30 minutes, Ouchies my legs are a bit sore today :smile:

    Hope you all have a great weekend, keep up the great work eveyone and remember all your hard work WILL pay off!!

    AMANDA that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!
    im soooooooo proud of you!!!!!!
    welldone! 5km is an amazing distance! what a great goal mark now to improve on!
    congrats im sooo pleased you got over the mental part and kept going its fantastic!!!!!!

    how you feeling today??
    and a BIG congrats for being under 66kg! how did you go over the weekend not too much self sabotage i hope :)???

  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Hey everyone! Just checking in. Today I'm headed home from my vacation and very sad about it! But I'm excited to get back into my normal eating routine again. Eating while on vacation is TOUGH! It wasn't even that there were all sorts of "bad" things tempting me... it was that with my limited diet (I'm a pescetarian - a vegetarian that eats fish, but I try not to have fish more than 1-2 times a week) there wasn't a huge variety of things I could eat. The salad options on the island I am at were not great for me as most contained chicken or had heavy blue cheese dressing (that is a BIG thing here). So I had fish a couple of nights, grilled cheese one night, enchiladas another... Too much cheese and sodium! :grumble: But I did get plenty of exercise so hopefully that'll counteract some of the bad stuff!

    Going to not weigh myself for a couple of days so my water retention can go away, and hopefully I will have lost or at least stayed the same!

    WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    How was thew vacation??
    i saw you logging everyday and your exercise was phneomonal!!!!!
    welldone!!! yeah it must have been hard, but you sound like you got through it really welkl!!!
    copngrats! you've done a great job and like you said let the fluid go away and jump on those scales im sure your fine! :)
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Hey everyone!
    You're all doing really well!! Congrats!

    I been busy putting my all into 30DS and invested in Zumba for my wii too so been doing 45 mins of that a day!! All is good and best Wii game ive had for getting up a sweat, love it!! :D
    So hoping i'll see a good loss by check in before the weekend* fingers crossed!!!*
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Hey everyone!
    You're all doing really well!! Congrats!

    I been busy putting my all into 30DS and invested in Zumba for my wii too so been doing 45 mins of that a day!! All is good and best Wii game ive had for getting up a sweat, love it!! :D
    So hoping i'll see a good loss by check in before the weekend* fingers crossed!!!*

    great adivce thanks :)
    i might have to invest i hate doing it at the gym cause i feell ike such a nuffy!
    thanks for that!!! :)
    keep up the great work!!!
  • sarahq21
    sarahq21 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey everyone!
    You're all doing really well!! Congrats!

    I been busy putting my all into 30DS and invested in Zumba for my wii too so been doing 45 mins of that a day!! All is good and best Wii game ive had for getting up a sweat, love it!! :D
    So hoping i'll see a good loss by check in before the weekend* fingers crossed!!!*

    great adivce thanks :)
    i might have to invest i hate doing it at the gym cause i feell ike such a nuffy!
    thanks for that!!! :)
    keep up the great work!!!

    You don't need to feel like a nuffy! lol
    I go to zumba classes and they are amazing... Love it! No one really cares how good you are... Probably the same attitude I have to running on the treadmill at the gym... lol
  • sarahq21
    sarahq21 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey everyone!
    You're all doing really well!! Congrats!

    I been busy putting my all into 30DS and invested in Zumba for my wii too so been doing 45 mins of that a day!! All is good and best Wii game ive had for getting up a sweat, love it!! :D
    So hoping i'll see a good loss by check in before the weekend* fingers crossed!!!*

    great adivce thanks :)
    i might have to invest i hate doing it at the gym cause i feell ike such a nuffy!
    thanks for that!!! :)
    keep up the great work!!!

    You don't need to feel like a nuffy! lol
    I go to zumba classes and they are amazing... Love it! No one really cares how good you are... Probably the same attitude I have to running on the treadmill at the gym... lol
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Hey everyone!
    You're all doing really well!! Congrats!

    I been busy putting my all into 30DS and invested in Zumba for my wii too so been doing 45 mins of that a day!! All is good and best Wii game ive had for getting up a sweat, love it!! :D
    So hoping i'll see a good loss by check in before the weekend* fingers crossed!!!*

    great adivce thanks :)
    i might have to invest i hate doing it at the gym cause i feell ike such a nuffy!
    thanks for that!!! :)
    keep up the great work!!!

    You don't need to feel like a nuffy! lol
    I go to zumba classes and they are amazing... Love it! No one really cares how good you are... Probably the same attitude I have to running on the treadmill at the gym... lol

    You're right , we are all there for the same thing,but im naturally quite shy and was never good at things like Drama at school, so anything like that makes me quite uncomfortable. I like the wii cos i can really let myself go :D