Hi, back again! Looking for support and help.

I have been using MFP for about 3 years off and on and always had success and weight loss but about 3-4 months in its typical of me to just slowly stop using it and I gain every pound back. I have always been over weight and stayed the same weight for many years 220lb is where I stayed from 17-21 years then as I got pregnant I reached over 300+. I have stayed around 320-330lb for the last 5 years and even when I used MFP I had reached 287lb once which was a big accomplishment when I do MFP I always eat and never starve myself I just make better choices, but this time I want to stick with this and stay consistent and want to keep going I'm not healthy what so ever at the weight I am I definitely feel tired a lot of the time, un motivated, breathing is impaired and I just think to myself this isn't the life I want, eating unhealthy and not caring about my health is hazardous especially since I'm only 26 and I have my whole life ahead of me to make a change. I'm in this for the long haul I know its all about change, and consistency and seeing the good in things. I am needing friends and people that are going through the same battles. Please feel free to add me. Thank you.


  • Time2Live1101
    Time2Live1101 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm a returning member as well. I totally get how you feel. I was 263 lbs when I was 28. I didn't want to go into my 30's overweight. I lost 117 lbs in a little over a year. Unfortunately when I reached my goal weight I fell back in love with the wrong types of food. Needless to say I gained all of it back. Then earlier this year I was hospitalized with pneumonia and gained even more weight due to the steroids I was given. I found myself at 284 lbs within 2 months of my illness. Last week I went to see my doctor and she talked me into trying phentermine ( obesity drug). I have been using it along with a proper diet and lots of walking. I am down to 277 lbs. That's 7 lbs in less than a week. I'm sure it's mostly water weight but it's still weight! I'm so excited to get this weight back off. This time around I'm going to keep it off. I am now 36 years old and have several health problems I have to take this seriously. I am adding you so that we can help each other get through this.
  • Hi - I'm returning as well. It's so hard to track everyday but when I do I lose and stick with it for a while but months later stop again. How do we stop leaving?
  • acharya26
    acharya26 Posts: 11 Member
    We must make our changes something we can do long term, and accept there will be good days and bad days ahead of us but that doesn't discount everything we have worked up til then for just accept it and keep going on we are human and we will make mistakes eat unhealthy things every now and then but its something you have to live with the rest of your life if you want to keep the weight off so you have to allow yourself to enjoy a little just don't make a binge of it and throw it all always because of one day of cakes and pizza. Eat right most of the time enjoy healthy foods, trial and error we can do this and continue to do this. Its our life and we have what it takes in us to fight those temptations and stay strong and keep going. So good luck!!!!
  • lisamsteward
    lisamsteward Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm back again too. Gained a lot! I need to lose almost 100#
  • acharya26
    acharya26 Posts: 11 Member
    We can do this! Just log every meal and be conscious of everything you eat. Good luck and stay strong this is for the better us :)
  • Time2Live1101
    Time2Live1101 Posts: 4 Member
    We will do this! You are totally right. We have a long road but it will be well worth it when we make it to the finish line. And this time we WILL keep it off. :)
  • Brittanygail92
    Brittanygail92 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm returning too! Gained 50lbs since I last logged on. Ladies we got this. We can do this for us!!!
  • acharya26
    acharya26 Posts: 11 Member
  • jeangerrard231
    jeangerrard231 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi am new to this don't know how it all works still working it out . Don't know how to add people . Good luck am sure you will do stay positive and focussed x
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    you can all do this but its a lifelong way of eating that you need to establish. good luck to you all. stay focused and most of all stay with it.
  • sylviajackson23
    sylviajackson23 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all
    I'm returning aswell done it a few years ago lost 6 stone then Christmas and new year got in the way
    Couldn't get back on it so put 3 stone back on lol
    Now new start new me
    Good luck all we can do this
  • Kari_Bear78
    Kari_Bear78 Posts: 533 Member
    Hey feel free to add me. Been doing this for almost a year and have lost 55 lbs so far. I have an open diary to give people some tips on snacks and meals.
  • cocates
    cocates Posts: 360 Member
    Hi all!

    I've returned a few times as well. 15 days logging in streak! Feel free to add me. I also have an open diary. Good luck to you all!
  • CaptainPepperJack
    CaptainPepperJack Posts: 46 Member
    feel free to add me if you like.
  • SapphicDiurnal
    SapphicDiurnal Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am brand new to the MFP community and I am definitely looking for a network of other users to keep me inspired and motivated and make me feel accountable. I'm 23 years old and I want to start eating healthy and being active. I've gained 25 lbs over the last 7 months; not only do I want to lose it, I want to get IN SHAPE! I've never done anything like this before. I definitely want to hear of everyone's progress! You can feel free to add me!!
  • sylviajackson23
    sylviajackson23 Posts: 27 Member
    cocates wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I've returned a few times as well. 15 days logging in streak! Feel free to add me. I also have an open diary. Good luck to you all!

  • sylviajackson23
    sylviajackson23 Posts: 27 Member
  • sylviajackson23
    sylviajackson23 Posts: 27 Member
    Can't find any way to add friends ? On mobile can anyone help ?
  • Arapacana1
    Arapacana1 Posts: 117 Member
    Please add me! I lost 70 pounds a few years ago... and then gained almost all of it back. Started again last summer, and I'm down 40 pounds. Still got a ways to go...
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Can't find any way to add friends ? On mobile can anyone help ?

    Click on the name of the person you will get a box come up and tick send message then send