Hello not new to MFP but starting over!

I'm not new to the site but I stopped for a while. Now I am back new and fresh and ready to give it another go! Trying to loose 100 lbs! If you'd like to know more read my profile!


  • Welcome back. I too am returning from a lengthy hiatus. I wish you good luck in your continued efforts.
  • I need to lose 100+ as well. This is my first week back on. I SWEAR I've lost the same 50 pounds over and over again... Too bad they don't add up! Good Luck! :)
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 139 Member
    I did great for a month...then went on vacation and ruined it all. Now I'm back too! :) Good luck and good job on your return!
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    Welcome back!!
  • Welcome back! The important thing is you havent given up on yourself!!! You can do this!! My prayer for you is that you will learn to see yourself through God's eyes!
  • eelstail
    eelstail Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat. It's soooooo hard to lose weight in the summer during vacation time / cookouts / beer-drinking.
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    Welcome back glad u made this decision to join all of us again. im here for u if u need help
  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome back! =)
  • MrsPalek
    MrsPalek Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there-
    I've been off MFP for about 4 months and am returning too. I love the food tracker since it really makes me consider everything I eat. I wish you the best will be here for you if needed. Good luck girlie
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Welcome back.. feel free to add me.. all the motivation and support here is amazing.. I love my mfp friends!