Weight Loss Doesn't Feel Real?

So over the last few months I've managed to lose about 10 lbs. I started at about 126 at my highest and by the time I really started watching myself I was about 123 lbs. I am now about 116 lbs. It doesn't seem like a lot of weight taken off but I am only 5'0'' so any weight loss is a pretty big deal since it comes off so slowly.

I managed to finally go from 119 lbs to 116 lbs in the course of a few weeks. I plateaued at 119 lbs for many weeks. Now that I am at about 116 lbs it doesn't feel "real." Something about my body still looks and feels the same as when I was a few pounds heavier. If anything, it makes me want to exercise more because I still feel like I have those extra pounds but really I did lose a considerable amount of pounds relatively fast. And I know the weight is staying off from weekly weigh-ins.

Anybody ever deal with this? How do you cope with the feeling?


  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    I think it is normal for people to see themselves as imperfect, and not notice positive changes. At 116lbs, you are well within the weight range you should be. I would not recommend trying to lose more.
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    DanceDiva --I know exactly what you mean! I have gone from 152 to 135 in the last couple of months (since August, actually) doing MFP and actually staying on the 1200 cal. they recommend (anywhere between 1000 and 1200/day) and it does feel like I've lost weight -- my clothes are definitely looser now! -- and now I'm setting my sights on 120's, but it doesn't seem real. Some people notice it, but mostly, it still feel like I'm the same, with more clothes I can wear again. I can't believe I'm actually thinking of getting into the 120's -- only six pounds away now -- yet will THAT feel like I'm thinner? I think I just have to keep going, keep eating healthy (that's been a big change for me -- no more sugar anything!) and let's see where it goes. I'm 5'3" btw!
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Congrats on your success so far. What you're going through is what we will go through. Unfortunately we are our worst enemy and we're the last ones to notice and realize how much we changed.

    January 1st 2016 I started to 288. My current weight is 206. I still see myself as overweight even though I'm getting better at realizing how much I've changed. To give you an example of what I'm talking about couple weeks ago I went into the men's room of a big box store and they had a mirror there and when I saw myself in the mirror I said what the hell is wrong with that mirror it doesn't look right. It hit me that's the way I look now even my original thought the mirror was no good.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    You might want to try weight lifting and/or bodyweight exercises & hiit cardio- this could help you do some body recomposition. You don't need to lose more weight, I bet you just want more muscle and less fat- or as a lot of people refer to it "tone up". Eat at maintenance calories and make sure you're getting enough protein every day & implement some strength training or other exercise that you enjoy.

    Also maybe take some photos and then compare them with photos of when you were heavier. I know I always sort of feel like I look the same when looking in the mirror, but somehow photos really show the changes well.
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    Thank you all! Definitely glad I am not the only one that feels this way :)