Loose 5lbs + in November



  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Feeling a little bit devastated with the fact that my figures are going in the wrong direction!

    Nov 6th - 180
    Nov 13th -182
    Nov 20th -
    Nov 27th -

    I seem to be putting weight on - not taking it off!

    I can already see what will happen next week - I'll be down by a couple of pounds. In other words, I will be exactly where I started at the beginning of this challenge.

    Trying really hard to stay positive!
  • deby32904
    deby32904 Posts: 22 Member
  • carsonmom4
    carsonmom4 Posts: 21 Member
    Last week wasn't a good week as I didn't plan or log meals but one good thing is I still didn't eat after 8pm. However, the one pound I lost week I gained back so back to starting point.

    MFP starting weight: 270
    Current weight: 266
    November goal: 260
    Ultimate goal: 180

    Nov. 1st: 266
    Nov. 7th: 265
    Nov. 14th: 266
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    MiamiSeoul wrote: »
    YinxFed wrote: »
    Feeling a little bit devastated with the fact that my figures are going in the wrong direction!

    Nov 6th - 180
    Nov 13th -182
    Nov 20th -
    Nov 27th -

    I seem to be putting weight on - not taking it off!

    I can already see what will happen next week - I'll be down by a couple of pounds. In other words, I will be exactly where I started at the beginning of this challenge.

    Trying really hard to stay positive!

    I feel your pain. I've had several weeks in the wrong direction & have been a bit off track for the last week. Gotta get out of this funk. Thinking about switching things up a bit until Thanksgiving & then Thanksgiving until Christmas.

    Wish me well!

    @MiamiSeoul Good luck!

  • SymphonyTruth
    SymphonyTruth Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm in... late, but in.

    MFP Start Weight: 269
    Starting weight : 248
    Current weight : 248
    November goal : 242
    Ultimate goal : 130

    31st : n/a
    7th : n/a
    14th : 248
    28th :

    Total November lbs. lost:
  • xenaforever
    xenaforever Posts: 75 Member
    Yesterday I felt hungry all day until I finally clued in that I had only had 1 glass of water in 16 hrs. Today much better had 4 750ml water bottles and was not turning to food at all. Reminder to self to focus on hydration just as much as exercise.
  • healthisking
    healthisking Posts: 36 Member

    Weekly November Weigh-in:)

    Heaviest weight ever: 202
    MFP Starting Weight: 180

    November 1: 169
    November 8: 167.5
    November 15: 167.5

    Week loss: 0 pounds :(
    November loss so-far: 1.5 pounds

    If I could just keep up the endurance of resisting food for enjoyment. I'm trying to do this as a lifestyle change, not just to lose weight. What keeps you on track?