Need to sweeten my oats?

westbrja Posts: 111 Member
Hello Everyone!

I :love: oatmeal and eat it just about everyday for breakfast but I prefer it sweetened. I've always put a couple tablespoons of regular light brown sugar in every bowl. I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas to make it just as sweet without all the wasted calories? Recently, I started using vanilla coconut milk to cook it in and that helped a bit but it's still pretty bland for my tastebuds. Also I looked into using Splenda brown sugar but the calorie content is nearly the same as regular??? Anyone have any thoughts I might be able to try. Thanks!!

Btw I tried a recipe for oatmeal, vanilla coconut milk, PB, and protein powder and it turned out absolutely disgusting :sick: . No offense to the person that posted that :embarassed:


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Whatever you do, don't try stevia. That stuff is disgusting.
  • aejbx4x7s
    aejbx4x7s Posts: 111
    I would try adding some berries or other fruit.
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    I love fruit in my oatmeal and it sweetens it up quite a bit. Try apples (with cinnamon!), bananas, or raisins :)
  • xxojessica
    xxojessica Posts: 14
    Cinnamon and maybe Stevia or Truvia. : )
  • madworld711
    I either use stevia or agave nectar. Agave nectar has 60 calories per tablespoon, though. But it is natural and it doesn't spike my blood sugar. It tastes really good too. For me, it gives my oatmeal the perfect amount of "sweet." I usually add 2 egg whites (haha- yes that's right), walnuts (1 tbsp), almond milk (1/2 c), agave nectar (1 tbsp), and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    You can add chopped apples and sparse amounts of raisins. Sprinkling brown sugar is fine as long as it is on the surface, don't mix it.
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    Whatever you do, don't try stevia. That stuff is disgusting.

    Oh wow, I was going to try that next until I seen how much it costs :noway: . I've heard it was really good though...well only from one person. I can't tolerate the after taste I get from almost all sweeteners (even Splenda).
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    I use1 packet of Sweet & Low and a generous sprinkling of cinnamon.

    I tried someone's suggestion of using cocoa powder - I couldn't even finish it. Ugh!!
  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    I used to LOVE brown sugar in my oatmeal - when i started using MFP I still put brown sugar in it, I just actually measured the amount.....then a switched to Cinnamon for awhile and now I've discovered Peanut Butter in my oatmeal! It's AMAZING!!!! At least I love it! Add's a little sweetness, creamy-ness and just plain deliciousness!!!!! I do 1/2 a tablespoon for one serving of oatmeal but if I'm having a double serving (which I often do for supper when I'm on evening shift) I put a whole tablespoon!!! YUMMY!!!
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I love honey in my oatmeal. Not necessarily the healthiest as far as sugar goes, but a little goes a LONG way and it's natural.

    As another option, I'll mash a banana in my oatmeal and sprinkle some cinnamon on top. It's REALLY good.
  • brvanover
    brvanover Posts: 52
    I eat 1/2 cup of oatmeal (150 cals) everyday for breakfast and I put 1 tablespoon of honey in it.
    64 calories and it's delicious.
    214 calories all together.
  • Takotorau
    Takotorau Posts: 28
    I eat mine with a teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I suddenly have the urge to run to the kitchen and make oatmeal...DARN IT !!!!
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    I always eat my oatmeal with a packet of Truvia & a tablespoon of Cinnamon.
    So yummy!
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    You can add chopped apples and sparse amounts of raisins. Sprinkling brown sugar is fine as long as it is on the surface, don't mix it.

    What does mixing it do?:huh: I've been trying walnuts and dried cranberries but the berries are almost like candy and too sweet.
  • b1fowler
    b1fowler Posts: 2 Member
    My solution to not eating sugar is replacing it with fruit, it's a natural sweetener, and good for you. I like blueberries in my oatmeal. If you don't like whole fruit in your oats, puree it and stick it in the blender. You can use strawberries, raspberries, bananas...etc.
    Hope this helps!
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    Sweet fruits, let it sit, add a little cinnamon. I have a stevia plant, I pluck a leaf or two and chop that in as well. Otherwise, if you add blueberries, squish them up a little bit. Add a drizzle of honey.
  • monibee
    monibee Posts: 19 Member
    I love honey in my oatmeal. Not necessarily the healthiest as far as sugar goes, but a little goes a LONG way and it's natural.

    As another option, I'll mash a banana in my oatmeal and sprinkle some cinnamon on top. It's REALLY good.

    This is exactly what I do. When you add the bananas in when the oatmeal is really HOT they tend to melt into it. So yummy. I usually only need 1/2 a banana too. And there's just something about honey in oatmeal that makes the world seem right.
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    I suddenly have the urge to run to the kitchen and make oatmeal...DARN IT !!!!

    Me too, except I'm tapped out on cals and it's too late to exercise :laugh:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Whatever you do, don't try stevia. That stuff is disgusting.

    actually, the vanilla creme liquid stevia in my fridge is pretty fantastic.

    advice: cut out sugar. You tastebuds will adjust. Fruit will start tasting like a saccharine-laden milky way!