DO NOT Gobble 'Til You Wobble Challenge!

edited November 2016 in Challenges

This challenge is designed to focus on SIMPLE HABITS that will help you to not gain weight over Thanksgiving, transform your body and help you establish the balanced, healthy lifestyle you desire. I know change isn’t easy...I totally get it. Especially during the holidays....

That’s why I’m breaking things down step-by-step, to make this actionable but not overwhelming. This Challenge will help you stay on track, keep focused on your weight loss goals and feel your best... no matter how busy life gets from now until Thanksgiving!!!

Hi! I'm Jodie and I am a certified ACE Health Coach. I am overweight and I struggle right along with you. I know all too well the trials and tribulations of being overweight. I'm VERY PASSIONATE about helping others and know that SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT are key factors in our weight loss journey! This is why over the next 10 days or so leading up to Thanksgiving, I will be issuing daily challenges, providing simple, easy to follow tasks geared toward keeping us on track! I hope you'll join me and be supportive, encouraging, comment, post tips and suggestions that work for you! We will have just 1 daily topic or habit that we will focus on each day.

Joining me? Are you up for a daily, simple, healthy challenge? Please be sure to comment or post "I'M IN!"

Feel free to send me a friend request!
Let's NOT GOBBLE TIL WE WOBBLE this Thanksgiving!

