Mirena IUD and Weight Gain/Loss

Hi Everyone,

I've been doing a lot of research over the past week about the Mirena IUD and the possibility of weight gain and weight loss. The manufacturer says it can go either way. Many forum sites that I've been reading have had mostly stories from women who have had children and then used the IUD.

I was wondering if there were women out here who have NOT had children but HAVE used the Mirena IUD. If so, did you experience weight gain? Loss? Did it stay the same? If gain, how easy was it to lose the weight compared to not using an IUD, and were you actively tracking and working out or were you just sort of trying.

Sorry if this is in the wrong section or really random. But I'm just looking for more information.




  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    I have not had children and I've had the Mirena for about three months now. I have been successfully maintaining my weight during that time.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    My daughter has not had children and has not gained weight on Mirena. She is a college student with an active schedule (a lot of dance/movement/acting classes) so definitely not sedentary, so that might play into it a bit.

    She says the benefits of the IUD far outweigh (pun not intended) having to remember birth control pills or other stuff. She loves barely/not getting a period and just not really having to think about it.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I have no kids. I was on a combination pill for 8 years but was already on a steady upward weight trend before I started it. I also lost loads of weight while on that pill (I weigh less now than when I started on it). I now have a Skyla (Mirena Jr, basically) and still have no trouble losing weight when I'm trying. Also have no trouble maintaining when I'm not trying to lose.
  • I gained a TON of weight on BC pills - now that I've had the Mirena ~1 year, I've maintained that gained weight, but haven't continued gaining.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I have never been pregnant and have had Mirena for almost a year now. No undesirable changes in weight and no difficulty with increased appetite or anything. I haven't had any of the hormonal issues that I did on the pill, my periods are infrequent and very light, and overall haven't really noticed a single negative point once the initial cramping etc ceased after a couple of weeks.
  • sweetpea813
    sweetpea813 Posts: 112 Member
    Some people say that hormones cause weight gain. I know when I got off of my b/c pills, I dropped a few pounds. I got the Paragard IUD because I didn't want the hormones anymore. I still get my period and this will last for 10 years.
  • Charlot4444
    Charlot4444 Posts: 170 Member
    No children. Mirena since February. CICO works like it always has for me. (As in if I overeat I gain, when I track and eat less than I burn I lose).
  • nylm2016
    nylm2016 Posts: 5 Member
    No kids here, I've had my Mirena for a year and have lost almost 30 pounds!
  • cinnabondelights
    cinnabondelights Posts: 121 Member
    edited November 2016
    I have had Mirena for over 5 years and no kids. I actually gained weight AND lost weight during those 5 years but it was not from the IUD from what I've noticed because I also ate such bad foods when I was fat. But overall I've lost 82 pounds and able to keep it all off and still have Mirena. :) I just watched what I ate and in smaller portions.
  • Baxie23
    Baxie23 Posts: 34 Member
    No kids. Got Mirena in September and I've lost 15lbs since then. Used to be on depo which I used to blame for 30 pound weight gain. However, Mirena and Depo have the same hormone (progesterone) so the weight gain or loss issue was really me just eating more than I was burning. Now that I am tracking and watching intake I have had no problem losing weight.
    Also I love being on an IUD! So easy and last for such a long time.
  • ChipChocolatePancake
    ChipChocolatePancake Posts: 77 Member
    edited November 2016
    Prior to using Mirena, over the course of several years I had lost 60lbs and was maintaining it with ease.

    My first few months with mirena, I was bloated beyond control, and in severe pain. Finally the pain calmed down, but the bloating NEVER went away, and I started to gain weight uncontrollably. In less than a SINGLE YEAR, I gained all 60lbs back AND THEN SOME. I also got terrible acne, which I had never had before in my life (spots here and there in high school, but nbd). I had no idea that it would affect me so much.

    After about a year on Mirena, I finally had enough, and I had it removed. It took another 6 months or so for my hormones to go back to normal, until which time I continued to gain weight.

    Obviously, the Mirena itself didn't cause my weight gain. Overeating did. But the extreme emotional/stress overeating was caused by the hormonal imbalance from Mirena.

    All of this is not to discourage you from trying it. You will have no clue how it will affect you until you do. But, as a warning, if you are feeling bloated, emotional, out of control, your acne worsens, and you're gaining weight, I would advise you to get that thing removed as soon as possible. I wish I had sooner.

    Here's to starting from scratch!

    Edit: I'm 24 years old now, and was 22 when I got Mirena. I've never had children. I had never experienced a bad hormonal issue prior to Mirena.
  • foofies
    foofies Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I've got the Mirena and have never had children. Mid twenties. I've lost 90 lbs since having it fitted and I did that through very strict tracking on Mfp. I don't see any real connection between the Mirena and weight loss. I worked incredibly hard for it and the only thing that had changed was my determination. I can't say if the coil helped or hindered, I decided I was losing weight a few months after having it fitted.
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    I just had my Mirena removed after a year, I gained probably around 20lbs purely through eating too much. However, IMO this was caused by the Mirena, in that it gave me such bad anxiety and depression I ate my feelings. I also can't stand being hungry and in pain, and it gave me cramps that lasted the entire year until I had it removed. I ate a LOT over the last few months.

    So while it won't make you gain weight on its own, if you get the side effects it may make it difficult to control your calories. Obviously this was only my experience and yours may be totally different. The only way you will find out is giving it a go, if you're willing to risk it.
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    I have not had children and am currently using the Mirena IUD. Like most birth control, it doesn't make you gain weight. It does stimulate your appetite though. But that's up to you to control your calorie intake.
  • annpatalexa
    annpatalexa Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you ladies. I ended up going through with it. Not the most comfortable thing in the world. It knocked me out of commission for a day. Thank you for confirming that its just like every other BC. While I am secretly (not so secretly) hoping for the "Dramatic weight loss" that some people have spoke of on other forums. I'm trying to get back to just tracking my food and walking more during the day.

    A lot of the insane weight gain posts were also tied to comments about postpartum and I was trying to separate how much of it is over eating because of that, how much was over eating because of the hormone. I was on the NuvaRing for almost a decade but in recent months its slipped out randomly and once it slipped out and I didn't notice, so I decided it was time for a change and made my appointment. Hopefully this discomfort gets better, but I was reading to give it a week and if it doesn't go away (which it mostly has), to call my doctor.

    Thank you again ladies. I appreciate your candid and honest responses.
  • SarahLascelles1
    SarahLascelles1 Posts: 95 Member
    No children, on my second mirena. I don't think it has had any impact.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Thank you ladies. I ended up going through with it. Not the most comfortable thing in the world. It knocked me out of commission for a day. Thank you for confirming that its just like every other BC. While I am secretly (not so secretly) hoping for the "Dramatic weight loss" that some people have spoke of on other forums. I'm trying to get back to just tracking my food and walking more during the day.

    A lot of the insane weight gain posts were also tied to comments about postpartum and I was trying to separate how much of it is over eating because of that, how much was over eating because of the hormone. I was on the NuvaRing for almost a decade but in recent months its slipped out randomly and once it slipped out and I didn't notice, so I decided it was time for a change and made my appointment. Hopefully this discomfort gets better, but I was reading to give it a week and if it doesn't go away (which it mostly has), to call my doctor.

    Thank you again ladies. I appreciate your candid and honest responses.

    So glad to hear this. I am going to get one before the end of the year (when it's still covered by insurance 100%). I'm looking more for a diminished TOM and cramp relief without having to take a pill every day. I took Natazia for a while, which I loved, but not covered by insurance at all. I'm just trying to bridge the gap between menopause because I hate my period. Hubby had a vasectomy 10 years ago, so birth control isn't the issue.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited November 2016
    I do have babies (three in three years ftw ;) ) and have lost 90lbs overall since placement of my IUD September of last year. My girlfriend with no babies who had it placed, which I thought was kind of odd because I thought they were hesitant to place Mirena for childless women, gained a ton of weight and can't seem to lose it. I initially gained my weight years ago with help from the pill whereas many other women have no issues so I think personal biochemistry probably plays in re: hormonal bc and influence of appetite and subsequently on weight trends.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    I've had Mirena for almost 4 years. I've had zero children. I've been dieting since last July (nearly 16 months) and have lost nearly 118 lbs without a problem and with almost zero exercise.
  • meeshymoosh
    meeshymoosh Posts: 23 Member
    Some people say that hormones cause weight gain. I know when I got off of my b/c pills, I dropped a few pounds. I got the Paragard IUD because I didn't want the hormones anymore. I still get my period and this will last for 10 years.

    I have a Paragard, too! I cannot have hormones, so it's the best BC choice for me. While it's not as nice as the Mirena when it comes to a few things1) you keep your period 2) cramps can be made worse 3) bleed more, I know that the risk of things like blood clotting and strokes are not raised.