Can you eat too little?



  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited November 2016
    ugofatcat wrote: »
    Several peer-reviwed studies over the years have found that eating too little can hinder effective weight loss. The suggested explanation is that a drastic and sustained loss of caloric intake sends the body into a 'panic mode' and the body substantially lowers it's metabolism in an attempt to conserve fat stores. One can see how such a reaction could have evolved in a time when a person's next meal (or next several meals) was anything but secured. That being said, if you stop eating, of course you're going to lose weight. That's just simple math. But you will more efficiently lose fat by balancing your caloric intake between "not too much" and "not too little."

    Care to provide specifics/links to these studies?

    I do remember reading a study where the subjects reported eating little (~1,200 calories a day) yet not losing weight, and the authors drew the "body is storing the calories as fat conclusion". However it was heavily criticized because all the intakes were self-reported. When it comes to self reported intakes, many researcher do not feel people are able to accurately report what they eat and feel all research using self reported intakes is not reliable.

    It might take me a minute to find that study.

    I think this is another important point. There are many cases where people will come on the boards and report that they are eating very low calories, yet their weight loss has stalled. It isn't because of "starvation mode", but usually because they are underreporting what they are actually eating. That isn't to say they're lying, just that they aren't tracking accurately, or eating larger portions than they should be because they don't weigh their food, etc...

    I believe there's a lot of truth to this.

    In addition, people will say (I'm not saying on MFP, just in general) that they've been at whatever amount of calories, then later reveal that they really did stick to those calories except maybe a once a week "small cheat" plus their birthday dinner...This isn't because people are liars or lazy, it's because of human nature. We really do feel we've restricted and "been pretty good" if we've done without for a period of time as compared to our previous eating patterns. But it's IMO another issue with self-reporting on studies such as this one.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    gabbyo23 wrote: »
    I have seen a few posts on here about stalled weight loss and some members suggesting the problem is that the op isn't eating enough.

    And then other members saying that this is impossible.

    I'm confused.

    Can eating too little make you stop losing weight?

    If you eat less calories than you burn overall, you will lose weight.

    If you eat too many calories than you burn overall, you will gain weight.

    If you eat about the same as you burn, you will maintain your weight.

    The answer to weight loss stalls is not to eat more (if that were the case there'd be no fat people in the world), it's to find out where your errors are. Many of us have underestimated intake at one time or another, as well as overestimated exercise calories. We have unwittingly chosen in accurate foods from the database, used eyeballs and measuring devices instead of a scale for solids and measuring cups/spoons for liquids, we have forgotten to log food, and the list goes on.

    The only way to lose weight is to eat less than you burn (diet type is preference only), unless you have some medical condition causing weight loss, which means you need to go to the doctor.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Several peer-reviwed studies over the years have found that eating too little can hinder effective weight loss. The suggested explanation is that a drastic and sustained loss of caloric intake sends the body into a 'panic mode' and the body substantially lowers it's metabolism in an attempt to conserve fat stores. One can see how such a reaction could have evolved in a time when a person's next meal (or next several meals) was anything but secured. That being said, if you stop eating, of course you're going to lose weight. That's just simple math. But you will more efficiently lose fat by balancing your caloric intake between "not too much" and "not too little."

    You're sort of right. The body does lower its metabolism. And then it starts catabolizing its muscles and organs. Fat stores will be depleted regardless if caloric intake continues to be too low.

    OP, the reason people who are stalled on too few calories is usually that they've become non-compliant in some way. People become lax in logging and end up eating more than they think.

    The other scenario that presents itself is that people who have been on a sustained drastic deficit experience metabolic adaptation. Their levels of certain key hormones drop as well as their level of spontaneous daily activity. The decrease in activity isn't usually a conscious thing. Even if the person feels they are working out, they're not usually exercising as intensely as usual and probably aren't fidgeting as much as normal either. They're generally more lazy, in other words.

    The reason that they are frequently advised to eat a little more is to replenish those hormone levels and give them the energy necessary to raise their daily activity levels.

    Overall, the advice to raise calories results in the same net energy balance as what they were doing previously, but with an improved metabolic profile.


    A million times over
  • peter2100
    peter2100 Posts: 101 Member
    edited November 2016
    The research I have read shows that metabolism only slows a little bit under starvation and comes back quickly upon normal caloric intake. This makes sense, because the human body can only optimize so far. The main way it can lower metabolism is by lowering temperature, but it can only lower your temperature a couple degrees or else your biochemical processes will not work properly. Other than a few things like that, your body cannot get around the laws of physics. Your body requires an objective amount of energy every day to simply live.

    There are also ways that your body can get rid of calories. One pathway is called uncoupling in the mitochondria membrane. There was actually a drug that did this, and caused massive weight loss, but it's very dangerous because you can suddenly die. The mitochondria essentially waste energy by letting the protons float back through the membrane without creating ATP (hence uncoupling). The proton pumps have to keep pumping protons at a higher rate to maintain the same electrochemical gradient as before.

    However, if you eat too little, you will likely crack and over eat, and you will be miserable. It's just not necessary to eat really low calorie amounts. You should work with your body. Your brain is trying to maintain a certain weight, and it will fight you. The key is to eat in a way that you can sustain over the long term, and slowly taper down.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    peter2100 wrote: »

    It's just not necessary to eat really low calorie amounts. You should work with your body. Your brain is trying to maintain a certain weight, and it will fight you. The key is to eat in a way that you can sustain over the long term, and slowly taper down.

    This is really encouraging to read after your thread from the other day! ;)
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    edited November 2016
    It depends, if the user is logging everything in that they eat during the day. There is a good chance they're eating more then they think they are and don't realize it.

    On the other hand if they are logging correctly and burning 700 cals and the website has them eating 1600 before exercising and they eat 1200. This scenario can cause weight loss to stall because their calorie net is no longer at 1200, it's a huge deficient knocking the net calorie range down to 500 cals for the day. leaving a huge deficient that is considered starving yourself without realizing it.

    I think it's depending on whether or not if they're logging correctly. It's time to see what they've been doing and make an adjustment on whether or not they need to drop their calorie intake or raise it.

    That decision should be based from person to person.

    For me on rest days I eat around 1700. On workout days 1700 doesn't cut it for me and I'm still hungry after eating 1800 and drinking 10 glasses of water. I tend to eat around 2000 on work out days and still lose around 1.5 to 2 pounds a week. I gave up a while back because I stalled at 280 and didn't talk to anyone about it and allowed it to come back. It caused me to start feeling depressed.

    I find measuring and weighing food is a good way to see how much you're consuming.

    I find the best way to go about weight loss, is find out what works for you.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I have a hunch - no science to back it up - that you are more likely to forget what you have eaten and/or underestimate your portion size if you have undereaten previously. We know that when we are hungry we will tend to take bigger portions. I suspect what we are seeing when people "can't lose weight because they're not eating enough" is that they are subconsciously sneaking food and increasing portion sizes to combat the conscious effort to starve themselves. Your brain and body intend to survive and will fight dirty to do it.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    edited November 2016
    I have a hunch - no science to back it up - that you are more likely to forget what you have eaten and/or underestimate your portion size if you have undereaten previously. We know that when we are hungry we will tend to take bigger portions. I suspect what we are seeing when people "can't lose weight because they're not eating enough" is that they are subconsciously sneaking food and increasing portion sizes to combat the conscious effort to starve themselves. Your brain and body intend to survive and will fight dirty to do it.

    and yet I've heard people say they started losing weight again after upping their calorie intake by 200 to 300 cals more then what they were originally consuming. It's depending on the person and whether or not they're logging their portions correctly. It can be from not eating enough to eating too much without realizing it.

    I really believe it varies from person to person and what works best for them. What works best for one person is not going to work for another person.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Several peer-reviwed studies over the years have found that eating too little can hinder effective weight loss. The suggested explanation is that a drastic and sustained loss of caloric intake sends the body into a 'panic mode' and the body substantially lowers it's metabolism in an attempt to conserve fat stores. One can see how such a reaction could have evolved in a time when a person's next meal (or next several meals) was anything but secured. That being said, if you stop eating, of course you're going to lose weight. That's just simple math. But you will more efficiently lose fat by balancing your caloric intake between "not too much" and "not too little."

    Citations needed.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    sbrandt37 wrote: »
    The short answer is, NO. That is why you don't see obese people starving in third world countries.

    It is more complicated than that. When your caloric intake is below your basal metabolic rate--the amount of calories your body burns at rest--your metabolism slows and weight loss can stall. If your caloric intake goes even lower, you can still lose weight, but your body thinks you are starving and will scavenge nutrients from other parts of your body, which can harm your muscles, bones, and organs (which is why truly starving people are not generally buff hardbodies).

    If that person doesn't have significant fat stores, yes. However, if you are obese or very overweight, a big nope.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    sbrandt37 wrote: »
    The short answer is, NO. That is why you don't see obese people starving in third world countries.

    It is more complicated than that. When your caloric intake is below your basal metabolic rate--the amount of calories your body burns at rest--your metabolism slows and weight loss can stall. If your caloric intake goes even lower, you can still lose weight, but your body thinks you are starving and will scavenge nutrients from other parts of your body, which can harm your muscles, bones, and organs (which is why truly starving people are not generally buff hardbodies).

    I did say " The short answer". Hence why my answer was concise.

    Yes metabolic adaptation is real and yes if your deficit is severe you will lose muscle. One additional point to make, there is no way to know BMR. The only measurable thing is TDEE. How can you know if you are eating below BMR if you can't know what BMR is?