I could use some advice..



  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    OP, please be careful jumping into running that far and that frequently when you have not run in a long while. You are setting yourself up for an injury.

    I can guarantee you part if not all of the reason you're not seeing any loss the last two weeks is water retention from the damage you've done your soft tissues, which is probably substantial. I know I gain a couple of pounds when I start running again after a month layoff. I gather from your post it's been a lot more than a month or so since you were last running regularly.

    It's been 4.5 ish months since I ran. I was running for years prior to that. I usually have a month or so off when things get busy with my family once or so a year and I have never had trouble getting right back to it so I didn't think anything of it.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Have you taken measurements? Sometimes those show a change before the scale does.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I'm still saying water weight is masking losses. Did you read the flow chart?

    And yes, go less aggressive, yay more food!
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    tschaff04 wrote: »
    2 pounds, per week's too aggressive; for 40 pounds! I have 50 to lose & I am aiming for, half that!

    I am seeing that repeated often. I guess I was thinking too aggressively. I have changed it to 1 pound a week and it says to eat 1500 calories. That scares me a bit! lol

    As your weight goal amount decreases, it'd be best to again halve; your goal! For instance: when I have 25 pounds to lose, my aim'll be for 1/2 pound a week! Also being too aggressive'll lower your metabolism, which is why if you were doing everything else correctly; you weren't losing.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I bumped up a little in weight when I started working out. I think it probably took a good 3-4-ish weeks to start coming back down again.