Help with cravings?

RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
edited November 2016 in Food and Nutrition
So it's been a long time since I've been serious about losing weight and watching my eating. Life threw me a bunch of curve balls and I just stopped paying attention. I've been getting better and have started back into counting calories, but I'm struggling with cravings and boredom/emotional eating. Especially at night for the boredom thing. Managed last night with tea and a lollipop to satisfy the sweet craving, but it was still there.

Basically, my biggest question is if anyone knows of a thing (food/supplement/drink) that might *help* me avoid the cravings all together or might at least lessen them. Preferably without also adding a bunch of calories at the same time (such as eating nuts...which I don't really like anyway). There are plenty of weight loss supplements in the pharmacy aisle of stores, but I hesitate to get anything as it just seems like a lot of fluff/hype and no substance. I bought some minty gum even though I'm not a big fan of gum, so that I don't mindlessly snack between meals. Like eating breakfast after brushing your teeth. Gross. Just needing a little extra help. Not looking for a magic pill/food for weight loss, just something for support on the way.

Edit to add: I should also add that I have a 4 and 2yr old at home, so some things won't be practical, such as leaving home or doing a workout instead of eating. Or really spontaneously doing anything that requires packing up the kids or not watching them for a period of time (my 2yr old is in a very destructive phase at the moment).


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Go for a walk or take a bath.
  • callyhockey
    callyhockey Posts: 22 Member
    Ive done 2 things that helped but it is kind of a long process. Took me about 3 months total to kick the habits but...
    1. Whenever i had a craving i drank diet soda. ALOT of diet soda. Easily had most of a 2 liter every day. This let me get used to not eating the other things that i had cravings for but without the calories, but i believe is still very bad for health.
    2. Once the food, ice cream, candy, etc. Cravings were gone and i only craved the soda, i slowly cut back to half a 2 liter, one glass with dinner, and now i dont really have cravings except for when im extremely tired and my body knows sugary food will give me energy

    This wont work for everyone but its the journey i took to stop most of my cravings. Just realize theyll never go away 100%
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Once I stopped trying to "diet" and just eat what I love to eat within my calorie goal all cravings stopped.

    If I have a hankering for chocolate I buy the small pack of hershey kisses. Sometimes I eat the whole package 220 calories or I eat just a few.

    I also ate out of boredom and oddly enough that was just mental, I just made up my mind to stop and I stopped.

    Eating a protein, carb and fat for every meal helps keep me pretty full on 1250 calories so this could also be why I don't eat out of boredom or cravings. I also try to get in 64oz of water and get 7-8hrs of sleep.

    This is what works for me anyway.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I stop focusing on it or I give myself leeway to have the food I want and perhaps alter the calories appropriately. If there are no calories left, then I have two decisions 1) go over calories or 2) not go over calories and move on.

    Boredom, is usually cured with getting up and doing something else other than sitting and letting my mind wander into "food land"..

    Drinking water or soda does nothing but take up the seconds or minutes to drink it. It does not cure what ales me.

    You have to make up your mind if you will pre-log the food that you know you will crave later or want later in the day/or time you know it may happen i.e. when you are sitting still and bored.

    Restiction is a "kitten".. so work with your diet to not restrict so much and your dieting will go so much smoother and you will be happier for doing it.
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    Right now I'm finding that at least as far as the late night, pre-logging is helpful. Unfortunately, I can't just log my day in advance because I don't always know what will be available for a whole day. I work closing shift in retail, so 5-6 days a week I get home between midnight and 1am. I try to get to bed by 2:30. I can never sleep immediately after getting home, and the kitchen is an easy distraction. Also rather unfortunately, my 2yr old doesn't sleep through the night, so I never actually get a solid night's sleep. I'm sure this contributes to my overeating and everything else.
    Also, somewhat on a side note...there are small packages of kisses? Did not know that,
  • PaulaCribben
    PaulaCribben Posts: 12 Member
    I agree that if you stick to a certain calorie allotment a day, you really don't have to deprive yourself of anything, including cravings - anything can be portioned out and this is such a powerful tool to help you do that. Okay, have that piece of cake - but just eat a fourth or a third of the size of what you would normally eat. Good luck to you!
  • katthouse499
    katthouse499 Posts: 50 Member
    Not sure it will help but when I started a lonnng time ago I was craving in the evenings so I would leave myself calories for that and started having snacks when I craved them. I would freeze green grapes or do sugar free jello or make my own ice cream using a yogurt machine where u froze a banana and put it threw and would add carbo powder and de pitted frozen cherries add some mint extract and a few carbo chocolate chips.
    I liked sweet things so I would freeze mangos and pineapple have a bowl with some non fat vanilla yogurt. All is good for u.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Eat 2 or 3 tic tacs or chew gum
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    Sugarless gum. Orbit brand tastes like gum with sugar.
    Unsweetened tea (I'm a black coffee drinker, so something similar but different seems like a treat).
    An apple -- it has sugar but also nutrition and bulk.
    Something with fat like avocado slices or almonds in a salad helps me with cravings.

  • BootyShakingBadAss
    BootyShakingBadAss Posts: 350 Member
    I use air popped popcorn...I find that I get a lot of it for not a large amount of calories which helps with that bordem snacking...
  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    I pre-log my evening snack and that helps. I usually actually have three smaller snacks during the evening because during the work week I usually only get one actual meal a day. I separate my smaller snacks up throughout the evening and that helps. Also just staying busy helps. Going for a walk, doing laundry, cleaning up, or enjoying a hobby.
  • hotel4dogs
    hotel4dogs Posts: 72 Member
    I've learned to love Arctic Ice ice cream. The chocolate is especially good, I like the pomegranite as well. It's made with whey protein and fiber, only 150 calories in the entire pint, for several of their flavors.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    pre logging and pre packing your food might help. for me if i am craving something like say chips.. and i eat something else that satisfies me the craving goes away. Its mostly plain ol hunger for me. Id have all of your meals and snacks already portioned out. You get that craving then eat something else you already have ready to eat. I personally weigh out my food to make room for cravings.
  • lunadakota12
    lunadakota12 Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2016
    I use my it works greens and green chews to get rid of cravings. The greens are a berry flavor so that helps with sweetness, but it is also very good for you. The green chews taste like a starburst! They have the antioxidant support of 20 cartons of blueberries! My fiance whom I can't get to eat very healthy LOVES these!