very disappointed on gym what's your thoughts ???

Hi everyone
i had started gym at the beginning of September
i was planning to go 5 times a week for one hour exactly but this plan failed :P for many reasons so i m trying to go for 3 times a week for one hour.
Since that is the time i have every time i go, the trainer told me to do cardio ( 30 minutes treadmill, 15 elliptical and 15 step ) which i was doing so far but i didn't see any huge difference concerning weight lose and i was feeling tired and HUNGRY....!
Anyway i decided to switch for weights and see if there will be any difference since i started to stall with cardio and not losing , but the trainer seems so disappointed on me and told me you re never going to lose weight doing strength training and gave me a look.... i skip him and i did my strength training but i m thinking if all and everywhere on the internet there re saying that strength training helps you build muscle and finally lose weight WHY everyone i know, tells me not to do weights ????
Are they right ??????
FYI i cant do both because i don't have enough time.


  • RunningBuryBlue
    RunningBuryBlue Posts: 25 Member
    Get up earlier, do more? If takes a while to see results.
  • hlektra28
    hlektra28 Posts: 84 Member
    sorry i cant the morning i take my kid to school and go to work then workout
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Do some reading, gather information from reliable sources and come to an informed decision about what you choose to do based on your goals.

    (Weight loss is about creating a deficit in calories over a sustained period, how this is done matters not)
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I do a mix of weights and cardio and generally spend 1.5 hrs at the gym. Also, weigh your food, count your calories. Remember, muscle burns more calories than fat so build muscle through strength training. Oh, and any personal trainer who tells you NOT to lift weights should be fired. Stop paying that fool.
  • hlektra28
    hlektra28 Posts: 84 Member
    I m not complaining about not losing weight I m asking is it true if I want to lose weight I should NOT do weight lifting or if I do it will be difficult to lose ?
  • PennySwimmer
    PennySwimmer Posts: 13 Member
    Strength training is a great way to lose weight; but you can do it in half an hour if you're really efficient about what you do. And then do half an hour cardio. I can't see why you can't do both in a full hour. Do five minutes treadmill as a warm up and then five as a cool down. You'll be bored witless on a treadmill for a full 30 minutes anyway surely?
  • PennySwimmer
    PennySwimmer Posts: 13 Member
    Look! I found a blog post on MFP which answers all your questions AND you get 20 minutes leftover!!!
  • hlektra28
    hlektra28 Posts: 84 Member
    maybe after a month I can finish in half an hour and do both but right now it takes me an hour to do all the exercises I m planned to do
  • fitforeternity493
    fitforeternity493 Posts: 37 Member
    Fire the trainer that says not to lift weights... I'm not a seasoned fitness expert but I do know lifting weights helps you with strength and actually speeds up your metabolism which in turn helps you burn more calories at rest.. If you want to lose weight lift weights.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,950 Member
    It is funny when you think about it.

    Technically the trainer is correct: you will lose more weight by not strength training.
    That's because in addition to fat you will lose more lean mass than you will if you strength train.

    So yeah, the scale will move faster.
    But most sane people are looking to lose fat; not lean mass.

    Note that with a small enough deficit and an obese individual you are unlikely to lose much lean mass. The leaner you get and the bigger the deficit the more likely it is that you will lose lean mass, especially if you don't strength train.
  • hlektra28
    hlektra28 Posts: 84 Member
    cityruss thanks for the answer
  • HJ_Fit
    HJ_Fit Posts: 5 Member
    If you have more muscles, your body needs more energy to 'run' them, therefore you need more calories per day just to keep you and your muscles working. So, with muscles, it could be easier to create a calorie deficit because your 'running costs' (calories required per day) are higher. Obviously it takes time to create muscles but every day is a step in the right direction, just keep at it :smile:

    Personally, I would recommend a balance of both cardio and strength training.
    One day cardio, one day arms? Or 30 mins cardio then 30 mins strength training?
  • hlektra28
    hlektra28 Posts: 84 Member
    that s what I hear all the time ! (Lose weight first and then do strength training)but why ?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    hlektra28 wrote: »
    that s what I hear all the time ! (Lose weight first and then do strength training)but why ?

    generally because cardio buns more calories, so its an 'easy' way to create a big(ger) deficit.
  • hlektra28
    hlektra28 Posts: 84 Member
    HJ_Fit this is exactly what I was thinking and wanting to start doing weights
  • hlektra28
    hlektra28 Posts: 84 Member
    well that's not really working for me (generally because cardio buns more calories, so its an 'easy' way to create a big(ger) deficit.)
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    It's not the gym I'd be disappointed in... but the personal trainer. You don't need a frigging trainer to do cardio.

    Coming from a family with a history of osteoporosis, weight training is about one of the most important things I can do. That and my glutes are starting to look down right nice :wink: