Personal Trainers, worth it?

I really do better with a specific routine and actually being told what to do (exercise wise). In your getting a personal trainer worth the money?


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Not for me. I like learning things on my own and everything I need is free on the internet. Most of them from my experience have no clue on what they are talking about and are full of bro nonsense.
  • HJ_Fit
    HJ_Fit Posts: 5 Member
    Personal trainers can be helpful but they can also be expensive.
    Some gyms give you the first session free, so see if that is a perk in your gym then I would give it a try.
    They can help you with your form, like the poster above says. You could also benefit from 'having' to go to the gym because someone is waiting for you to arrive - you may need the kick up the bum to get you there to begin with!
    Don't forget that YouTube is a great resource where you can learn about form, what food is good to eat, and which machines/exercises could be good for what you are trying to achieve.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    It's definitely worth it for me but I started in a position where I could barely lift 1lbs without hurting myself (weak ankles, half demolished knees and abysmal back. The only thing I had going for me were decent abs..). So having someone work with me and my limitations was invaluable.

    My first attempts with personal trainers were meh in the best of cases. It took several attempts to find someone who not only took into consideration my various problems but who also knew how much and how far he could push me without causing damage and with whom I felt comfortable with (I was morbidly obese when I started).

    If you're going to get one, you should definitely do a trial session first.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    For me a personal trainer was great to help me learn how to use the equipment at the gym as well as learn different body weight exercises, proper form, stretches, etc. I have a bad left hip so she was also able to help me find modifications to exercises so that I didn't agravate it while working out.

    But I never felt like I've gotten much structure from a personal trainer- they teach you a lot but tend not to track your progress... if you asked me what weight and reps I used for certain exercises I would have no idea because she was choosing the weight for me and even counting my reps for me. We did different workouts every single session, it was great to learn all kinds of different exercises, but it wasn't very structured at all.

    If you like structure then a lifting program would be good for you, something where you do specific exercises in a specific order and track your progress and try to improve over time.

    If you like just showing up at the gym and having someone else tell you what to do and not having to plan then you might like having a trainer. Or if you are a complete newbie and need to learn form and how to do everything it could be a good idea until you get the hang of it. It can also help you get comfortable in the gym and overcome gym intimidation if that's a problem for you right now.

    The goal should ultimately be to no longer need a trainer- if you do use one just use them long enough until you feel you can do it on your own. I like to build my own workouts now and track all my progress. I still see my trainer once every other week just for fun and to maybe learn something new- she's always switching it up and showing me progressions or alternatives for certain exercises because I like variety.

    Make sure if you do get a trainer that they're actually good- there's a lot of terrible or just not that great trainers out there. They should have education and experience, they should ask you a lot of questions about you and your goals and customize the workouts you do to fit your specific needs. If it seems like they are half-assing it or distracted or not that smart you should ditch them and get someone better.
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    You guys are awesome! I know I need more discipline and having someone to report to would help with that. I also know that they can be very pricey so I'm def going to check out Youtube and see what I can get from there. Thanks!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    It largely depends on who the trainer is and what your individual needs are. Trainer competency tends to vary quite heavily probably due to low barrier of entry, and I'm a trainer myself so I don't say this to insult other trainers.

  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    @rainbowbow I would be interested in the whole article if I may trouble you for that.

    Not having clearly defined goals was probably one of my problems at the start (thinking about it after reading your post) and I ended up lucky to meet a trainer who helped me (and still does) define what I need and where I want to go. :smile:
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Depends on your preferences.

    Depends on the quality of the trainer.

    Depends on your goals.

    Without wanting to come across like an advert for adult depends.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Let us know what you decide & how it goes
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    @rainbowbow I would be interested in the whole article if I may trouble you for that.

    Not having clearly defined goals was probably one of my problems at the start (thinking about it after reading your post) and I ended up lucky to meet a trainer who helped me (and still does) define what I need and where I want to go. :smile:

    Sure, I can PM you.

    I know that this was not my problem but most people's problem. I know that @ninerbuff likes to say that any program works if you stick to it long enough, and I can't agree more. The real problem in my experience is that people fail to do the following things:
    1.) Create a solid goal and plan to achieve said goal that is both realistic and attainable.
    2.) Follow through with the plan they've laid out for themselves.
    3.) Developed habits so that these actions no longer require significant amounts of self-discipline/willpower.

    A trainer should be able to help with one and SOME of two, but i think that ultimately most people's success comes down to what they're doing when they AREN'T with me in the gym as well as how they manage to maintain these habits over time. As someone else said above, my goal is to teach people the skills they need to not need my services anymore.

    Someone else said they didn't feel their program was structured and that is quite sad.... some people want the type of service where everything is handed to them and they don't actually want to learn anything. I usually don't train clients with this mentality because i don't think that i'm benefiting them over time. I try and train clients who DO want to know the nitty gritty on everything from program selection, rep ranges, weights lifted, and more.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
  • SilkeeRR
    SilkeeRR Posts: 2 Member
    I think it really depends on the person. Some people are self motivated while others receive their motivation from others. If you are new to working out, a trainer can be a huge help. Trainers can push you to keep going while on your own, a person may be inclined to quit as soon as it gets tough. I believe it could help to just have a workout partner even if he/she wasn't a certified personal trainer.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I'm gonna go with a hard maybe.
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    For me, yes.

    I have never been in shape before, never worked out in a gym. I didn't know how to use the machines, what machines worked what body part, and was incredibly intimidated walking into the weight room.

    I also have a partner-in-fitness who was in shape most of her life but slipped a few years back because of the stress of her former job. We share a trainer (and the cost attached). This might be a good option for you. It makes working out more fun and it also keeps me accountable for getting my butt to the gym. :wink:
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    @rainbowbow I would be interested in the whole article if I may trouble you for that.

    Not having clearly defined goals was probably one of my problems at the start (thinking about it after reading your post) and I ended up lucky to meet a trainer who helped me (and still does) define what I need and where I want to go. :smile:

    Sure, I can PM you.

    I know that this was not my problem but most people's problem. I know that @ninerbuff likes to say that any program works if you stick to it long enough, and I can't agree more. The real problem in my experience is that people fail to do the following things:
    1.) Create a solid goal and plan to achieve said goal that is both realistic and attainable.
    2.) Follow through with the plan they've laid out for themselves.
    3.) Developed habits so that these actions no longer require significant amounts of self-discipline/willpower.

    A trainer should be able to help with one and SOME of two, but i think that ultimately most people's success comes down to what they're doing when they AREN'T with me in the gym as well as how they manage to maintain these habits over time. As someone else said above, my goal is to teach people the skills they need to not need my services anymore.

    Someone else said they didn't feel their program was structured and that is quite sad.... some people want the type of service where everything is handed to them and they don't actually want to learn anything. I usually don't train clients with this mentality because i don't think that i'm benefiting them over time. I try and train clients who DO want to know the nitty gritty on everything from program selection, rep ranges, weights lifted, and more.

    Thank you!

    That's a lot of food for thought for me!
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    For me it was totally worth it. I was coming off some major health issues and seriously needed adult supervision even after a year of physical therapy. Finding a personal trainer wasn't easy, but with some great suggestions from here - thanks again @ninerbuff - I found someone who could work with my issues and set me up with a great program.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I'm with Hornsby.

    I think when you're first starting out and the gym seems intimidating, if you find a good one, they can be really helpful.

    They problem is finding a good one.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I'm with Hornsby.

    I think when you're first starting out and the gym seems intimidating, if you find a good one, they can be really helpful.

    They problem is finding a good one.

    Yup, most don't know what they are talking about.