I was doing real well....

BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
It seems that I reached my first mini-goal by getting under 300lbs and then my motivation just packed its bags and hit the road. I want to get back on track and I don't know why I fell off. Everything was going so well. My eating is slowly starting to creep back to bigger portions, but I have got to start getting back to exercising. The schedule change at work screwed me all up and I can't wait until school gets back in session so I can go back to my normal working hours!!! I haven't been logging on here like I used to, I miss talking to my friends on here, and I miss the feeling of getting on that scale and seeing success. BLAH!!!! I never thought I would get to where I didn't go work out....I want to, but it's just not happening for some reason. I kow I will feel better, but I am a morning person and working out after work is just so hard for me to do. All I wanna do after work is go home and relax. HELP!!!


  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    Set yourself another goal... a reasonable one, but one you need to work for. Schedule workouts around your new work hours so that they work for YOU. YOUR health is what is important here... and especially with a little one on the way now... you need to be focused. You have always been one of my favourite motivators on here.... Your random caps lock good mornings make me smile every time I see them. Wee need you on track with us, and together we will reach our goals.

    Hope to hear from you more often <3
  • jcbernahl
    jcbernahl Posts: 61 Member
    Do you have time to work out before going to work? Get the portion control back on track and make it a daily habit (like brushing your teeth) to log in here. I know, it's easier said than done. I struggle too. I do great for weeks at a time then fall back down the rabbit hole. But after a couple days of that I start feeling guilty and get back on track. We all have those moments when our motivation seems to just vanish into thin air. Brush yourself off and get back to it. I'll be as much encouragement as I can to you!
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Thanks guys. I know I have it in me or I wouldn't have even logged on here. Just needing some pushing right now from my awesome MFP friends!!!
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    I know your struggle. The last time I had any big success with weight loss, I sloped off after about a 30 lb loss and gained it all right back. I'm on the right track now, though (-50 lbs total and sinking), so just think about how awful it would be to get back to where you were. Are you really going to punish yourself like that? Sometimes I have to get tough with myself when I feel like giving up. Even if there are days when you only feel like eating junk, go ahead and eat it but just keep it under your cals and when you're hungry at the end of the day because you wasted all of your allowance on it then you can tell yourself, "This is why we eat better." That motivates me sometimes to choose healthier foods.

    As for exercise, my loss has been strictly diet-based up until now so I don't know how to motivate on that. Maybe try something new? I've heard a lot of people get bored because they're always doing the same stuff and it helps to mix it up so you won't lose the spark.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Certainly focus on your health!!!! You HAVE to do this for you and your health. When I lost my weight, I got rid of my pre diabetes, my high blood pressure, and my arthritis pain. So worth it. And if you do not suffer from any of that, you WILL! Sorry to be rude, but its a known fact.

    Definitely set another goal. Maybe you have an event coming up that you want to strive for as your goal, but definitely come up with another goal and share it with the world so other people can help you reach your goal, it helps to hold yourself accountable.
  • Touched670
    Touched670 Posts: 97 Member
    I completely understand what you're saying. I found myself exactly where you are. Then it hit me! No one said it was going to be easy. Its probably the hardest thing I've ever done besides raising my kids. I have to work for every single ounce I lose! If I don't watch portion sizes, count calories, exercise and drink water, those pounds pile back on so fast that it should be a world record. I have a gym membership that I hardly use but my cousin and I have been walking about 4 days a week and then another cousin and I go to Zumba once a week. If I don't make it to the class I do Biggest Loser or Zumba on my Wii. Anything to burn afew calories each day. Its sooo hard, but the final goal will make it all worth it. I still have over 100 pounds to go and my goal date is May 2012. But I am determined to make this change. And I am not a strong woman. I am an emotional eater and I LOVE sweets! So if I can do it, you can do it! You just have to take control and get back out there. I know you can do it!!!!


    SW 288
    CW 254
    1st goal: 01/2012 200
    final goal: 05/2012 165
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Weightloss is hard to begin with, but the summer time and winter times are the hardest times, to stick to a program. I know what you are going through. I fell off my routine during the christmas week, and am slowly getting back to what I was doing prior. It is hard to get back on track, just take it one day at a time.

    Try atleast to get back into your workout routine, and work on cutting down your portion one day at a time

  • Good Morning
    Set a small goal maybe 5 pounds not even pounds... let's say inches. Grab a favorite garment and try it on daily and let that be your goal. It's mind over matter and once you accomplish that, you will feel good and you will fit that exercise in... try it. let me know how it works for you. Good Luck- Know you can do all things..
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    Set your menu for the day and eat only what you put in your diary. Take it day by day. It's really hard but the pay off is completely worth it. Keep moving forward, it can only get better from here!
  • byroman
    byroman Posts: 75 Member
    I log on here every day that I can and read how others are doing. That helps me A LOT to keep going! (Especially since EVERYONE around me refuses to adopt a more healthy lifestyle.)
  • HollyHask
    HollyHask Posts: 18 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! DIG DEEP! I fluctuate 5-10 lbs and its a life time comittment, not a diet. Make the change in your MIND first.
    If I fall off the wagon, I do not beat myself up. The next meal I am righ back on it.
    We all seem to forget that eating was made to keep us alive not a hobby. (I am guilty of this)

    Good Luck!

  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    t's hard to get back on track when you lose motivation but think of how happy you were when you hit 298! set a 5 lb goal to make sure you stay under 300!

    I get up now at 430 to exercise in summer my schedule moved earlier it sucked the first few weeks but now I am used to it yesterday I even woke up 2 minutes before the alarm :)

    hang in there you can do it!!!!
  • bkw2488
    bkw2488 Posts: 190 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! Think of it as one choice at a time. I try to look at the small stuff because the big stuff makes me want to give up. Hang in there! :O)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree with the posts saying to set another goal. There are some people that reward themselves for every 10 pounds. Find something that works for you. On Tuesday I came home from work feeling achy like I was getting sick (one of my coworkers is super sick right now so it felt so real!), but I had planned to restart the Couch to 5k running program that day. I SO didn't want to do it! But the timing was right...my husband had cooked dinner so it was ready an hour earlier than normal since I get home later than him. It was only 7:00 and I was just sitting there and I thought, I can't JUST sit here all night! So I went down there, did the run and it felt so good that I added 25 minutes of circuit training afterwards. What happened the next day??? I woke up feeling healthy and not achy at all! Yesterday, I ran again! You were going at it pretty hard there, going to the gym like every day, right? Maybe go a little easier on yourself and ease back in with 3 or 4 days a week at the gym. I found it most helpful when I began on MFP to get a handle on eating proper portions first and after a month or so I started working out more regularly! You CAN do this!!!
  • monniemon
    monniemon Posts: 10
    maybe itsl the type of execrise you have been doing, you should switch up and try some new things, dancing always does it for me. When you hear the music you just wanna move. Try getting some dvds of the dancing you would like, jazz, hip hop, bellydance, latin, there are so many dance for weight loss dvds out there, you may really look forward to doing that, they work for me because they are fun, no pressure, but they get the job done, they make you sweat,burn and move. Also, if i just dont feel in the mood to dance(thats hardly never)!, i will turn on the tv to watch one of my favorite shows and walk in place for that hour or more, it is amazing how much time goes by while you are engrossed in your favorite show.: we all go through that at some point, you will pick it back up and get back in the groove soon, good luck! wink:
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