Super big fan of HIIT workouts! Any suggestions, Holla atcha girl!


  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    Sprint intervals and power jump intervals are my favorites. The object for me is to get as much as possible and push as hard as I can with each set. I might do 20 seconds on 10 seconds off Tabata style for 8 total or 30 on and 30 off for 6 rounded and sometimes up to a minute with a minute recovery.
    The sprints are even better up a hill.
    There is that state, that feeling that I am aiming for that is all out hard as I can if I go any faster something will break feeling. And immediately after that ready to vomit OMG what did I just do feeling. That was crazy feeling! Yeah. Love it!
  • davidcliff
    davidcliff Posts: 144 Member
    I do 40sec on 20sec of Tabata style. I had to sign up for a class, it's the only way i'd stick with it. We typically rotate through leg stuff(squats & lunges) upper body(rows, presses, push-ups) and core/abs(planks, russian twists, jack knifes)

    Made the mistake of lifting hard last night, class this morning kicked my azz!
  • jyamiolk
    jyamiolk Posts: 37 Member
    Not sure where you are from but I go to Orangetheory which is a 1 hour HIIT session involving Rowing, floor (Weights, body weight and TRX) and treadmill. The workout changes daily.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I love hiit, but i never feel like im doing it right. Like Im not doing it for long enough (sometimes 12 minutes, sometimes 24) or im not doing the right exercises.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    I love hiit, but i never feel like im doing it right. Like Im not doing it for long enough (sometimes 12 minutes, sometimes 24) or im not doing the right exercises.

    If you can do HIIT for 12 minutes, let alone 24, you are probably not doing HIIT. It should be maximal effort for the ON portion. Anything more than 10 minutes and you're just doing some MISS intervals.