Struggling to take the first step.

I am 5'3..... I have been struggling for years. 2 yrs ago I was at 228lbs and I lost 30lbs after some health issues came about I gained all the weight back plus 12 more lbs. I am now at 240 lbs and miserable. I can not seem to find the motivation or the mind set to get started and stay on track. Short-term goal is 40lbs but I would like to lose a total of 80 to 90 lbs. I know what to do and how to do it but I can't seem to get it to click in my head that it needs to be done. I procrastinate, I say oh well I will just start over tomorrow.... which is what lead me to now. I now have thyroid issues and there's times when I don't want to leave my house bc I am embarrassed of how I look. Is there anyone that can provide some inspiration or suggestions on how to get motivated?


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Baby steps! Commit to changing ONE THING! Just one thing! Say you'll drink one less soda a day, and replace it with water (or whatever mini-goal fits your situation). Once you've made that an automatic habit, then change one other thing, like committing to eating three vegetables a day. And so on, and so on.

    It will take slower, but you have a much better shot at success. Good luck!
  • gordon1chip
    gordon1chip Posts: 2 Member
    working out and eating healthy just feels soooo good!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    If you can't motivate yourself then noone else can. You need to change for you! Think of all the things you can't do now and have a look at the long term health impact of being obese. Then set MFP, eat a calorie deficit and start your journey to a healthier better you.
  • MichelleS08
    MichelleS08 Posts: 109 Member
    I was 210lbs got to 145lbs after a year and a half and now a year later I'm up to 170.. I know how hard it is gaining back what you've lost. But now I'm more determined than ever. I did it once and I
    Can do it again. It's not happening very fast but that's okay. You've got this.
  • Feel free to add me and we can do this together! Motivation is like a roller coaster some times but you've got this!
  • simonc14
    simonc14 Posts: 76 Member
    Feel free to add me, I started at 235 and got to 186, but I've had a bad year and am about 205, so I've been through the ups and downs of the journey! Just getting my focus back and these boards are great inspiration! You absolutely can do it!
  • caregetsfit
    caregetsfit Posts: 10 Member
    You can add me. I just started and would love some accountability partners for encouragement and to encourage!
  • fruitystix
    fruitystix Posts: 35 Member
    What I'm doing- 3 normal sensibly sized meals, no snacking. Rocket science stuff
  • fruitystix
    fruitystix Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry but the drinking one less soda a day like telling an alcoholic have one less drink per day and slowly taper off.. haha
  • Outdoors505
    Outdoors505 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm no nutritional expert by any stretch of the imagination. I have done a bit of research since learned I am pre-diabetic. It can be very overwhelming and confusing. There are sooooo many "experts" with conflicting advice. Where I stand now is there is no magic bullet. The only way to get it done is to commit and just start. Sweeping changes will not work for me. Lots of little changes add up to big changes over time. I recommend watching the you tube videos by Dr Lustig and reading the books by Dr Hyman. Good luck! Slow and steady wins the race.....
  • daisybelle84
    daisybelle84 Posts: 30 Member
    I am in your exact shoes. Started out at 250, now down to 238. I always put everything off to tomorrow, but it has to start today! I stopped smoking, and now have to have my gallbladder removed thanks to years of crappy eating. But I am on a mission now and won't be stopped! I will still treat myself to my family's holiday meals, but other than that I am totally changing up my every day eating and going to start moving more! Feel free to add me for encouragement!
  • kristalparmer
    kristalparmer Posts: 3 Member
    I was 305... Used this app and worked out.. I got to 155 and felt better but could not get any lower.. Then I hurt my knee and really gave up.. Now I'm 310 lbs and I'm starting over.. One day and pound at s time.
  • BootyShakingBadAss
    BootyShakingBadAss Posts: 350 Member
    I hear you! I made it my goal to just do better than the day before then once I started seeing results that fire was lit again! Feel free to add me!! :)
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    May I suggest that the only thing you "start" is eating within your calorie goal? That way there is nothing to "fall off of". You are only eating less than you normally would.

    Just continue to eat the things you like to eat. After a few months you will begin to learn what keeps you satisfied longer and whats not worth the calories to eat often.

    I have a mantra that I repeat several times a day "make up your mind and your body will follow" this helps me focus on the fact that I'm in control of my food - not the other way around.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Shily81 wrote: »
    I am 5'3..... I have been struggling for years. 2 yrs ago I was at 228lbs and I lost 30lbs after some health issues came about I gained all the weight back plus 12 more lbs. I am now at 240 lbs and miserable. I can not seem to find the motivation or the mind set to get started and stay on track. Short-term goal is 40lbs but I would like to lose a total of 80 to 90 lbs. I know what to do and how to do it but I can't seem to get it to click in my head that it needs to be done. I procrastinate, I say oh well I will just start over tomorrow.... which is what lead me to now. I now have thyroid issues and there's times when I don't want to leave my house bc I am embarrassed of how I look. Is there anyone that can provide some inspiration or suggestions on how to get motivated?

    Please don't be afraid take one day at a time. Get supportive and motivating friends on MFP. If you mutually support each other you can get great tips about different aspects of the journey, you need to make lifelong changes it is not a quick fix. Good luck I'm sure you will do great
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    make changes TODAY, that's the only day you can do anything about.

    This should be this site's motto! I love it.