Day 1, 150 pounds to go.....looking for friends to help support.

Today is day 1 for me. I have had people tell me I am crazy for starting now (with the holiday season fast approaching) but I have decided that I NEED to start now and not wait until the first of the year.....
I am not doing some fad diet (have tried those in the past and they got me NO WHERE)...I am counting calories, eating as clean as I can, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and basically just good nutrition and exercise. I currently have a personal trainer that works with me and has been gracious enough to offer to give me pointers and help me with all of this. I am looking for like minded people to help me out! Feel free to add me.


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    YAY! THEY are crazy for waiting! The holidays are truly a few days. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and you'll be much more aware of the foods. smaller portions. anyone can truly savor a bite of pumpkin buy versus eating a full slice without even paying attention.

    Glad you have support on your end and we are here!!!!
    Here's to day 1 of the rest of your life.
    there will be good days, and frustrating days. Just keep going Write down your goals And WHY you want this. What will it mean to hit some major milestones.
    How will it FEEL
    What will you be able to do differently.
    Write them down... then on those bad days / weeks you can remind yourself what you're fighting for!
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    I just got back on the wagon as well. Watching what I eat over the holidays makes the food taste better because I'm not mindlessly stuffing it in my face!
  • Nystao
    Nystao Posts: 10 Member
    I started October 1st right before my birthday. No need to wait. I was looking to lose 125 lbs. down 30 and not worried about the holidays. Once you get started you will trust yourself. Track those calories. For me it equals yes or no to something I want. You will do great. Feel free to add me as a friend. Take care
  • Wiggymommy
    Wiggymommy Posts: 106 Member
    Any time is a great time! I decided to start recently too. Have 80 pounds to lose and lost 10 the first month. One thing I'm learning is this is trial and error. Read everything you can on how many calories to consume etc but remember everybody is different and you will have to take the TIME it takes to learn what works best for your body. Good luck and remember it's not a race it's a change and change takes time!
  • domesticlydiva
    domesticlydiva Posts: 19 Member
    Hi....Welcome to the 1st day of the rest of your life of better health. There is never a better time to start than TODAY!! I too have a personal trainer (1st time ever) who is helping me nutritionally also. Her advice to me was to make sure I eat a carb/protein/fat combo for every meal AND snacks, focusing on clean foods of more than 8 grams of sugar per meal/snack up to 40 grams of sugar per day. So far, my cravings have subsided & I feel full with less food. This is a lot more working than mindlessly eating but the pay-off will be so much better. I am tired of the diet-go-round. I really think I am ready to make a serious commitment to health so if you want a friend to share tips with or whatever I'm here.
  • lauramuir66
    lauramuir66 Posts: 1 Member
    It is my first day and I know you can do this!!!!
  • cglaser1206
    cglaser1206 Posts: 5 Member
    It is day 2 for me. I found Dr OZ talking about Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy (ABT). It's interesting, and includes mindfulness which is something that interests me.
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    edited November 2016
    Yay! Congrats on taking that first step! I think its great to start now, it doesn't mean that you cant enjoy the holidays. There's no time like the present!!
  • BootyShakingBadAss
    BootyShakingBadAss Posts: 350 Member
    I'm in the same boat!!! Forget everyone else! We have each other!! :)
  • kmilam84
    kmilam84 Posts: 5 Member
    This is my first day back after 6 months where I fell off the wagon. Encouragement is very important. Yay, we can do this
  • You are starting on the same journey I stated 225 days ago. I made up my mind to do something, personal trainer, my fitness pal app, counting calories and eating better. Anything I read, I took it to my trainer to get her opinion since they are the experts. I couldn't be happier right now. Down 42 lbs. and seeing results. You can do this, if I can. We are here to lean on and be a sounding board. I'm happy to go on this journey with you, it took me 57 years to get here.
  • kaygirlhey
    kaygirlhey Posts: 12 Member
    I just started again a couple of weeks ago, and I figure it's the best time to start because the motivation is high and if you can make it through this time of year, the rest of the time is a piece of cake! ;)
  • MarilynTC
    MarilynTC Posts: 98 Member
    I echo what some others have said - starting now is a good idea. I started back up a couple of weeks ago (the week before Halloween) and it has really helped me keep out of my kids' Halloween hauls for the most part (too many generous neighbors gave Reeses cups!)

    But getting back on track has forced me to plan a sensible Thanksgiving dinner instead of the usual ridiculous feast, and should keep me from over-baking holiday cookies next month.
  • megsCA
    megsCA Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome to the Fit Family! Proud of you for jumping in BEFORE the holidays! you can set yourself up for MAJOR success this year be getting the head start!

    Feel free to add as a friend!
  • MsKriss281
    MsKriss281 Posts: 91 Member
    I too have jumped in before the holidays, no better time than now. My MFP is being a little crazy but feel free to add me. As I've learned before this journey is much easier with friends to motivate you.
  • joycelyn2589
    joycelyn2589 Posts: 3 Member
    I, too, am starting my journey (again!!)! Yes, people say how crazy it is to start so close to the holidays, but I feel there is no better time to start! This will definitely test our will power to not over indulge and our capability to stay on track, but I believe we can do it! I'm up for the challenge. ;)
  • djsatterwhite
    djsatterwhite Posts: 4 Member
    I am also starting my journey (again)! I have been using my MFP consistently for almost a week now and have already lost 4 lbs.!

    Feel free to add as a friend!
  • jeanettesanch
    jeanettesanch Posts: 7 Member
    I'm right here with you! This is my day 1 back on after being away for months. I got way off track and decided I would be do better starting back on before the holidays so I won't over indulge, and start at an even higher weight! We can do it!
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Don't wait. start today. YOU are correct. You can do this. Every day its a little easier.
  • 00000eli
    00000eli Posts: 37 Member
    Years ago I started eating healthier portion sizes, walking 4 miles a day, and writing down everything I ate. At the time I worked 60 hours a week between a full time job and a part time job at the Original Cookie Company and I lost 60lbs. in 3 months because I was heavy to start with. I maintained until I got pregnant 10 months later. I know you can do it. I am restarting again and have lost 16 lbs. recently and have joined Planet Fitness.
  • mbdean86
    mbdean86 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm rebooting from the middle, thankfully. Starting when you are is the best thing. I see a lot of people that start the "New Years Resolution" thing in January at my gym and by February, they're all gone.

    I'd love for us to be friends. Anyone here can add me if they'd like.
  • Laurie6578
    Laurie6578 Posts: 154 Member
    Today is always the best day to start. Good luck on your journey!!!
  • AdrienneIsLoved
    AdrienneIsLoved Posts: 17 Member
    Hello. I just started (again) several days ago. I want to lose between 100 - 120 pounds. Maybe we could support each other.
  • 714ally
    714ally Posts: 10 Member
    I'm just starting too and have 100# to lose. It doesn't matter when you start but that you started!
  • dltgrl
    dltgrl Posts: 6 Member
    I am new to this app as well. I have lost 50 pounds in the last year but started stalling. I am only on day 8 of tracking my food and exercise, but I already feel it has been helpful. This thing we are doing is hard, I can use all the help I can get!