This is the year!

Hi everyone, I just had a baby 2 months ago and am in the WORST shape of my life. Weighing in at 235 being 5'8" is embarrassing...but I HAVE to admit it to myself or nothing will ever change. One thing that I have always noticed about my body is that even when I don't "cheat" or go over my calories for the day...I will randomly gain weight on certain days. This can be EXTREMELY discouraging and make me want to give up. In my mind, I don't think the scales should ever go UP when I'm doing well keeping my calories in check. Does anyone have any advice to NOT get discourage on the days that weight fluctuates up!?


  • maridm06
    maridm06 Posts: 12 Member
    Stay away from the scale. Try to lessen the usage to bi weekly or once a month. The body weight will change day to day and its not that your doing good or bad but we have to keep in mind water weight, muscle mass, how our bodies are processing food. Sometimes when we eat heavy carbohydrates (even "good carbs") it has a slow burn effect. Thus, the food stays in our bodies longer making it seem as though we gained weight. Weight loss is not as important as body fat loss. :) hope this helps.