5'5 and 170lbs!! Goal is 120. Anyone have similar goals?



  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    5' 2" here @ 168. Looking to reach 135ish...
  • mookiemhs
    mookiemhs Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same boat. 5'2" and hoping for 130. Less would be better. Add me as friend. We can help each other.
  • jillk93
    jillk93 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 5'4, 145 Lbs. Goal is 130 Lbs! I've been switching things up, focusing more on strength training and moderate cardio (About 10-15 minutes after strength training). Starting to finally see results! Feel free to add me!
  • sallievp
    sallievp Posts: 33 Member
    I started at 158.5 and today weighed at 126...the lowest i have ever been in my adult life! Feels AMAZING!!!
    my original goal was to reach 125.8! (in uk and we use stones and pounds and this would mean i would be 8 stone something!!)
    new goal is to reach 119 (UK 8 and a half stone)

    We can do it!!!
  • happystampers
    happystampers Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I'm also 5'5" and 194 lbs. I started 3 weeks ago and am losing but working my butt off literally. Working out 5 days a week and using this program to track food and calories. I'm going to do this! I want to get to 140 to start and I can tell you it will be a long haul for me. I lose very slow and am 52. I want my body back. I've been away from home the last week and traveling has been a little more difficult. 54 more pounds to go, got to do it!
  • jazzmanj21
    jazzmanj21 Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2016
    5'9" trying to lose ten pounds :/
    Add me
  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    5,4" 169, trying to get to 143 initially then eventually to 132 ish we can do this!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    lost 14lbs so far
    I have used MFP successfully before, but I had an ankle injury and didn't walk for 5 months earlier this year. I gained a lot of weight. My goal is 127lbs.
  • JJsGirl2014
    JJsGirl2014 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 220 lbs. Ultimate goal of 170 - 175 lbs. Tracking daily is 1st step. Staying within range is step 2. Loss of 6 pounds over the next 30 days is step 3. Short term: 6 pounds lost by December 17.
  • denise63hurst
    denise63hurst Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'2 173lbs goal weight is 125-130lbs. I just downloaded this app and have no idea what I'm doing yet...
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    I'm 5'4" & started at 196, now i'm 170 & want to get to 135
  • crizz69
    crizz69 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'1" and was 208lbs, currently 192lbs. My goal is to be 130, my old weight. I'm on this every day, multiple times a day. I just started learning the basics to meal prep and proportions. It's surprising what I thought was healthy actually had more carbs and sodium than I realized. I wouldn't mind a few buddies on this journey. I got a ways to go :)
  • running2fitness
    running2fitness Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'5" and starting weight of 170. Now I'm down to 150 and honestly can't imagine losing much more weight...my initial goal was 135 but I'm more into maintaining at this point!
  • ErikaMO3
    ErikaMO3 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'5" starting at 184 (down 10 pounds since July). My goal is 145 by June next year. I'm starting to track my macros, I'm hoping it will really help!
  • snyde009
    snyde009 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'4 and currently 195 lbs and would like to lose about 50 lbs. I've been as high as 226 and as low as 135. I'm new to MFP as well and using low carb. It seems to work as long as I can stay accountable. Please add me too.
  • klzingler2012
    klzingler2012 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'5 and 194. I'm a mother of four, and my fourth was just born at the end of June 2016, so I'm desperately trying to get into better shape. My goal is actually 160, but I'll be happy with any amount that I lose. My husband and I are on a low-carb diet, he's diabetic so it is really good for him to eat this way and I'm just trying to support him on his journey. Feel free to add me!! I love making new friends and getting to know new people!
  • SapphireMoon23
    SapphireMoon23 Posts: 139 Member
    5'6" here. 180 lbs. My goal is 135-145 lbs. I lost 56 lbs then gained some back due to car accident. Heaviest was 223. Doing well now. Lots of discipline. Slow & steady.
  • lucylo95
    lucylo95 Posts: 11 Member
    New here! 5'4 and 160lbs. struggling massively to loose the baby weight even with working full time. Hoping to reach 125 *crosses fingers* only my third day using this(: feel free to add me.
  • Natalierae886
    Natalierae886 Posts: 286 Member
    I'm 5'4 - 162 lbs and want to be 140.