Day 1, 150 pounds to go.....looking for friends to help support.



  • joycelyn2589
    joycelyn2589 Posts: 3 Member
    I, too, am starting my journey (again!!)! Yes, people say how crazy it is to start so close to the holidays, but I feel there is no better time to start! This will definitely test our will power to not over indulge and our capability to stay on track, but I believe we can do it! I'm up for the challenge. ;)
  • djsatterwhite
    djsatterwhite Posts: 4 Member
    I am also starting my journey (again)! I have been using my MFP consistently for almost a week now and have already lost 4 lbs.!

    Feel free to add as a friend!
  • jeanettesanch
    jeanettesanch Posts: 7 Member
    I'm right here with you! This is my day 1 back on after being away for months. I got way off track and decided I would be do better starting back on before the holidays so I won't over indulge, and start at an even higher weight! We can do it!
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Don't wait. start today. YOU are correct. You can do this. Every day its a little easier.
  • 00000eli
    00000eli Posts: 37 Member
    Years ago I started eating healthier portion sizes, walking 4 miles a day, and writing down everything I ate. At the time I worked 60 hours a week between a full time job and a part time job at the Original Cookie Company and I lost 60lbs. in 3 months because I was heavy to start with. I maintained until I got pregnant 10 months later. I know you can do it. I am restarting again and have lost 16 lbs. recently and have joined Planet Fitness.
  • mbdean86
    mbdean86 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm rebooting from the middle, thankfully. Starting when you are is the best thing. I see a lot of people that start the "New Years Resolution" thing in January at my gym and by February, they're all gone.

    I'd love for us to be friends. Anyone here can add me if they'd like.
  • Laurie6578
    Laurie6578 Posts: 154 Member
    Today is always the best day to start. Good luck on your journey!!!
  • AdrienneIsLoved
    AdrienneIsLoved Posts: 17 Member
    Hello. I just started (again) several days ago. I want to lose between 100 - 120 pounds. Maybe we could support each other.
  • 714ally
    714ally Posts: 10 Member
    I'm just starting too and have 100# to lose. It doesn't matter when you start but that you started!
  • dltgrl
    dltgrl Posts: 6 Member
    I am new to this app as well. I have lost 50 pounds in the last year but started stalling. I am only on day 8 of tracking my food and exercise, but I already feel it has been helpful. This thing we are doing is hard, I can use all the help I can get!