Starting out and Hopeful!

Just into Keto diet for a few weeks now. I have been border line diabetic and had blood sugar problems all my adult life and tried just about every kind of diet out there-- and nothing really helped keep by blood sugar stable. The idea of eating such a high fat diet was something I really had to research and study before taking it on--since I was always taught to keep fat as low as possible and eat tons of fruits and Veggies--which i did--and didn't seem to get much improvement with weight--sleep--energy--and headaches. I am excited and hopeful with all I have been learning about the keto diet. Been through the Keto flu already-- that was no fun, but salt-magnesium, potassium, and mineral drops --and lots of water helped me through. I was wondering if anyone out there might know where to get Precision Blood Test Strips at a better price than what I am seeing out there? You need to take out a loan to keep them in stock--crazy expensive. Thanks in advance to any who can help! :-)


    KPMURRAY2 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on day 2 of keto. I just ordered my precision xtra on Amazon. I'll be using the urine strips until I am fully adapted.