Have you changed your original Goal Weight? Up or down?



  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    My original GW was 140. I was @ 290. I surpassed that and got as low as 125. I really struggled to be @ 125. It seems my body likes being at 130-135 and that is my range since I have been on maintenance for almost 2 years (November 12, 2015). I am really happy at 130. I feel great, better than I have in decades. I will be 64 @ the end of September, and really never dreamed this was possible for me. I am happy, my family is happy and my doctor is happy. It is all good and if I can do this, really, most anyone with no serious health issues can.

    I'm 61. I went from 207 to 134 to 126. 126 was a struggle for me. I am 5'3 so I'd love to have a top goal of 130. Like you, I feel good at 130 and think I need to keep it there or a little below. Maintenance still isn't smooth..and I actually went up 140...hopefully partly water weight and have spent the last week working on it. Hoping this time...I can keep MVP at losing half a lb for a while and hanging around 130.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I saw a post earlier in this thread under my old user name where I had reached my first goal weight and stated my second goal weight. Well, I'm one pound away from that second weight now... and... I have yet a different goal weight. I think it's 5 pounds lower than that. I'm still not quite happy with my body fat percentage.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    my first goal was 48kg. i knew that was something achievable, because that was the weight i had been maintaining for years before i gained all the weight. Sometime halfway, when i realised that i wasn't struggling with the weightloss, i thought 45kg would be a better goal, make sure i can fit in all my old clothes and not have to worry about it. At some point a bit later, i thought 43kgs would be even better,because i won't have to worry about weight flunctuations and all that stuff, as even a 2kg gain during my period, would put me at 45kgs which is still acceptable. According to my bmi, i could go as low as 40kgs and still be in the normal range, but i have settled for the 43 now and i'm happy with it. I am now 2kgs away from my first goal, and 7kgs away from the ultimate one, but i know i can do it.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    It changed a fair few times and all downward. Though my original goal was to get fitter as to reduce my asthma meds (achieved). I also took a relaxed approach - so slow weightl oss journey.

    Weight goal changes;
    1. First it was fitting back into all my clothes.
    2. Once there I said I want to do MFP for two years and see where I end up.
    3. I liked how things were going at 2 years and I wanted a health BMI as I was not quite there yet
    4. As I achieved that I went a step up on the fitness and muscle building, but also reduced my GW to a BMI a bit more towards the middle.
    5. I also investigated what an optimum weight would be for somebody my height.
    6. So it got adjusted to that - and for now that is my GW (Just a little over) and my lower level of my maintenance weight.
    Technically I could get into maintenance now as I am smack the my now set range,but I want to have GW before I do that.

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Update to my year old response in page one....
    I've now adjusted my maintenance weight upwards by 4lbs. Having recomped and added a bit of muscle I was finding the lower weight harder to sustain and also finding my exercise energy levels weren't so good.

    I prefer to be less lean but bigger which I guess is contrary to the current physique fashions.
  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    i keep changing my target weight. have just decided to aim for 2 more pounds drop. and then ar 9 stone 12, i am stopping. 100% maintenance from then on.
    I suspect maintenance will be harder than weight drop as i have got used to eating healthier and excerising more. do i eat more, even if i aint hungry? or do i excercise less?
    of do i now yoyo up and down by a few lbs every few weeks?
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I didn't have a set goal weight number. I had size, looks, comfort goals. When I got to a place where I felt good I began maintenance, I lost a few more pounds slowly in maintenance. I'm at the lower end of normal bmi and my maintenance calories are more than satisfactory. At first in increasing calories I felt a surge in hunger, that subsided and I'm at a happy place now where I have a lot more energy than I had during the weight loss and also quite alot more calories to eat, so as far as I can say the mfp plan works perfectly.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I reached my GW of 140 and have been losing down to 133. 140 is still my GW, but I'm not trying to reach it. It's become my cap weight of when I need to get back to being strict on my eating. I have a long way to go before getting out of the "normal" BMI range, so I'm not bothered about continuing to lose.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    edited November 2016
    I adjusted mine to upward. When I first started maintaining it was 122lbs. Now my goal is to be atleast 135lbs for now.
    Original GW 122lbs (felt horrible)
    Original GW range: 122-126 lbs
    Current GW range: 128-135lbs ( Feel hecka great at this weight)
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    My goal is around 114, but I've never been able to stay below 120. I got to 118 for a couple of weeks last year. To really lose, I have to eat around 1000, and when I tried that, I felt lousy, fatigued all the time, and my nails became brittle. I work out quite a bit, so I've decided to maintain at 120-123, eat at maintenance, and do a recomp. I feel a lot better eating at maintenance. I'm short, 5'1.5" and I know lots of women my size who weigh in the low 100s or less, but at my age (57 next week!), I just can't seem to get there without starving myself..
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I started at 270, and my initial goal was 180. Like most goal weights, it was a more or less arbitrary number. I chose 180 because
    (1) it was a "healthy" weight for my original height (5'11")
    (2) I felt really good about myself the last time I was 180
    (3) It was a 90 lb loss. Round numbers please me.

    Once I got to 190 I was pretty certain I could drop that, so I did.. to 170. But as I approached 175 I knew I could hit 165, a number that kind of scared me. You see, my family intervened in my disordered eating when I was 165 lbs at the age of 19.

    Now I'm 165 (give or take a pound or two on any particular day). I'd be happy to maintain here, but I just discovered I need major spine surgery. So I'm eyeing up 155 because the prognosis is better the less a person weighs. This is causing far more anxiety and panic than my initial setting a goal for a 90 lb weight loss. So much for things becoming clearer the lower my weight gets!
  • handeye
    handeye Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my original goal weight was 125, which got me back to the healthy BMI I last had in college. I got there, started running, and fell in love with it. I'm training for a half-marathon and inadvertently lost another 5 pounds. However, I noticed it made running faster and easier so I'm hoping to eventually lose another 5 pounds, which would put me at my high school weight of 115. I love to eat so I never thought getting to my high school weight would be possible, but now I think it is! So I guess I adjusted down! Thank you running!
  • kkress92
    kkress92 Posts: 118 Member
    CJMQ wrote: »
    Yes. I used to want to weigh 135, but I only really care about body fat now. I used to weigh 153 and be a size 8-10, got down to 142 at a size 6-8 (24% body fat), and now with more muscle I'm 151 and size 4-6 (17% body fat). Weightlifting completely changed my body and relationship with the scale.

    This fascinates me, wondering how tall you are, m or f? What diet plan, training plan do you follow? These sound like great goals, ones I would be very happy with but am unsure how to achieve. Also, how long did it take you to achieve this?

  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    kkress92 wrote: »
    CJMQ wrote: »
    Yes. I used to want to weigh 135, but I only really care about body fat now. I used to weigh 153 and be a size 8-10, got down to 142 at a size 6-8 (24% body fat), and now with more muscle I'm 151 and size 4-6 (17% body fat). Weightlifting completely changed my body and relationship with the scale.

    This fascinates me, wondering how tall you are, m or f? What diet plan, training plan do you follow? These sound like great goals, ones I would be very happy with but am unsure how to achieve. Also, how long did it take you to achieve this?

    Hi kkress92, I'm a 37 yr-old female, 5'7" tall. The change has been over the past 3-4 years, I lost weight initially by lowering my calories and doing running/bodyweight exercises (bootcamp style workouts). That 10/12 lb was over about 6-8 months. My weight fluctuated after that until I started doing Crossfit last January. I also do powerlifting and Olympic lifting, and ride my bike for transportation. I eat 1900-2400 calories most days. (on that first loss I was eating 1750 I think). I have gained back up to 149-151 now but have been getting the dunk tank fat tests and my bodyfat is lowering. I like my body more than I did when I was lighter, and can eat more. :smile: I think the heavy squats and overhead lifts have done the most for my shape, they work everything.
  • findingone
    findingone Posts: 31 Member
    edited December 2016
    I am a 41 year old 6'1 guy with a medium-large frame build. When I first started out at 330, I told myself get to 180. No reason really other than it sounded nice? Once I realized how lean I was getting, I bumped it up to 185 as the target to hit. Then my PCP told me that he wants me to hover between 190 and 200. Now I am two weeks away from the goal I settled on which is 188. That number at 6'1 will put me in the normal BMI range. Which is going to mean a lot to me...a lot. Am I thin as hell? Yes and it feels freaking great. My metabolism really helped my *kitten* out. Not only is the last few pounds coming off quick, but at 193, I lost 7 pounds in two weeks at this weight. Plus walking a minimum of 8+ miles a day helps.

    But I definitely changed my goals. Three times :smile:
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks for all the great responses - very helpful!
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 176 Member
    Well, as a follow up to this thread, I ended up in a boot/aircast for over 6 months due to Achilles and not cleared for exercise/walking yet. On top of it major stress in my life and caregiving to sister who needed surgery has got me not making best nutritional choices (Trying, but still giving in to those foods that bring comfort versus nutrition)... Need to get back to healthy eating.

    Need to re-adjust weight goals again - back to 128-132! (125 was too low and not maintainable).

    Would like to be ideally 128-130. Currently fluctuating between 132-134, which is not comfortable for me.

    Advice on re-setting and re-startng to get back to healthier weight? My physical and stress-related circumstances do not look as tho they will change anytime soon so need to learn to cope and eat healthier in this situation.

    Thx Jean

    PS I'm 5'7" and have been in remission off and in for a few years so my activity fluctuates with my health.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I'm not in maintenance yet but I've adjusted my goal down.

    At my highest weight (227lbs) my goal was 145lbs. That wasn't even considering my interest in a firm lightly muscular look and technically not within a normal bmi range for my petite self.

    Now (174lbs) my goal is 135 with muscles. That's on the very high end of a normal bmi.

    Really though, I would be thrilled to have either a 4 or 3 as my second number. Both sound great, particularly if I'm looking great too.
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member

    After I hit goal (75 pounds down in 18-months)...my body shape slowly changed to where I was not happy with it. This took maybe 6-9 months for the aha moment to occur. Dropping 5 more pounds worked.