Fat Burners?

OK....so I've always felt that if I'm doing the "right" things with diet and exercise that I shouldn't need anything else to lose weight. I also don't want to take anything that I have to KEEP taking for a long amount of time. But....I'm tempted by the idea of a fat burner. At my new gym, my nutritionist recommended a fat burner since I'm trying to get down as much as I can before my wedding on September 30th. I went to complete nutrition and changed my mind after I got there and thought I could do this without. I just have been stuck for awhile and I changed up my workouts and also added in weight training so I'm a little frustrated. I want some opinions on fat burners....do they work? should I go for it? should I just keep doing what I'm doing? I would love some feedback from someone who doesn't seek a profit. THANKS SO MUCH!


  • Good idea to ask people who aren't trying to get your money...I wanna know too!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    There are real foods that have been proven to target fat (especially belly fat).

    Add some healthy oil/fats to your diet and eat whole grains, then do a lot of cardio.

    It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out there is no actual burning of fat by a supplement.
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    I just started trying OxyElite Pro (got a free sample from GNC). The reviews of it seem positive, and its currently on sale on the GNC website:

    You need to stay hydrated, and they guide you on how to ease into the product (e.g. dont take too much and cycle off of it). I can definitely tell the impact on my metabolism, so I'll give the early feedback of "it seems to be working''

    Havent been using it long enough to measure results yet, but on the bight side....Im making no profit form this reply : )

    Update to post - This is in addition to obviously watching diet, and doing 5 days of serious cardio (currently Insanity)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I have used so many things in the past, pills that were all herbal that had fat burners in them and they never worked for me. I think its a gimmick to get your money.
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    If they worked, we'd all be ripped. :-)
    (save your cash for some organic produce or fancy running shoes)
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    I have used 2 diffrent kinds of fat burner... not becuase they are fat burners, but because they have a lot of caffine in them. I take one in the morning and two about 30 min before I workout in the evening. I don't think that they have helped me "loose" persay. It is the focus that almost helps me workout harder. Does that make since.. You do have to cylce on and off ( one month on - one month off)

    You do have to be careful though, if you have any problems with your liver - DO NOT TAKE THEM. They can cause liver problems with poeple who have /had family history or person problems with the liver.

    I have take JetPryo and OxyPro Elite.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    not an expert at all but I`ve read alot on here that when your at a stall in weight loss you should up your calories alittle to jump start the loss back up. Also change up your workouts and zigzag your calorie intake

    I would do that personaly before adding any chemical to my body
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    The majority of fat burners don't offer significant increase in metabolism. Even the "good" ones only assist in about 1% or less in losing a pound of fat. That roughly translates to 35 calories burned from taking a pill 2 to 3 times a day for a week. Most come with a one month supply. At a cost of about $40 average, you're spending over $10 a week to burn an extra 35 calories. You could get the same burn mopping your kitchen floor for 10 min.
  • apetranovich
    apetranovich Posts: 55 Member
    I've tried some "fat burners" from Complete Nutrition. I do not recommend them. I spent about $200 for ONE MONTH SUPPLY, and lost nothing. That's when I decided that I can do this on my own without pills:) It was an expensive lesson, so please don't do the same thing I did.
  • Untill you know how they work, ie the individual product, then its difficult to say. But in theory, it assumes that the tablet itself is not digested before it acts on the food....JMHO

    Also why dont you just nail it the natural way, and use your goal as motivation. I find running a good one...If youre not running fit, it doesnt take long if you are committed...again JMHO as this is what worked for me personally...
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    I think because the wedding is so soon why not try something out - as long as you have researched it etc and the second you feel unlike yourself (if that happens) stop taking it as we dont want you ill for the wedding!
    A friend of mine went to a fitness/bodybuilding shop and they are taking this thing that burns fat but only if you do quite alot of exercies too. She says its worked for some of her friends. im sorry i cant remember the name of it.
    I am a bit of an impatient person and want to weight to come off steady - rather than slow! i did some research on the internet about things you can take to speed up the metabolism etc but without taking scary pills that we dont actually know what in them. im currently trying vitamins to help with this - coenzyme Q10, magnesium, vitamin b complex and am about to purchase chromium and carntine (think that how you spell it!) I have not been trying these for long enough to say how they are working in regards to my metabolism though but if they dont work - hey at least im getting some good vitamins in me! :happy:
    Good luck and i hope everything goes well.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I actually saw more weight loss after i stopped taking them than when i was. But everybody body is different
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    If they worked, we'd all be ripped. :-)
    (save your cash for some organic produce or fancy running shoes)

    I second this. Any product you use will tell you to use it in combination with diet and exercise. If there were a magic pill there would be no chubby bubbies. If you are stuck, may ne time to switch up your exercise routine and make sure you are not getting sloppy with your diet.
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    thanks guys! I'll just stick with working hard and eating well for awhile....you've really helped!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    A friend of mine went to a fitness/bodybuilding shop and they are taking this thing that burns fat but only if you do quite alot of exercies too.

    And there you go.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    After my stint with an ephedra product (I didn't realize it was ephedra until I stopped it!) I vowed to never take another chemical again. I couldnt' get enough to eat when I stopped! I crammed every scrap of food in my mouth as fast as possible. I even remember crying as I stuffed myself because I was so out of control!.

    This isn't the answer that you are most likely looking for but in the end it is you against your willpower. You are the one that has to control what goes into your mouth and you will have to work out how to burn the calories you eat. I just don't belive the claims. If you read the labels they always say to include this product as part of a healthy eating and exercise program. Just go for the healthy eating and exercise program and skip the pills.

    As a nurse, I have come to realize that there is no free lunch. Yes, as another example - pills for lowering your cholesterol can help that, but in return they may harm your liver. Just watch the myriad of drug commercials on TV to get an idea of what the pills promise and what the possible side effects are. There is always a trade off somewhere down the line. I'll never look to a pill again for anything that I can help with food and exercise.

    If you starve yourself for a wedding dress, does that mean that you will continue to starve yourself for your honeymoon? On the other hand if you just follow your plan before your wedding and do the best that you can by eating sensibly and exercising sensibly maybe you can follow through on your honeymoon, too. You will be likely to indulge more but you can still try to keep it sensible. I'd go for reality rather than fantasy. Good luck to you.
  • callyno8
    callyno8 Posts: 8
    you could just get some fish oil vitamins...they aren't really a fat burner but they are supposed to help promote weight loss..they benefit in so many ways..here is a link to some http://www.fish-oil-advice.com/benefits-of-fish-oil/

    you can get a big bottle at wal-mart for cheap!