
vizz Posts: 5
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
just a quick hello to introduce myself.
I am a 42 year old female that needs to lose over a 100 pounds.
Just typing that number in makes me feel a little queazy and unsure of myself.
How i got to this weight is not a mystery but i do believe getting out from under this weight has stumped me for quite awhile.
I look forward to reading over your posts and trying to check in daily.
Today is my day off from work and i really need to get some overdue exercise in before my children pop in the door from school.
Wish me luck .........i really need to make a change and start feeling good again.



  • vizz
    vizz Posts: 5
    just a quick hello to introduce myself.
    I am a 42 year old female that needs to lose over a 100 pounds.
    Just typing that number in makes me feel a little queazy and unsure of myself.
    How i got to this weight is not a mystery but i do believe getting out from under this weight has stumped me for quite awhile.
    I look forward to reading over your posts and trying to check in daily.
    Today is my day off from work and i really need to get some overdue exercise in before my children pop in the door from school.
    Wish me luck .........i really need to make a change and start feeling good again.

  • Coach2010
    Coach2010 Posts: 209
    Thanks for sharing. You've found the right place, as the MFP crew are great people!

    Insights, information, instruction, encouragement, and compassion. Oh...and there are great tools to help you along your journey.

    I've been learning a lot, especially in focusing on my efforts - that eventually will translate to my success.

    Enjoy! :happy:
  • flois
    flois Posts: 32
    Hi there and welcome.

    I've just joined too and after only a couple of days I'm finding it a really useful, "safe" place to be! Lots of supportive like minded people with plenty of inspiration.

    I've been big all my live and yo yo'd between big and very big(!). I have never been heavier than i am now and this site has helped my to take it seriosly for the first time in ages. My motivation is the summer. Realsitically I will never be small but I would love to be able to enjoy the warm weather without my current level of selfcontiousness when I try to wear less!

    Good luck with your goals
  • Hi. I'm 23 and need to lose 75 lbs. Such a scary number. I look at that and think, how the hell did I get here? In high school I was a healthy 160 lbs. I was an athlete and carried a lot of muscle mass. I can't say I dont know where I went wrong, because I do.

    My biggest factor is motivation. I want it, but I don't want to work for it. Where did that mentality come from? I used to push myself to be better and now ... I can't push myself to walk around the block. I know I need to; for myself and for my family, but why don't I want to work harder?!

    Can anyone help me out of this funk? How do I get myself started?

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I can imagine that 75 lbs seems like a scary number but you can do it with the help you'll find on these message boards. Sometimes it is easier to take it in small goals and by doing so, you can figure out the kinds of things that get you in to trouble. So hang in there and take it a day at a've got a wonderful life ahead of you!:smile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I just know that you will love it here if you don't already, I do I love it so much. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.
  • vizz
    vizz Posts: 5

    hopefully this is the place we'll both figure it out.
    Your really young and have lots of time to figure these things out.
    i too was really healthy and active. I can remember feeling great and believe it or not sometimes i still do. I am a physically strong person and until recently my body has been proving otherwise.
    I have to get back my muscle.
    feeling weak is very undermining.
    It destroys your outlook on the simplest task if you feel you cant complete something because you run out of breath or the task seems to tiring.
    I had a horrible moment eating out at a restaurant the other night where i barely fit into the booth.
    I tried to convince myself that the seat was abnormally small and that i couldnt possibly be that big.
    It was horrible and a true wake up call.
    I bet you havent lost your strength like your telling yourself you have.
    I bet you can get right back into it.
    I bet i can fit in that seat comfortably if i really give it a try. If i stop crying and start working towards something except the invetiable scale going up in numbers.
    Once your strong your always strong, just make a choice to try a little harder today because at your age there are too many things you could miss that could end of making an impact you werent expecting.

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