1200 calories

I'm doing 1200 calories.
Anyone else doing that much or around that.

Looking for motivation buddies.
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  • jacksonkris8
    jacksonkris8 Posts: 51 Member
    I am.. lm a shorty so its the only way for me to lose... ☺️
  • SawahTeal
    SawahTeal Posts: 1 Member
    I try to do 1200. It just seems unrealistic for me. I end up giving up and going crazy after a week. For me, I do around 1500 to not lose my mind.
  • slefko
    slefko Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 4'11 so I am trying to stick to around 1200 calories, but increase if I workout!
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    I've been doing 1200 since August -- most days I make between 1100 and 1200 and it has worked! I started at 152, set a goal weight loss of 20 lbs, and now have increased that to 30 lbs. I'm going to make it too -- my CW is 133 (as of this a.m.!) So even though now it's usually 1 lb. /week, I feel like all I need is time. I load up with protein during the day and have a huge salad with veggies and fish (usually salmon) or chicken at night -- and a glass of red wine! Greens and veggies keep me full enough. And I walk/run (with a very energetic dog) every day. Tracking the calories has been the only way I've been able to lose, and that is motivation for me. The clothes are looser (and some are fitting that haven't) and I feel so much lighter -- I never want to go back, so it's been easy to avoid the sugar and carbs so far but I'm slightly worried about the coming couple of months...
  • norahclancy
    norahclancy Posts: 1 Member
    I was doing 1200 but then started the gym and have more calories. To be honest eating the right things made it hard to eat that many calories...Not sure what the new calorie count is going to be like.
  • lynnethomas_218
    lynnethomas_218 Posts: 9 Member
    I am also doing 1200 but I'm very confused about the additional calories required when working out. I do between 30-50 minutes of Tae Bo each day and do increase calories to accommodate that. However in 48 days I weigh 2 pounds more than when I started. How accurate are the calorie counts when it comes to exercise here??? I'm not noticing a big difference in my clothes either. I also enjoy a glass of wine most nights. I'm not giving up because I feel so much better but I should be down 10-15 lbs. by now. Does anybody have any solution to this? I am 58 years old. Thanks
  • Mary_Anastasia
    Mary_Anastasia Posts: 267 Member
    I should be sticking to that. I have a veryyyyy slow metabolism, so the 1400 that MFP gives me isn't quite low enough for me to lose weight on...My nutritionist said my maintenance intake is 1,330, I'd have to eat less than that to lose weight. I'm 5'7" if that makes a difference.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    OP you made a thread earlier asking if 1200 calories was right and were told that you could/should be eating more.

    If your deficit is too great, you are likely to burn yourself out quicker.
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    I am - add me if you like
  • hickpony
    hickpony Posts: 5 Member
    SawahTeal wrote: »
    I try to do 1200. It just seems unrealistic for me. I end up giving up and going crazy after a week. For me, I do around 1500 to not lose my mind.

    Agreed! I can have half of my allowance by breakfast and then it's not even as big as my breakfasts used to be. I feel like I'm starving myself trying to get to 1200!
  • hickpony
    hickpony Posts: 5 Member
    I did it for 6 months. Went to bed hungry, woke up hungry. Lost 36 pounds. Stopped blood pressure medicine. Stopped cholesterol medicine. So worth it!

    But.... "Went to bed hungry, woke up hungry." How do you do that???
  • Kaysteroni
    Kaysteroni Posts: 43 Member
    I am.. lm a shorty so its the only way for me to lose... ☺️

    I'm short too. I'm 4'9"
  • mcp883
    mcp883 Posts: 4 Member
    hickpony wrote: »
    I did it for 6 months. Went to bed hungry, woke up hungry. Lost 36 pounds. Stopped blood pressure medicine. Stopped cholesterol medicine. So worth it!

    But.... "Went to bed hungry, woke up hungry." How do you do that???

    You shouldn't be going to bed hungry at least not every night
  • jacksonkris8
    jacksonkris8 Posts: 51 Member
    edited November 2016
    A hungry body will keep holding onto the fat... you have to feed it if you want it to go
  • mcp883
    mcp883 Posts: 4 Member
    I've stuck mostly to 1200 a day and I've lost 20 pounds in 2 months. It can work if your careful with what you eat I. E fillling heathly food and I think it's not too difficult to maintain longterm. But this 2nd month I've cheated too many times and haven't lost as much as I could. Trying not to let it get me down though. Good luck with your regime
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    hickpony wrote: »
    I did it for 6 months. Went to bed hungry, woke up hungry. Lost 36 pounds. Stopped blood pressure medicine. Stopped cholesterol medicine. So worth it!

    But.... "Went to bed hungry, woke up hungry." How do you do that???

    That's not necessarily for weight loss
  • mcp883
    mcp883 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been doing 1200 since August -- most days I make between 1100 and 1200 and it has worked! I started at 152, set a goal weight loss of 20 lbs, and now have increased that to 30 lbs. I'm going to make it too -- my CW is 133 (as of this a.m.!) So even though now it's usually 1 lb. /week, I feel like all I need is time. I load up with protein during the day and have a huge salad with veggies and fish (usually salmon) or chicken at night -- and a glass of red wine! Greens and veggies keep me full enough. And I walk/run (with a very energetic dog) every day. Tracking the calories has been the only way I've been able to lose, and that is motivation for me. The clothes are looser (and some are fitting that haven't) and I feel so much lighter -- I never want to go back, so it's been easy to avoid the sugar and carbs so far but I'm slightly worried about the coming couple of months...

    Same I've been doing OK but Christmas is going to be tough...
  • Kaysteroni
    Kaysteroni Posts: 43 Member
    I'm going to let myself eat a bit more on Christmas but the next day I'm back to my normal calories
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    A hungry body will keep holding onto the fat... you have to feed it if you want it to go

    Second part is partially true, but first part is not true at all. It doesn't work that way. In fact, the two parts of the sentence contradict each other.

    "A hungry body will keep holding onto the fat" = hungry body can do work without energy (i.e., without consuming enough calories and without tapping energy stores) -- unless you're trying to imply that hungry body will preferentially break down muscle and organs for energy rather than fat, even if fat is abundant.

    "you have to feed it if you it to go" = body won't be able to do things without energy (true--but see how it contradicts the first part of the sentence?) and the only way to get energy to do things is by feeding it (not true--body can also use energy stored in fat, muscle, etc.). But yes, if you want to function optimally, have energy for productive workouts, etc., you don't want to consistently have too large a deficit.

    Whether anyone's personal experience of feeling hungry equals too large a deficit, and what constitutes too large a deficit, is going to vary from person to person.